Fix #1 - Adjust force calculation

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Robert Machmer 2016-01-12 15:04:46 +01:00
parent b8dab695bc
commit 65d78b3ca9

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@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ local current = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '');
local Node = {};
local FORCE_SPRING = -0.01;
local FORCE_CHARGE = 100000;
local FORCE_SPRING = 0.005;
local FORCE_CHARGE = 200;
local FORCE_MAX = 4;
local NODE_SPEED = 8;
local NODE_SPEED = 128;
local DAMPING_FACTOR = 0.95;
local DEFAULT_MASS = 0.05;
local DEFAULT_MASS = 3;
-- @param id - A unique id which will be used to reference this node.
@ -46,17 +46,37 @@ function id, x, y, anchor )
ay = clamp( -FORCE_MAX, ay + fy, FORCE_MAX );
-- Calculates the manhattan distance from the node's coordinates to the
-- target coordinates.
-- @param tx - The target coordinate in x-direction.
-- @param ty - The target coordinate in y-direction.
local function getManhattanDistance( tx, ty )
return px - tx, py - ty;
-- Calculates the actual distance vector between the node's current
-- coordinates and the target coordinates based on the manhattan distance.
-- @param dx - The horizontal distance.
-- @param dy - The vertical distance.
local function getRealDistance( dx, dy )
return math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy ) + 0.1;
-- Attract this node to another node.
-- @param node - The node to use for force calculation.
function self:attractTo( node )
local dx, dy = px - node:getX(), py - node:getY();
local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
local dx, dy = getManhattanDistance( node:getPosition() );
local distance = getRealDistance( dx, dy );
dx = dx / distance;
dy = dy / distance;
local strength = FORCE_SPRING * distance;
local strength = -1 * FORCE_SPRING * distance * 0.5;
applyForce( dx * strength, dy * strength );
@ -65,12 +85,12 @@ function id, x, y, anchor )
-- @param node - The node to use for force calculation.
function self:repelFrom( node )
local dx, dy = px - node:getX(), py - node:getY();
local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
local dx, dy = getManhattanDistance( node:getPosition() );
local distance = getRealDistance( dx, dy );
dx = dx / distance;
dy = dy / distance;
local strength = FORCE_CHARGE * ( mass / ( distance * distance ));
local strength = FORCE_CHARGE * (( mass * node:getMass() ) / ( distance * distance ));
applyForce(dx * strength, dy * strength);
@ -119,6 +139,10 @@ function id, x, y, anchor )
mass = nmass;
function self:getMass()
return mass;
return self;