--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2012 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ -- templates library loveframes.templates = {} -- available templates loveframes.templates.available = {} -- objects loveframes.templates.objects = {} --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: AddProperty(templatename, property, value) - desc: creates a property within the specified template and assigns it to the specified object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.templates.AddProperty(templatename, object, property, value) -- display and error if name is nil or false if not templatename then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: No template name given.") end -- display and error if property is nil or false if not property then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: No property name given.") end -- display and error if value is nil or false if not value then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: No property value given.") end local templatename = tostring(templatename) local property = tostring(property) local templates = loveframes.templates.available local template = templates[templatename] -- display an error message if the property is not a string if type(property) ~= "string" then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: Property names must be strings.") end -- display an error message if the property is an empty string if property == "" then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: Property names must not be empty.") end -- display an error message if the template is invalid if not template then loveframes.util.Error("Could not add property '" ..property.. "' to template '" ..templatename.. "': Invalid template.") end local properties = template.properties local object = properties[object] if not object then loveframes.util.Error("Could not add property '" ..property.. "' to template '" ..templatename.. "': Invalid object.") end -- create the property within the template object[property] = value end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: Register(template) - desc: registers a template --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.templates.Register(template) -- display and error message if template is nil or false if not template then loveframes.util.Error("Could not register template: Missing template argument.") end -- display an error message if template is not a table if type(template) ~= "table" then loveframes.util.Error("Could not register template: Template argument must be a table.") end local templates = loveframes.templates.available local registeredobjects = loveframes.templates.objects local name = template.name local properties = template.properties local objects = loveframes.objects local base = objects["base"] local found = false local foundall = false -- display an error message if a template name was not given if not name then loveframes.util.Error("Could not register template: No template name given.") end if name == "Base" then base:include(template.properties["*"]) end -- insert the template into the available templates table templates[name] = template end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: Get(name) - desc: gets a template --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.templates.Get(name) -- display and error if name is nil or false if not name then loveframes.util.Error("Could not create property: No template name given.") end local name = tostring(name) local templates = loveframes.templates.available local template = templates[name] -- display an error message if the template is invalid if not template then loveframes.util.Error("Could not get template: Invalid template.") end -- return the template return template end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetAvailable() - desc: gets all available templates --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.templates.GetAvailable() -- available templates local templates = loveframes.templates.available -- return the templates return templates end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: loveframes.templates.ApplyToObject(object) - desc: applies the properties of registered templates to an object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.templates.ApplyToObject(object) local templates = loveframes.templates.GetAvailable() local type = object.type -- loop through all available templates for k, v in pairs(templates) do -- make sure the base template doesn't get applied more than once if k ~= "Base" then local properties = v.properties local hasall = loveframes.util.TableHasKey(properties, "*") local hasobject = false if not hasall then hasobject = loveframes.util.TableHasKey(properties, type) end if hasall then for k, v in pairs(properties["*"]) do object[k] = v end elseif hasobject then -- apply the template properties to the object for k, v in pairs(properties[type]) do object[k] = v end end end end end