--[[ Copyright (c) 2011 Matthias Richter Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local math_min, math_sqrt, math_huge = math.min, math.sqrt, math.huge local _PACKAGE, common_local = (...):match("^(.+)%.[^%.]+"), common if not (type(common) == 'table' and common.class and common.instance) then assert(common_class ~= false, 'No class commons specification available.') require(_PACKAGE .. '.class') end local vector = require(_PACKAGE .. '.vector-light') local Polygon = require(_PACKAGE .. '.polygon') local GJK = require(_PACKAGE .. '.gjk') -- actual collision detection -- reset global table `common' (required by class commons) if common_local ~= common then common_local, common = common, common_local end -- -- base class -- local Shape = {} function Shape:init(t) self._type = t self._rotation = 0 end function Shape:moveTo(x,y) local cx,cy = self:center() self:move(x - cx, y - cy) end function Shape:rotation() return self._rotation end function Shape:rotate(angle) self._rotation = self._rotation + angle end function Shape:setRotation(angle, x,y) return self:rotate(angle - self._rotation, x,y) end -- -- class definitions -- local ConvexPolygonShape = {} function ConvexPolygonShape:init(polygon) Shape.init(self, 'polygon') assert(polygon:isConvex(), "Polygon is not convex.") self._polygon = polygon end local ConcavePolygonShape = {} function ConcavePolygonShape:init(poly) Shape.init(self, 'compound') self._polygon = poly self._shapes = poly:splitConvex() for i,s in ipairs(self._shapes) do self._shapes[i] = common_local.instance(ConvexPolygonShape, s) end end local CircleShape = {} function CircleShape:init(cx,cy, radius) Shape.init(self, 'circle') self._center = {x = cx, y = cy} self._radius = radius end local PointShape = {} function PointShape:init(x,y) Shape.init(self, 'point') self._pos = {x = x, y = y} end -- -- collision functions -- function ConvexPolygonShape:support(dx,dy) local v = self._polygon.vertices local max, vmax = -math_huge for i = 1,#v do local d = vector.dot(v[i].x,v[i].y, dx,dy) if d > max then max, vmax = d, v[i] end end return vmax.x, vmax.y end function CircleShape:support(dx,dy) return vector.add(self._center.x, self._center.y, vector.mul(self._radius, vector.normalize(dx,dy))) end -- collision dispatching: -- let circle shape or compund shape handle the collision function ConvexPolygonShape:collidesWith(other) if self == other then return false end if other._type ~= 'polygon' then local collide, sx,sy = other:collidesWith(self) return collide, sx and -sx, sy and -sy end -- else: type is POLYGON return GJK(self, other) end function ConcavePolygonShape:collidesWith(other) if self == other then return false end if other._type == 'point' then return other:collidesWith(self) end -- TODO: better way of doing this. report all the separations? local collide,dx,dy = false,0,0 for _,s in ipairs(self._shapes) do local status, sx,sy = s:collidesWith(other) collide = collide or status if status then if math.abs(dx) < math.abs(sx) then dx = sx end if math.abs(dy) < math.abs(sy) then dy = sy end end end return collide, dx, dy end function CircleShape:collidesWith(other) if self == other then return false end if other._type == 'circle' then local px,py = self._center.x-other._center.x, self._center.y-other._center.y local d = vector.len2(px,py) local radii = self._radius + other._radius if d < radii*radii then -- if circles overlap, push it out upwards if d == 0 then return true, 0,radii end -- otherwise push out in best direction return true, vector.mul(radii - math_sqrt(d), vector.normalize(px,py)) end return false elseif other._type == 'polygon' then return GJK(self, other) end -- else: let the other shape decide local collide, sx,sy = other:collidesWith(self) return collide, sx and -sx, sy and -sy end function PointShape:collidesWith(other) if self == other then return false end if other._type == 'point' then return (self._pos == other._pos), 0,0 end return other:contains(self._pos.x, self._pos.y), 0,0 end -- -- point location/ray intersection -- function ConvexPolygonShape:contains(x,y) return self._polygon:contains(x,y) end function ConcavePolygonShape:contains(x,y) return self._polygon:contains(x,y) end function CircleShape:contains(x,y) return vector.len2(x-self._center.x, y-self._center.y) < self._radius * self._radius end function PointShape:contains(x,y) return x == self._pos.x and y == self._pos.y end function ConcavePolygonShape:intersectsRay(x,y, dx,dy) return self._polygon:intersectsRay(x,y, dx,dy) end function ConvexPolygonShape:intersectsRay(x,y, dx,dy) return self._polygon:intersectsRay(x,y, dx,dy) end -- circle intersection if distance of ray/center is smaller -- than radius. -- with r(s) = p + d*s = (x,y) + (dx,dy) * s defining the ray and -- (x - cx)^2 + (y - cy)^2 = r^2, this problem is eqivalent to -- solving [with c = (cx,cy)]: -- -- d*d s^2 + 2 d*(p-c) s + (p-c)*(p-c)-r^2 = 0 function CircleShape:intersectsRay(x,y, dx,dy) local pcx,pcy = x-self._center.x, y-self._center.y local a = vector.len2(dx,dy) local b = 2 * vector.dot(dx,dy, pcx,pcy) local c = vector.len2(pcx,pcy) - self._radius * self._radius