2015-10-09 23:10:15 +02:00

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polygon = require 'HC.polygon'
Polygon class with some handy algorithms. Does not provide collision detection
- this functionality is provided by :func:`newPolygonShape` instead.
.. class:: Polygon(x1,y1, ..., xn,yn)
:param numbers x1,y1, ..., xn,yn: The corners of the polygon. At least three corners are needed.
:returns: The polygon object.
Construct a polygon.
At least three points that are not collinear (i.e. not lying on a straight
line) are needed to construct the polygon. If there are collinear points, these
points will be removed. The shape of the polygon is not changed.
.. note::
The syntax depends on used class system. The shown syntax works when using
the bundled `hump.class <http://vrld.github.com/hump/#hump.class>`_ or
`slither <https://bitbucket.org/bartbes/slither>`_.
Polygon = require 'HC.polygon'
poly = Polygon(10,10, 40,50, 70,10, 40,30)
.. function:: Polygon:unpack()
:returns: ``x1,y1, ..., xn,yn`` - The vertices of the polygon.
Get the polygon's vertices. Useful for drawing with ``love.graphics.polygon()``.
love.graphics.draw('line', poly:unpack())
.. function:: Polygon:clone()
:returns: A copy of the polygon.
Get a copy of the polygon.
.. note::
Since Lua uses references when simply assigning an existing polygon to a
variable, unexpected things can happen when operating on the variable. Consider
this code::
p1 = Polygon(10,10, 40,50, 70,10, 40,30)
p2 = p1 -- p2 is a reference
p3 = p1:clone() -- p3 is a clone
p2:rotate(math.pi) -- p1 will be rotated, too!
p3:rotate(-math.pi) -- only p3 will be rotated
copy = poly:clone()
.. function:: Polygon:bbox()
:returns: ``x1, y1, x2, y2`` - Corners of the counding box.
Get axis aligned bounding box.
``x1, y1`` defines the upper left corner, while ``x2, y2`` define the lower
right corner.
x1,y1,x2,y2 = poly:bbox()
-- draw bounding box
love.graphics.rectangle('line', x1,y2, x2-x1, y2-y1)
.. function:: Polygon:isConvex()
:returns: ``true`` if the polygon is convex, ``false`` otherwise.
Test if a polygon is convex, i.e. a line line between any two points inside the
polygon will lie in the interior of the polygon.
-- split into convex sub polygons
if not poly:isConvex() then
list = poly:splitConvex()
list = {poly:clone()}
.. function:: Polygon:move(x,y)
:param numbers x, y: Coordinates of the direction to move.
Move a polygon in a direction..
poly:move(10,-5) -- move 10 units right and 5 units up
.. function:: Polygon:rotate(angle[, cx, cy])
:param number angle: The angle to rotate in radians.
:param numbers cx, cy: The rotation center (optional).
Rotate the polygon. You can define a rotation center. If it is omitted, the
polygon will be rotated around it's centroid.
p1:rotate(math.pi/2) -- rotate p1 by 90° around it's center
p2:rotate(math.pi/4, 100,100) -- rotate p2 by 45° around the point 100,100
.. function:: Polygon:triangulate()
:returns: ``table`` of Polygons: Triangles that the polygon is composed of.
Split the polygon into triangles.
triangles = poly:triangulate()
for i,triangle in ipairs(triangles) do
triangles.move(math.random(5,10), math.random(5,10))
.. function:: Polygon:splitConvex()
:returns: ``table`` of Polygons: Convex polygons that form the original polygon.
Split the polygon into convex sub polygons.
convex = concave_polygon:splitConvex()
function love.draw()
for i,poly in ipairs(convex) do
love.graphics.polygon('fill', poly:unpack())
.. function:: Polygon:mergedWith(other)
:param Polygon other: The polygon to merge with.
:returns: The merged polygon, or nil if the two polygons don't share an edge.
Create a merged polygon of two polygons **if, and only if** the two polygons
share one complete edge. If the polygons share more than one edge, the result
may be erroneous.
This function does not change either polygon, but rather creates a new one.
merged = p1:mergedWith(p2)
.. function:: Polygon:contains(x, y)
:param numbers x, y: Point to test.
:returns: ``true`` if ``x,y`` lies in the interior of the polygon.
Test if the polygon contains a given point.
if button:contains(love.mouse.getPosition()) then
.. function:: Polygon:intersectionsWithRay(x, y, dx, dy)
:param numbers x, y: Starting point of the ray.
:param numbers dx, dy: Direction of the ray.
:returns: Table of ray parameters.
Test if the polygon intersects the given ray.
The ray parameters of the intersections are returned as a table.
The position of the intersections can be computed as
``(x,y) + ray_parameter * (dx, dy)``.
.. function:: Polygon:intersectsRay(x, y, dx, dy)
:param numbers x, y: Starting point of the ray.
:param numbers dx, dy: Direction of the ray.
:returns: ``intersects, ray_parameter`` - intersection indicator and ray paremter.
Test if the polygon intersects a ray.
If the shape intersects the ray, the point of intersection can be computed by
``(x,y) + ray_parameter * (dx, dy)``.
if poly:intersectsRay(400,300, dx,dy) then
love.graphics.setLine(2) -- highlight polygon