--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ return function(loveframes) ---------- module start ---------- -- skin table local skin = {} -- skin info (you always need this in a skin) skin.name = "Default" skin.author = "ingsoc451" skin.version = "0.9" local color = function(s, a) return {loveframes.Color(s, a)} end -- Controls skin.controls = {} skin.controls.smallfont = love.graphics.newFont(11) skin.controls.color_image = color"FFFFFF" skin.controls.color_back0 = color"f0f0f0" skin.controls.color_back1 = color"e0e0e0" skin.controls.color_back2 = color"c0c0c0" skin.controls.color_back3 = color"a0a0a0" skin.controls.color_fore0 = color"505050" skin.controls.color_fore1 = color"373737" skin.controls.color_fore2 = color"202020" skin.controls.color_fore3 = color"101010" skin.controls.color_active = color"6298b3" --some blue -- Directives skin.directives = {} skin.directives.text_default_color = skin.controls.color_fore0 local function ParseHeaderText(str, hx, hwidth, tx) local font = love.graphics.getFont() local twidth = love.graphics.getFont():getWidth(str) if (tx + twidth) - hwidth/2 > hx + hwidth then if #str > 1 then return ParseHeaderText(str:sub(1, #str - 1), hx, hwidth, tx, twidth) else return str end else return str end end local function ParseRowText(str, rx, rwidth, tx1, tx2) local twidth = love.graphics.getFont():getWidth(str) if (tx1 + tx2) + twidth > rx + rwidth then if #str > 1 then return ParseRowText(str:sub(1, #str - 1), rx, rwidth, tx1, tx2) else return str end else return str end end function skin.PrintText(text, x, y) love.graphics.print(text, math.floor(x + 0.5), math.floor(y + 0.5)) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height, ovt, ovb, ovl, ovr) - desc: creates and outlined rectangle --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height, ovt, ovb, ovl, ovr) local ovt = ovt or false local ovb = ovb or false local ovl = ovl or false local ovr = ovr or false -- top if not ovt then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, 1) end -- bottom if not ovb then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + height - 1, width, 1) end -- left if not ovl then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, 1, height) end -- right if not ovr then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + width - 1, y, 1, height) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawFrame(object) - desc: draws the frame object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.frame(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:IsTopChild() local name = object:GetName() local icon = object:GetIcon() local font = skin.controls.smallfont local body = skin.controls.color_back0 local top = hover and skin.controls.color_active or skin.controls.color_fore0 local fore = skin.controls.color_back0 local border = skin.controls.color_back1 -- frame body love.graphics.setColor(body) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- frame top bar love.graphics.setColor(top) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, 25) -- frame name section love.graphics.setFont(font) if icon then local iconwidth = icon:getWidth() local iconheight = icon:getHeight() --icon:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) love.graphics.draw(icon, x + 5, y + 5) love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(name, x + iconwidth + 10, y + 5) else love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(name, x + 5, y + 5) end -- frame border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawButton(object) - desc: draws the button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.button(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:GetHover() local text = object:GetText() local font = skin.controls.smallfont local twidth = font:getWidth(object.text) local theight = font:getHeight(object.text) local down = object:GetDown() local checked = object.checked local enabled = object:GetEnabled() local clickable = object:GetClickable() local back, fore, border love.graphics.setFont(font) if not enabled or not clickable then back = skin.controls.color_back1 fore = skin.controls.color_back2 border = skin.controls.color_back2 -- button body love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button text love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height/2 - theight/2) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) return end if object.toggleable then if hover then if down then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 else back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore1 end else if object.toggle then back = skin.controls.color_fore0 fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end end -- button body love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button text love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height/2 - theight/2) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) else if down or checked then back = skin.controls.color_fore0 fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 elseif hover then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore1 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end -- button body love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button text if object.image then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) love.graphics.draw(object.image, x + 5, y + height/2 - object.image:getHeight()/2) end love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height/2 - theight/2) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawCloseButton(object) - desc: draws the close button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.closebutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local parent = object.parent local parentwidth = parent:GetWidth() local hover = object:GetHover() local down = object.down local image = skin.images["close.png"] local fore --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") if down then fore = skin.controls.color_back2 elseif hover then fore = skin.controls.color_back1 else fore = skin.controls.color_back0 end love.graphics.setColor(fore) love.graphics.draw(image, x, y) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawImage(object) - desc: draws the image object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.image(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local