--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ -- slider class local newobject = loveframes.NewObject("slider", "loveframes_object_slider", true) --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: initialize() - desc: initializes the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:initialize() self.type = "slider" self.text = "Slider" self.slidetype = "horizontal" self.width = 5 self.height = 5 self.max = 10 self.min = 0 self.value = 0 self.decimals = 5 self.scrollincrease = 1 self.scrolldecrease = 1 self.scrollable = true self.enabled = true self.internal = false self.internals = {} self.OnValueChanged = nil self.OnRelease = nil -- create the slider button local sliderbutton = loveframes.objects["sliderbutton"]:new(self) sliderbutton.state = self.state table.insert(self.internals, sliderbutton) -- set initial value to minimum self:SetValue(self.min) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: update(deltatime) - desc: updates the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:update(dt) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible local alwaysupdate = self.alwaysupdate if not visible then if not alwaysupdate then return end end local internals = self.internals local sliderbutton = internals[1] local parent = self.parent local base = loveframes.base local update = self.Update self:CheckHover() -- move to parent if there is a parent if parent ~= base and parent.type ~= "list" then self.x = self.parent.x + self.staticx self.y = self.parent.y + self.staticy end if sliderbutton then local slidetype = self.slidetype local buttonwidth = sliderbutton.width local buttonheight = sliderbutton.height if slidetype == "horizontal" then self.height = buttonheight elseif slidetype == "vertical" then self.width = buttonwidth end end -- update internals for k, v in ipairs(self.internals) do v:update(dt) end if update then update(self, dt) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: draw() - desc: draws the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:draw() local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local internals = self.internals local skins = loveframes.skins.available local skinindex = loveframes.config["ACTIVESKIN"] local defaultskin = loveframes.config["DEFAULTSKIN"] local selfskin = self.skin local skin = skins[selfskin] or skins[skinindex] local drawfunc = skin.DrawSlider or skins[defaultskin].DrawSlider local draw = self.Draw local drawcount = loveframes.drawcount -- set the object's draw order self:SetDrawOrder() if draw then draw(self) else drawfunc(self) end -- draw internals for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:draw() end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousepressed(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player presses a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:mousepressed(x, y, button) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local enabled = self.enabled if not enabled then return end local internals = self.internals local hover = self.hover local slidetype = self.slidetype local scrollable = self.scrollable if hover and button == "l" then if slidetype == "horizontal" then local xpos = x - self.x local button = internals[1] local baseparent = self:GetBaseParent() if baseparent and baseparent.type == "frame" then baseparent:MakeTop() end button:MoveToX(xpos) button.down = true button.dragging = true button.startx = button.staticx button.clickx = x elseif slidetype == "vertical" then local ypos = y - self.y local button = internals[1] local baseparent = self:GetBaseParent() if baseparent and baseparent.type == "frame" then baseparent:MakeTop() end button:MoveToY(ypos) button.down = true button.dragging = true button.starty = button.staticy button.clicky = y end elseif hover and scrollable and button == "wu" then local value = self.value local increase = self.scrollincrease local newvalue = value + increase self:SetValue(newvalue) elseif hover and scrollable and button == "wd" then local value = self.value local decrease = self.scrolldecrease local newvalue = value - decrease self:SetValue(newvalue) end for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:mousepressed(x, y, button) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetValue(value) - desc: sets the object's value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetValue(value) if value > self.max then return end if value < self.min then return end local decimals = self.decimals local newval = loveframes.util.Round(value, decimals) local internals = self.internals local onvaluechanged = self.OnValueChanged -- set the new value self.value = newval -- slider button object local sliderbutton = internals[1] local slidetype = self.slidetype local width = self.width local height = self.height local min = self.min local max = self.max -- move the slider button to the new position if slidetype == "horizontal" then local xpos = width * ((newval - min) / (max - min)) sliderbutton:MoveToX(xpos) elseif slidetype == "vertical" then local ypos = height - height * ((newval - min) / (max - min)) sliderbutton:MoveToY(ypos) end -- call OnValueChanged if onvaluechanged then onvaluechanged(self, newval) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetValue() - desc: gets the object's value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetValue() return self.value end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMax(max) - desc: sets the object's maximum value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMax(max) self.max = max if self.value > self.max then self.value = self.max end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMax() - desc: gets the object's maximum value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMax() return self.max end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMin(min) - desc: sets the object's minimum value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMin(min) self.min = min if self.value < self.min then self.value = self.min end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMin() - desc: gets the object's minimum value --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMin() return self.min end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMinMax() - desc: sets the object's minimum and maximum values --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMinMax(min, max) self.min = min self.max = max if self.value > self.max then self.value = self.max end if self.value < self.min then self.value = self.min end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMinMax() - desc: gets the object's minimum and maximum values --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMinMax() return self.min, self.max end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetText(name) - desc: sets the objects's text --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetText(text) self.text = text end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetText() - desc: gets the objects's text --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetText() return self.text end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetDecimals(decimals) - desc: sets how many decimals the object's value can have --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetDecimals(decimals) self.decimals = decimals end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetDecimals() - desc: gets how many decimals the object's value can have --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetDecimals() return self.decimals end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetButtonSize(width, height) - desc: sets the objects's button size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetButtonSize(width, height) local internals = self.internals local sliderbutton = internals[1] if sliderbutton then sliderbutton.width = width sliderbutton.height = height end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetButtonSize() - desc: gets the objects's button size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetButtonSize() local internals = self.internals local sliderbutton = internals[1] if sliderbutton then return sliderbutton.width, sliderbutton.height end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetSlideType(slidetype) - desc: sets the objects's slide type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetSlideType(slidetype) self.slidetype = slidetype if slidetype == "vertical" then self:SetValue(self.min) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetSlideType() - desc: gets the objects's slide type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetSlideType() return self.slidetype end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetScrollable(bool) - desc: sets whether or not the object can be scrolled via the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetScrollable(bool) self.scrollable = bool end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetScrollable() - desc: gets whether or not the object can be scrolled via the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetScrollable() return self.scrollable end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetScrollIncrease(increase) - desc: sets the amount to increase the object's value by when scrolling with the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetScrollIncrease(increase) self.scrollincrease = increase end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetScrollIncrease() - desc: gets the amount to increase the object's value by when scrolling with the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetScrollIncrease() return self.scrollincrease end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetScrollDecrease(decrease) - desc: sets the amount to decrease the object's value by when scrolling with the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetScrollDecrease(decrease) self.scrolldecrease = decrease end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetScrollDecrease() - desc: gets the amount to decrease the object's value by when scrolling with the mouse wheel --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetScrollDecrease() return self.scrolldecrease end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetEnabled(bool) - desc: sets whether or not the object is enabled --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetEnabled(bool) self.enabled = bool end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetEnabled() - desc: gets whether or not the object is enabled --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetEnabled() return self.enabled end