local discr = b*b - 4*a*c if discr < 0 then return false end discr = math_sqrt(discr) local s1,s2 = discr-b, -discr-b if s1 < 0 then -- first solution is off the ray return s2 >= 0, s2/(2*a) elseif s2 < 0 then -- second solution is off the ray return s1 >= 0, s1/(2*a) end -- both solutions on the ray return true, math_min(s1,s2)/(2*a) end -- point shape intersects ray if it lies on the ray function PointShape:intersectsRay(x,y,dx,dy) local px,py = self._pos.x-x, self._pos.y-y local t = vector.dot(px,py, dx,dy) / vector.len2(dx,dy) return t >= 0, t end -- -- auxiliary -- function ConvexPolygonShape:center() return self._polygon.centroid.x, self._polygon.centroid.y end function ConcavePolygonShape:center() return self._polygon.centroid.x, self._polygon.centroid.y end function CircleShape:center() return self._center.x, self._center.y end function PointShape:center() return self._pos.x, self._pos.y end function ConvexPolygonShape:outcircle() local cx,cy = self:center() return cx,cy, self._polygon._radius end function ConcavePolygonShape:outcircle() local cx,cy = self:center() return cx,cy, self._polygon._radius end function CircleShape:outcircle() local cx,cy = self:center() return cx,cy, self._radius end function PointShape:outcircle() return self._pos.x, self._pos.y, 0 end function ConvexPolygonShape:bbox() return self._polygon:bbox() end function ConcavePolygonShape:bbox() return self._polygon:bbox() end function CircleShape:bbox() local cx,cy = self:center() local r = self._radius return cx-r,cy-r, cx+r,cy+r end function PointShape:bbox() local x,y = self:center() return x,y,x,y end function ConvexPolygonShape:move(x,y) self._polygon:move(x,y) end function ConcavePolygonShape:move(x,y) self._polygon:move(x,y) for _,p in ipairs(self._shapes) do p:move(x,y) end end function CircleShape:move(x,y) self._center.x = self._center.x + x self._center.y = self._center.y + y end function PointShape:move(x,y) self._pos.x = self._pos.x + x self._pos.y = self._pos.y + y end function ConcavePolygonShape:rotate(angle,cx,cy) Shape.rotate(self, angle) if not (cx and cy) then cx,cy = self:center() end self._polygon:rotate(angle,cx,cy) for _,p in ipairs(self._shapes) do p:rotate(angle, cx,cy) end end function ConvexPolygonShape:rotate(angle, cx,cy) Shape.rotate(self, angle) self._polygon:rotate(angle, cx, cy) end function CircleShape:rotate(angle, cx,cy) Shape.rotate(self, angle) if not (cx and cy) then return end self._center.x,self._center.y = vector.add(cx,cy, vector.rotate(angle, self._center.x-cx, self._center.y-cy)) end function PointShape:rotate(angle, cx,cy) Shape.rotate(self, angle) if not (cx and cy) then return end self._pos.x,self._pos.y = vector.add(cx,cy, vector.rotate(angle, self._pos.x-cx, self._pos.y-cy)) end function ConcavePolygonShape:scale(s) assert(type(s) == "number" and s > 0, "Invalid argument. Scale must be greater than 0") local cx,cy = self:center() self._polygon:scale(s, cx,cy) for _, p in ipairs(self._shapes) do local dx,dy = vector.sub(cx,cy, p:center()) p:scale(s) p:moveTo(cx-dx*s, cy-dy*s) end end function ConvexPolygonShape:scale(s) assert(type(s) == "number" and s > 0, "Invalid argument. Scale must be greater than 0") self._polygon:scale(s, self:center()) end function CircleShape:scale(s) assert(type(s) == "number" and s > 0, "Invalid argument. Scale must be greater than 0") self._radius = self._radius * s end function PointShape:scale() -- nothing end function ConvexPolygonShape:draw(mode) mode = mode or 'line' love.graphics.polygon(mode, self._polygon:unpack()) end function ConcavePolygonShape:draw(mode, wireframe) local mode = mode or 'line' if mode == 'line' then love.graphics.polygon('line', self._polygon:unpack()) if not wireframe then return end end for _,p in ipairs(self._shapes) do love.graphics.polygon(mode, p._polygon:unpack()) end end function CircleShape:draw(mode, segments) love.graphics.circle(mode or 'line', self:outcircle()) end function PointShape:draw() love.graphics.point(self:center()) end Shape = common_local.class('Shape', Shape) ConvexPolygonShape = common_local.class('ConvexPolygonShape', ConvexPolygonShape, Shape) ConcavePolygonShape = common_local.class('ConcavePolygonShape', ConcavePolygonShape, Shape) CircleShape = common_local.class('CircleShape', CircleShape, Shape) PointShape = common_local.class('PointShape', PointShape, Shape) local function newPolygonShape(polygon, ...) -- create from coordinates if needed if type(polygon) == "number" then polygon = common_local.instance(Polygon, polygon, ...) else polygon = polygon:clone() end if polygon:isConvex() then return common_local.instance(ConvexPolygonShape, polygon) end return common_local.instance(ConcavePolygonShape, polygon) end local function newCircleShape(...) return common_local.instance(CircleShape, ...) end local function newPointShape(...) return common_local.instance(PointShape, ...) end return { ConcavePolygonShape = ConcavePolygonShape, ConvexPolygonShape = ConvexPolygonShape, CircleShape = CircleShape, PointShape = PointShape, newPolygonShape = newPolygonShape, newCircleShape = newCircleShape, newPointShape = newPointShape, }