orientation = object:GetOrientation() local scalex = object:GetScaleX() local scaley = object:GetScaleY() local offsetx = object:GetOffsetX() local offsety = object:GetOffsetY() local shearx = object:GetShearX() local sheary = object:GetShearY() local image = object.image local imagecolor = object.imagecolor or skin.controls.color_image local stretch = object.stretch if stretch then scalex, scaley = object:GetWidth() / image:getWidth(), object:GetHeight() / image:getHeight() end love.graphics.setColor(imagecolor) love.graphics.draw(image, x, y, orientation, scalex, scaley, offsetx, offsety, shearx, sheary) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawImageButton(object) - desc: draws the image button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.imagebutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local text = object:GetText() local hover = object:GetHover() local image = object:GetImage() local imagecolor = object.imagecolor or skin.controls.color_image local down = object.down local font = skin.controls.smallfont local twidth = font:getWidth(object.text) local theight = font:getHeight(object.text) local checked = object.checked local fore1, fore2 = skin.controls.color_back0 if down then if image then love.graphics.setColor(imagecolor) love.graphics.draw(image, x + 1, y + 1) end love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2 + 1, y + height - theight - 5 + 1) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore3) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2 + 1, y + height - theight - 6 + 1) elseif hover then if image then love.graphics.setColor(imagecolor) love.graphics.draw(image, x, y) end love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height - theight - 5) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore2) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height - theight - 6) else if image then love.graphics.setColor(imagecolor) love.graphics.draw(image, x, y) end love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height - theight - 5) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height - theight - 6) end if checked == true then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) love.graphics.setLineWidth(3) love.graphics.setLineStyle("smooth") love.graphics.rectangle("line", x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawProgressBar(object) - desc: draws the progress bar object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.progressbar(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local value = object:GetValue() local max = object:GetMax() local text = object:GetText() local barwidth = object:GetBarWidth() local font = skin.controls.smallfont local twidth = font:getWidth(text) local theight = font:getHeight("m") -- progress bar body love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, barwidth, height) love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.PrintText(text, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height/2 - theight/2) -- progress bar border love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) object:SetText(value .. "/" ..max) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawScrollArea(object) - desc: draws the scroll area object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.scrollarea(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local bartype = object:GetBarType() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) if bartype == "vertical" then skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height, true, true) elseif bartype == "horizontal" then skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height, false, false, true, true) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawScrollBar(object) - desc: draws the scroll bar object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.scrollbar(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local dragging = object:IsDragging() local hover = object:GetHover() local bartype = object:GetBarType() local back, border if dragging then back = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 elseif hover then back = skin.controls.color_active border = skin.controls.color_fore1 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawScrollBody(object) - desc: draws the scroll body object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.scrollbody(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local bodycolor = skin.controls.scrollbody_body_color love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawScrollButton(object) - desc: draws the scroll button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.scrollbutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:GetHover() local scrolltype = object:GetScrollType() local down = object.down local back, fore, border if down then back = skin.controls.color_fore0 fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 elseif hover then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore1 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end -- button back love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) local image if scrolltype == "up" then image = skin.images["arrow-up.png"] elseif scrolltype == "down" then image = skin.images["arrow-down.png"] elseif scrolltype == "left" then image = skin.images["arrow-left.png"] elseif scrolltype == "right" then image = skin.images["arrow-right.png"] end local imagewidth = image:getWidth() local imageheight = image:getHeight() --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.setColor(fore) love.graphics.draw(image, x + width/2 - imagewidth/2, y + height/2 - imageheight/2) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawSlider(object) - desc: draws the slider object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.slider(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local slidtype = object:GetSlideType() local body = skin.controls.color_back1 local border = skin.controls.color_back3 if slidtype == "horizontal" then love.graphics.setColor(body) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + height/2 - 3, width, 6) love.graphics.setColor(border) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 5, y + height/2 - 1, width - 10, 2) elseif slidtype == "vertical" then love.graphics.setColor(body) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + