--[[------------------------------------------------ -- LÖVE Frames -- -- By Nikolai Resokav -- --]]------------------------------------------------ -- textinput clas textinput = class("textinput", base) textinput:include(loveframes.templates.default) --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: initialize() - desc: initializes the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:initialize() self.type = "textinput" self.text = "" self.keydown = "none" self.font = love.graphics.newFont(12) self.textcolor = {0, 0, 0, 255} self.width = 200 self.height = 25 self.delay = 0 self.xoffset = 0 self.blink = 0 self.blinknum = 0 self.blinkx = 0 self.blinky = 0 self.textx = 0 self.texty = 0 self.textxoffset = 0 self.textyoffset = 0 self.unicode = 0 self.showblink = true self.focus = false self.internal = false self.OnEnter = nil self.OnTextEntered = nil end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: update(deltatime) - desc: updates the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:update(dt) if self.visible == false then if self.alwaysupdate == false then return end end local time = love.timer.getTime() self:CheckHover() -- move to parent if there is a parent if self.parent ~= loveframes.base then self.x = self.parent.x + self.staticx self.y = self.parent.y + self.staticy end if self.keydown ~= "none" then if time > self.delay then self:RunKey(self.keydown, self.unicode) self.delay = time + 0.02 end end self:PositionText() self:RunBlink() if self.Update then self.Update(self, dt) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: draw() - desc: draws the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:draw() if self.visible == false then return end loveframes.drawcount = loveframes.drawcount + 1 self.draworder = loveframes.drawcount -- skin variables local index = loveframes.config["ACTIVESKIN"] local defaultskin = loveframes.config["DEFAULTSKIN"] local selfskin = self.skin local skin = loveframes.skins.available[selfskin] or loveframes.skins.available[index] or loveframes.skins.available[defaultskin] local stencilfunc = function() love.graphics.rectangle("fill", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) end local stencil = love.graphics.newStencil(stencilfunc) love.graphics.setStencil(stencil) if self.Draw ~= nil then self.Draw(self) else skin.DrawTextInput(self) end love.graphics.setFont(self.font) love.graphics.setColor(unpack(self.textcolor)) love.graphics.print(self.text, self.textx, self.texty) love.graphics.setStencil() end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousepressed(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player presses a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:mousepressed(x, y, button) if self.visible == false then return end if button ~= "l" then return end if self.hover == true then local baseparent = self:GetBaseParent() if baseparent and baseparent.type == "frame" then baseparent:MakeTop() end self.focus = true else self.focus = false end self:GetTextCollisions(x, y) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousereleased(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player releases a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:mousereleased(x, y, button) if self.visible == false then return end if button ~= "l" then return end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: keypressed(key) - desc: called when the player presses a key --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:keypressed(key, unicode) if self.visible == false then return end self.delay = love.timer.getTime() + 0.80 self.keydown = key self:RunKey(key, unicode) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: keyreleased(key) - desc: called when the player releases a key --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:keyreleased(key) if self.visible == false then return end self.keydown = "none" end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: RunKey(key, unicode) - desc: runs a key event on the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:RunKey(key, unicode) local text = self.text local ckey = "" local font = self.font local swidth = self.width local twidth = font:getWidth(self.text) local textxoffset = self.textxoffset self.unicode = unicode if self.visible == false then return end if self.focus == false then return end if key == "left" then self:MoveBlinker(-1) if self.blinkx <= self.x and self.blinknum ~= 0 then local width = self.font:getWidth(self.text:sub(self.blinknum, self.blinknum + 1)) self.xoffset = self.xoffset + width elseif self.blinknum == 0 and self.xoffset ~= 0 then self.xoffset = 0 end elseif key == "right" then self:MoveBlinker(1) if self.blinkx >= self.x + self.width and self.blinknum ~= #self.text then local width = self.font:getWidth(self.text:sub(self.blinknum, self.blinknum)) self.xoffset = self.xoffset - width elseif self.blinknum == #self.text and self.xoffset ~= ((0 - font:getWidth(self.text)) + self.width) then