Robert Machmer 7901ac1381 Add setters for replacing the default Edge and Node classes
This can be handy if the user wants to extend the functionality of those
classes. They can simply be inherited in a new class with that new class
being used in the Graph then.
2016-01-09 05:06:54 +01:00

262 lines
7.9 KiB

local current = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '');
local Node = require(current .. '.Node');
local Edge = require(current .. '.Edge');
local Graph = {};
local self = {};
local nodes = {};
local edges = {};
local edgeIDs = 0;
local minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Local Functions
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Sets the graph's boundaries to nil.
local function resetBoundaries()
minX, maxX, minY, maxY = nil, nil, nil, nil;
-- @param minX - The current minimum x position.
-- @param maxX - The current maximum y position.
-- @param minY - The current minimum x position.
-- @param maxY - The current maximum y position.
-- @param nx - The new x position to check.
-- @param ny - The new y position to check.
local function updateBoundaries( minX, maxX, minY, maxY, nx, ny )
return math.min( minX or nx, nx ), math.max( maxX or nx, nx ), math.min( minY or ny, ny ), math.max( maxY or ny, ny );
-- Adds a new edge between two nodes.
-- @param origin - The node from which the edge originates.
-- @param target - The node to which the edge is pointing to.
local function addEdge( origin, target )
for _, edge in pairs( edges ) do
if edge.origin == origin and == target then
error "Trying to connect nodes which are already connected.";
assert( origin ~= target, "Tried to connect a node with itself." );
edges[edgeIDs] = edgeIDs, origin, target );
edgeIDs = edgeIDs + 1;
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Public Functions
-- ------------------------------------------------
-- Creates a new graph based on the information passed via the table
-- parameter. It creates all nodes and connects them via edges.
-- @param table - A table containing information about nodes and edges.
-- @param x - The minimum x value to use when randomly spawning nodes.
-- @param y - The minimum y value to use when randomly spawning nodes.
-- @param w - The maximum x value to use when randomly spawning nodes.
-- @param h - The maximum y value to use when randomly spawning nodes.
function self:create( table, x, y, w, h )
math.randomseed( os.time() );
for _, node in pairs( table.nodes ) do
local rx, ry = math.random( x, w ), math.random( y, h );
if type( node ) == 'string' then
self:addNode( node, rx, ry );
elseif type( node ) == 'table' then
self:addNode(, node.x or rx, node.y or ry, node.anchor );
for _, edge in pairs( table.edges ) do
addEdge( nodes[edge.origin], nodes[] );
-- Add a node to the graph.
-- @param id - The ID will be used to reference the Node inside of the graph.
-- @param x - The x coordinate the Node should be spawned at (optional).
-- @param y - The y coordinate the Node should be spawned at (optional).
-- @param anchor - Wether the node should be locked in place or not (optional).
function self:addNode( id, x, y, anchor )
assert( not nodes[id], "Node IDs must be unique." );
nodes[id] = id, x, y, anchor );
return nodes[id];
-- Remove a node from the graph.
-- This will also remove all edges pointing to or originating from this node.
-- @param node - The node to remove from the graph.
function self:removeNode( node )
nodes[node:getID()] = nil;
self:removeEdges( node );
-- Adds a new edge between two nodes.
-- @param origin - The node from which the edge originates.
-- @param target - The node to which the edge is pointing to.
function self:connectNodes( origin, target )
addEdge( origin, target );
-- Adds a new edge between two nodes referenced by their IDs.
-- @param origin - The node id from which the edge originates.
-- @param target - The node id to which the edge is pointing to.
function self:connectIDs( originID, targetID )
addEdge( nodes[originID], nodes[targetID] );
-- Removes all edges leading to or originating from a node.
-- @param node - The node to remove all edges from.
function self:removeEdges( node )
for id, edge in pairs( edges ) do
if edge.origin == node or == node then
edges[id] = nil;
-- Updates the graph.
-- @param dt - The delta time between frames.
function self:update( dt )
for _, edge in pairs( edges ) do
edge.origin:attractTo( ); edge.origin );
for _, nodeA in pairs( nodes ) do
if not nodeA:isAnchor() then
for _, nodeB in pairs( nodes ) do
if nodeA ~= nodeB then
nodeA:repelFrom( nodeB );
nodeA:move( dt );
minX, maxX, minY, maxY = updateBoundaries( minX, maxX, minY, maxY, nodeA:getPosition() );
-- Checks if the id points to an existing node.
-- @param id - The id to check for.
function self:exists( id )
return nodes[id] ~= nil;
-- This function receives a single parameter of type function to which it
-- will pass the edges and nodes tables. This means the user has to provide
-- his own drawing function.
-- @param func - The function to pass the tables to.
function self:draw( func )
func( edges, nodes );
-- Checks if a certain Node ID already exists.
-- @param id - The id to check for.
function self:hasNode( id )
return nodes[id] ~= nil;
-- Returns the node the id is pointing to.
-- @param id - The id to check for.
function self:getNode( id )
return nodes[id];
-- Gets a node at a certain point in the graph.
-- @param x - The x coordinate to check.
-- @param y - The y coordinate to check.
-- @param range - The range in which to check around the given coordinates.
function self:getNodeAt(x, y, range)
for _, node in pairs( nodes ) do
local nx, ny = node:getPosition();
if x < nx + range and x > nx - range and y < ny + range and y > ny - range then
return node;
-- Returns the graph's minimum and maxmimum x and y values.
function self:getBoundaries()
return minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
-- Returns the x and y coordinates of the graph's center.
function self:getCenter()
return ( ( maxX - minX ) * 0.5 ) + minX, ( ( maxY - minY ) * 0.5 ) + minY;
-- Turn a node into an anchor.
-- Anchored nodes have fixed positions and can't be moved by the physical
-- forces.
-- @param id - The node's id.
-- @param x - The x coordinate to anchor the node to.
-- @param y - The x coordinate to anchor the node to.
function self:setAnchor( id, x, y )
nodes[id]:setPosition( x, y );
nodes[id]:setAnchor( true );
return self;
-- Replaces the default Edge class with a custom one.
-- @param class - The custom Edge class to use.
function Graph.setEdgeClass( class )
Edge = class;
-- Replaces the default Node class with a custom one.
-- @param class - The custom Node class to use.
function Graph.setNodeClass( class )
Node = class;
return Graph;