width/2 - 3, y, 6, height) love.graphics.setColor(border) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + width/2 - 1, y + 5, 2, height - 10) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawSliderButton(object) - desc: draws the slider button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.sliderbutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:GetHover() local down = object.down local parent = object:GetParent() local enabled = parent:GetEnabled() if not enabled then -- button body love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) return end local image = skin.images["slider.png"] local imagewidth = image:getWidth() local imageheight = image:getHeight() --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") local fore if down then fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 elseif hover then fore = skin.controls.color_active else fore = skin.controls.color_back3 end love.graphics.setColor(fore) love.graphics.draw(image, x + (width - imagewidth) / 2, y + (height - imageheight) / 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawPanel(object) - desc: draws the panel object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.panel(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) --love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) --skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawList(object) - desc: draws the list object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.list(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local bodycolor = skin.controls.list_body_color love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) --love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) --skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawList(object) - desc: used to draw over the object and its children --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.list_over(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawTabPanel(object) - desc: draws the tab panel object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.tabpanel(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local buttonheight = object:GetHeightOfButtons() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + buttonheight, width, height - buttonheight) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y + buttonheight - 1, width, height - buttonheight + 2) object:SetScrollButtonSize(15, buttonheight) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawOverTabPanel(object) - desc: draws over the tab panel object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.tabpanel_over(object) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawTabButton(object) - desc: draws the tab button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.tabbutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local hover = object:GetHover() local text = object:GetText() local image = object:GetImage() local tabnumber = object:GetTabNumber() local parent = object:GetParent() local ptabnumber = parent:GetTabNumber() local font = skin.controls.smallfont local twidth = font:getWidth(object.text) local theight = font:getHeight(object.text) local imagewidth = 0 local imageheight = 0 local texthovercolor = skin.controls.button_text_hover_color local textnohovercolor = skin.controls.button_text_nohover_color if image then --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") imagewidth = image:getWidth() imageheight = image:getHeight() object.width = imagewidth + 15 + twidth if imageheight > theight then parent:SetTabHeight(imageheight + 10) object.height = imageheight + 10 else object.height = parent.tabheight end else object.width = 10 + twidth object.height = parent.tabheight end local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local back, fore, border if tabnumber ~= ptabnumber then back = skin.controls.color_back1 border = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 else back = skin.controls.color_active border = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_back0 end -- button body love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- button border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setFont(font) if image then -- button image love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) love.graphics.draw(image, x + 5, y + height/2 - imageheight/2) -- button text love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(text, x + imagewidth + 10, y + height/2 - theight/2) else -- button text love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(text, x + 5, y + height/2 - theight/2) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawMultiChoice(object) - desc: draws the multi choice object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.multichoice(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local text = object:GetText() local choice = object:GetChoice() local image = skin.images["multichoice-arrow.png"] local font = skin.controls.smallfont local theight = font:getHeight("a") local hover = object:GetHover() --local down = object:GetDown() --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") local back, fore, border if hover then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore1 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(fore) love.graphics.setFont(font) if choice == "" then skin.PrintText(text, x + 5, y + height/2 - theight/2) else skin.PrintText(choice, x + 5, y + height/2 - theight/2) end love.graphics.draw(image, x + width - 20, y + 5) love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawMultiChoiceList(object) - desc: draws the multi choice list object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.multichoicelist(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() + 2 local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() - 4 local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawOverMultiChoiceList(object) - desc: draws over the multi choice list object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.multichoicelist_over(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() + 2 local y = object:GetY() - 1 local width = object:GetWidth() - 4 local height = object:GetHeight() + 1 love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawMultiChoiceRow(object) - desc: draws the multi choice row