self.xoffset = ((0 - font:getWidth(self.text)) + self.width) end end -- key input checking system if key == "backspace" then if text ~= "" then self.text = self:RemoveFromeText(self.blinknum) self:MoveBlinker(-1) end elseif key == "return" then if self.OnEnter ~= nil then self.OnEnter(self, self.text) end else if unicode > 31 and unicode < 127 then ckey = string.char(unicode) if self.blinknum ~= 0 and self.blinknum ~= #self.text then self.text = self:AddIntoText(unicode, self.blinknum) self:MoveBlinker(1) else self.text = text .. ckey self:MoveBlinker(1) end if self.OnTextEntered then self.OnTextEntered(self, ckey) end end end if key == "backspace" then local cwidth = font:getWidth(self.text:sub(#self.text)) if self.xoffset ~= 0 then self.xoffset = self.xoffset + cwidth end else local cwidth = font:getWidth(ckey) -- swidth - 1 is for the "-" character if (twidth + textxoffset) >= (swidth - 1) then self.xoffset = self.xoffset - cwidth end end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: MoveBlinker(num, exact) - desc: moves the object's blinker --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:MoveBlinker(num, exact) if exact == nil or false then self.blinknum = self.blinknum + num else self.blinknum = num end if self.blinknum > #self.text then self.blinknum = #self.text elseif self.blinknum < 0 then self.blinknum = 0 end self.showblink = true end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: RunBlink() - desc: runs a blink on the object's blinker --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:RunBlink() local time = love.timer.getTime() if self.xoffset > 0 then self.xoffset = 0 end if self.blink < time then if self.showblink == true then self.showblink = false else self.showblink = true end self.blink = time + 0.50 end local width = 0 for i=1, self.blinknum do width = width + self.font:getWidth(self.text:sub(i, i)) end self.blinkx = self.textx + width self.blinky = self.texty end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: AddIntoText(t, p) - desc: adds text into the object's text a given position --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:AddIntoText(t, p) local s = self.text local part1 = s:sub(1, p) local part2 = s:sub(p + 1) local new = part1 .. string.char(t) .. part2 return new --print(part1, part2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: RemoveFromeText(p) - desc: removes text from the object's text a given position --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:RemoveFromeText(p) if self.blinknum ~= 0 then local s = self.text local part1 = s:sub(1, p - 1) local part2 = s:sub(p + 1) local new = part1 .. part2 return new end return self.text end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetTextCollisions(x, y) - desc: gets text collisions with the mouse --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:GetTextCollisions(x, y) local font = self.font local text = self.text local xpos = 0 for i=1, #text do local width = font:getWidth(text:sub(i, i)) local height = font:getHeight(text:sub(i, i)) local tx = self.textx + xpos local ty = self.texty local col = loveframes.util.BoundingBox(tx, x, ty, y, width, 1, height, 1) xpos = xpos + width if col == true then self:MoveBlinker(i - 1, true) break end end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: PositionText() - desc: positions the object's text --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:PositionText() self.textx = self.x + self.xoffset + self.textxoffset self.texty = self.y + self.textyoffset end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetTextOffsetX(num) - desc: sets the object's text x offset --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:SetTextOffsetX(num) self.textxoffset = num end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetTextOffsetY(num) - desc: sets the object's text y offset --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:SetTextOffsetY(num) self.textyoffset = num end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetFont(font) - desc: sets the object's font --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:SetFont(font) self.font = font end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetTextColor(color) - desc: sets the object's text color --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:SetTextColor(color) self.textcolor = color end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetFocus(focus) - desc: sets the object's focus --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:SetFocus(focus) self.focus = focus end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetFocus - desc: gets the object's focus --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:GetFocus() return self.focus end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetBlinkerVisibility - desc: gets the object's blinker visibility --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function textinput:GetBlinkerVisibility() return self.showblink end