local Node = {}; local FORCE_SPRING = -0.01; local FORCE_CHARGE = 100000; local FORCE_MAX = 4; local NODE_SPEED = 8; local DAMPING_FACTOR = 0.95; local DEFAULT_MASS = 0.05; --- -- @param id - A unique id which will be used to reference this node. -- function Node.new( id, x, y ) local self = {}; local px, py = x or 0, y or 0; local ax, ay = 0, 0; local vx, vy = 0, 0; --- -- Clamps a value to a certain range. -- @param min -- @param val -- @param max -- local function clamp( min, val, max ) return math.max( min, math.min( val, max ) ); end --- -- Calculates the new xy-acceleration for this node. -- The values are clamped to keep the graph from "exploding". -- @param fx - The force to apply in x-direction. -- @param fy - The force to apply in y-direction. -- local function applyForce( fx, fy ) ax = clamp( -FORCE_MAX, ax + fx, FORCE_MAX ); ay = clamp( -FORCE_MAX, ay + fy, FORCE_MAX ); end function self:attractTo( node ) local dx, dy = px - node:getX(), py - node:getY(); local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = dx / distance; dy = dy / distance; local strength = FORCE_SPRING * distance; applyForce( dx * strength, dy * strength ); end function self:repelFrom( node ) local dx, dy = px - node:getX(), py - node:getY(); local distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx = dx / distance; dy = dy / distance; local strength = FORCE_CHARGE * (DEFAULT_MASS / (distance * distance)); applyForce(dx * strength, dy * strength); end --- -- Update the node's position based on the calculated velocity and -- acceleration. -- function self:move( dt ) vx = (vx + ax * dt * NODE_SPEED) * DAMPING_FACTOR; vy = (vy + ay * dt * NODE_SPEED) * DAMPING_FACTOR; px = px + vx; py = py + vy; ax, ay = 0, 0; end --- -- Returns the node's unique identifier. -- function self:getID() return id; end function self:getX() return px; end function self:getY() return py; end function self:getPosition() return px, py; end function self:setPosition( nx, ny ) px, py = nx, ny; end return self; end return Node;