object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.multichoicerow(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() + 2 local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() - 4 local height = object:GetHeight() local text = object:GetText() local font = skin.controls.smallfont local back, fore love.graphics.setFont(font) if object.hover then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 end love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(text, x + 5, y + 5) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawToolTip(object) - desc: draws the tool tip object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.tooltip(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawText(object) - desc: draws the text object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.text(object) local textdata = object.formattedtext local x = object.x local y = object.y local shadow = object.shadow local shadowxoffset = object.shadowxoffset local shadowyoffset = object.shadowyoffset local shadowcolor = object.shadowcolor local inlist, list = object:IsInList() local printfunc = function(text, x, y) love.graphics.print(text, math.floor(x + 0.5), math.floor(y + 0.5)) end for k, v in ipairs(textdata) do local textx = v.x local texty = v.y local text = v.text local color = v.color local font = v.font local link = v.link local theight = font:getHeight("a") if inlist then local listy = list.y local listhieght = list.height if (y + texty) <= (listy + listhieght) and y + ((texty + theight)) >= listy then love.graphics.setFont(font) if shadow then love.graphics.setColor(unpack(shadowcolor)) printfunc(text, x + textx + shadowxoffset, y + texty + shadowyoffset) end if link then local linkcolor = v.linkcolor local linkhovercolor = v.linkhovercolor local hover = v.hover if hover then love.graphics.setColor(linkhovercolor) else love.graphics.setColor(linkcolor) end else love.graphics.setColor(unpack(color)) end printfunc(text, x + textx, y + texty) end else love.graphics.setFont(font) if shadow then love.graphics.setColor(unpack(shadowcolor)) printfunc(text, x + textx + shadowxoffset, y + texty + shadowyoffset) end if link then local linkcolor = v.linkcolor local linkhovercolor = v.linkhovercolor local hover = v.hover if hover then love.graphics.setColor(linkhovercolor) else love.graphics.setColor(linkcolor) end else love.graphics.setColor(unpack(color)) end printfunc(text, x + textx, y + texty) end end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawTextInput(object) - desc: draws the text input object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.textinput(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local font = object:GetFont() local focus = object:GetFocus() local showindicator = object:GetIndicatorVisibility() local alltextselected = object:IsAllTextSelected() local textx = object:GetTextX() local texty = object:GetTextY() local text = object:GetText() local multiline = object:GetMultiLine() local lines = object:GetLines() local placeholder = object:GetPlaceholderText() local offsetx = object:GetOffsetX() local offsety = object:GetOffsetY() local indicatorx = object:GetIndicatorX() local indicatory = object:GetIndicatorY() local vbar = object:HasVerticalScrollBar() local hbar = object:HasHorizontalScrollBar() local linenumbers = object:GetLineNumbersEnabled() local itemwidth = object:GetItemWidth() local masked = object:GetMasked() local theight = font:getHeight("a") love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) if alltextselected then local bary = 0 if multiline then for i=1, #lines do local str = lines[i] if masked then str = str:gsub(".", "*") end local twidth = font:getWidth(str) if twidth == 0 then twidth = 5 end love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", textx, texty + bary, twidth, theight) bary = bary + theight end else local twidth = 0 if masked then local maskchar = object:GetMaskChar() twidth = font:getWidth(text:gsub(".", maskchar)) else twidth = font:getWidth(text) end love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", textx, texty, twidth, theight) end end if showindicator and focus then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", indicatorx, indicatory, 1, theight) end if not multiline then object:SetTextOffsetY(height/2 - theight/2) if offsetx ~= 0 then object:SetTextOffsetX(0) else object:SetTextOffsetX(5) end else if vbar then if offsety ~= 0 then if hbar then object:SetTextOffsetY(5) else object:SetTextOffsetY(-5) end else object:SetTextOffsetY(5) end else object:SetTextOffsetY(5) end if hbar then if offsety ~= 0 then if linenumbers then local panel = object:GetLineNumbersPanel() if vbar then object:SetTextOffsetX(5) else object:SetTextOffsetX(-5) end else if vbar then object:SetTextOffsetX(5) else object:SetTextOffsetX(-5) end end else object:SetTextOffsetX(5) end else object:SetTextOffsetX(5) end end textx = object:GetTextX() texty = object:GetTextY() love.graphics.setFont(font) if alltextselected then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) elseif #lines == 1 and lines[1] == "" then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) end local str = "" if multiline then for i=1, #lines do str = lines[i] if masked then local maskchar = object:GetMaskChar() str = str:gsub(".", maskchar) end skin.PrintText(#str > 0 and str or (#lines == 1 and placeholder or ""), textx, texty + theight * i - theight) end else str = lines[1] if masked then local maskchar = object:GetMaskChar() str = str:gsub(".", maskchar) end skin.PrintText(#str > 0 and str or placeholder, textx, texty) end --love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) --skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: DrawOverTextInput(object) - desc: draws over the text input object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.textinput_over(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawCheckBox(object) - desc: draws the check box object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.checkbox(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetBoxWidth() local height = object:GetBoxHeight() local checked = object:GetChecked() local hover = object:GetHover() local buttonimage if checked then buttonimage = skin.images["check-on.png"] else buttonimage = skin.images["check-off.png"] end if hover ~= checked then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) end