# Graphoon A force directed algorithm written in Lua. ## Basic Usage The basic idea is that you create a new graph object, to which you can then add nodes and edges. ``` local GraphLibrary = require('Graphoon').Graph graph = GraphLibrary.new() graph:addNode( "Ash Williams" ) graph:addNode( "Necronomicon" ) graph:connectIDs( "Ash Williams", "Necronomicon" ) ``` By itself Graphoon only provides functionality for creating the graph and calculating the layout based on physical attraction and repulsion forces. It provides a ```draw``` and ```update``` function, which can be used to easily write your own rendering code. The ```draw``` function should be called with two callback functions. The first callback will be used for all nodes and the second one for all the edges. ``` graph:draw( function( node ) local x, y = node:getPosition() drawCircle( 'fill', x, y, 10 ) end, function( edge ) local ox, oy = edge.origin:getPosition() local tx, ty = edge.target:getPosition() drawLine( ox, oy, tx, ty ) end) ``` At its simplest the force calculations can be updated via ```graph:update( dt )```, but the ```update``` function also can receive optional callbacks for both nodes and edges. ## Advanced usage ### Using anchors Anchors can be used to attach a node to a certain position on the screen. This can be useful if you want to center a certain node for example. This can either be done directly via the constructor of the node: ``` -- Anchor the node to the center of the screen. graph:addNode( "Ash Williams", screenX * 0.5, screenY * 0.5, true ) ``` Or by using the ```setAnchor``` function: ``` -- Invert anchor status node:setAnchor( not node:isAnchor() ) ```