local iwidth = buttonimage:getWidth() local iheight = buttonimage:getHeight() --buttonimage:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.draw(buttonimage, x + (width - iwidth) / 2, y + (height - iheight) / 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawCheckBox(object) - desc: draws the radio button object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.radiobutton(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetBoxWidth() local height = object:GetBoxHeight() local checked = object:GetChecked() local hover = object:GetHover() local buttonimage if checked then buttonimage = skin.images["radio-on.png"] else buttonimage = skin.images["radio-off.png"] end if hover ~= checked then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) end local iwidth = buttonimage:getWidth() local iheight = buttonimage:getHeight() --buttonimage:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.draw(buttonimage, x + (width - iwidth) / 2, y + (height - iheight) / 2) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawCollapsibleCategory(object) - desc: draws the collapsible category object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.collapsiblecategory(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local text = object:GetText() local open = object:GetOpen() local font = skin.controls.smallfont love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, 25) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) if open then local icon = skin.images["collapse.png"] --icon:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.draw(icon, x + width - 21, y + 5) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, 24) else local icon = skin.images["expand.png"] --icon:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.draw(icon, x + width - 21, y + 5) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, 23) end love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.PrintText(text, x + 5, y + 5) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawColumnList(object) - desc: draws the column list object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.columnlist(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawColumnListHeader(object) - desc: draws the column list header object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.columnlistheader(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:GetHover() local down = object.down local font = skin.controls.smallfont local theight = font:getHeight(object.name) local name = ParseHeaderText(object:GetName(), x, width, x + width/2) local twidth = font:getWidth(name) local back, fore, border if down then back = skin.controls.color_fore0 fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore2 elseif hover then back = skin.controls.color_active fore = skin.controls.color_back0 border = skin.controls.color_fore1 else back = skin.controls.color_back2 fore = skin.controls.color_fore0 border = skin.controls.color_fore0 end -- header body love.graphics.setColor(back) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) -- header name love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(fore) skin.PrintText(name, x + width/2 - twidth/2, y + height/2 - theight/2) -- header border love.graphics.setColor(border) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width+1, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawColumnListArea(object) - desc: draws the column list area object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.columnlistarea(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) local cheight = 0 local columns = object:GetParent():GetChildren() if #columns > 0 then cheight = columns[1]:GetHeight() end -- header body love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, cheight) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, cheight) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawOverColumnListArea(object) - desc: draws over the column list area object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.columnlistarea_over(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawColumnListRow(object) - desc: draws the column list row object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.columnlistrow(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local colorindex = object:GetColorIndex() local font = object:GetFont() local columndata = object:GetColumnData() local textx = object:GetTextX() local texty = object:GetTextY() local parent = object:GetParent() local theight = font:getHeight("a") local hover = object:GetHover() local selected = object:GetSelected() object:SetTextPos(5, height/2 - theight/2) if selected then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) elseif hover then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) elseif colorindex == 1 then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setFont(font) if selected then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore3) elseif hover then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) end for k, v in ipairs(columndata) do local rwidth = parent.parent:GetColumnWidth(k) if rwidth then local text = ParseRowText(v, x, rwidth, x, textx) skin.PrintText(text, x + textx, y + texty) x = x + parent.parent.children[k]:GetWidth() else break end end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawModalBackground(object) - desc: draws the modal background object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.modalbackground(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawLineNumbersPanel(object) - desc: draws the line numbers panel object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.linenumberspanel(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local offsety = object:GetOffsetY() local parent = object:GetParent() local lines = parent:GetLines() local font = parent:GetFont() local theight = font:getHeight("8") object:SetWidth(10 + font:getWidth(#lines)) love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height, true, true, true, false) local startline = math.ceil(offsety / theight) if startline < 1 then startline = 1 end local endline = math.ceil(startline + (height / theight)) + 1 if endline > #lines then endline = #lines end for i=startline, endline do love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.PrintText(i, x + 5, (y + (theight * (i - 1))) - offsety) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawNumberBox(object) - desc: draws the numberbox object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.numberbox(object) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawGrid(object) - desc: draws the grid object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.grid(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() --love.graphics.setColor(colors.hl4) --love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x-1, y-1, width+2, height+2) local cx = x local cy = y local cw = object.cellwidth + (object.cellpadding * 2) local ch = object.cellheight + (object.cellpadding * 2) for i=1, object.rows do for n=1, object.columns do local ovt = false local ovl = false if i > 1 then ovt = true end if n > 1 then ovl = true end love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", cx, cy, cw, ch) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) skin.OutlinedRectangle(cx, cy, cw, ch, ovt, false, ovl, false) cx = cx + cw end cx = x cy = cy + ch end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawForm(object) - desc: draws the form object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.form(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local topmargin = object.topmargin local name = object.name local font = skin.controls.smallfont local textcolor = skin.controls.form_text_color local twidth = font:getWidth(name) love.graphics.setFont(font) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.PrintText(name, x + 7, y) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back3) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + 7, 5, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + twidth + 9, y + 7, width - (twidth + 9), 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + height, width, 1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + 7, 1, height - 7) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + width - 1, y + 7, 1, height - 7) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawMenu(object) - desc: draws the menu object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.menu(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back2) skin.OutlinedRectangle(x, y, width, height) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: skin.DrawMenuOption(object) - desc: draws the menuoption object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function skin.menuoption(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() local hover = object:GetHover() local text = object:GetText() local icon = object:GetIcon() local option_type = object.option_type local font = skin.controls.smallfont local twidth = font:getWidth(text) if option_type == "divider" then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 4, y + 2, width - 8, 1) object.contentheight = 10 else love.graphics.setFont(font) if hover then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back0) skin.PrintText(text, x + 26, y + 5) else love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.PrintText(text, x + 26, y + 5) end if icon then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) love.graphics.draw(icon, x + 5, y + 5) end object.contentwidth = twidth + 31 object.contentheight = 25 end end function skin.tree(object) local skin = object:GetSkin() local x = object:GetX() local y = object:GetY() local width = object:GetWidth() local height = object:GetHeight() love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_back1) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, width, height) end function skin.treenode(object) local icon = object.icon local buttonimage = skin.images["tree-node-button-open.png"] local width = 0 local x = object.x local leftpadding = 15 * object.level if object.level > 0 then leftpadding = leftpadding + buttonimage:getWidth() + 5 else leftpadding = buttonimage:getWidth() + 5 end local iconwidth = 24 if icon then iconwidth = icon:getWidth() end local twidth = loveframes.basicfont:getWidth(object.text) local theight = loveframes.basicfont:getHeight(object.text) if object.tree.selectednode == object then love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_active) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + leftpadding + 2 + iconwidth, object.y + 2, twidth, theight) end width = width + iconwidth + loveframes.basicfont:getWidth(object.text) + leftpadding --love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) --love.graphics.draw(icon, x + leftpadding, object.y) love.graphics.setFont(loveframes.basicfont) love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_fore0) skin.PrintText(object.text, x + leftpadding + 2 + iconwidth, object.y + 2) object:SetWidth(width + 5) end function skin.treenodebutton(object) local leftpadding = 15 * object.parent.level local image if object.parent.open then image = skin.images["tree-node-button-close.png"] else image = skin.images["tree-node-button-open.png"] end --image:setFilter("nearest", "nearest") love.graphics.setColor(skin.controls.color_image) love.graphics.draw(image, object.x, object.y) object:SetPos(2 + leftpadding, 3) object:SetSize(image:getWidth(), image:getHeight()) end -- register the main skin loveframes.RegisterSkin(skin) -- alternate active colors local subskin = {} subskin.author = skin.author subskin.version = skin.version subskin.base = skin.name subskin.directory = skin.dir --loveframes.config["DIRECTORY"] .. "/skins/" ..skin.name subskin.controls = {} local colors = { red = color"b36262", orange = color"b38a62", green = color"7db362", cyan = color"62b3a5", blue = color"6298b3", magenta = color"8a62b3", pink = color"cc70b5" } for k, v in pairs(colors) do subskin.name = skin.name .. " " .. k subskin.controls.color_active = v loveframes.RegisterSkin(subskin) end -- Dark variant with alternate active colors subskin.controls.color_back0 = color"101010" subskin.controls.color_back1 = color"202020" subskin.controls.color_back2 = color"373737" subskin.controls.color_back3 = color"505050" subskin.controls.color_fore0 = color"a0a0a0" subskin.controls.color_fore1 = color"c0c0c0" subskin.controls.color_fore2 = color"e0e0e0" subskin.controls.color_fore3 = color"f0f0f0" for k, v in pairs(colors) do subskin.name = "Dark " .. k subskin.controls.color_active = v loveframes.RegisterSkin(subskin) end --return skin ---------- module end ---------- end