--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ -- frame object local newobject = loveframes.NewObject("frame", "loveframes_object_frame", true) --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: initialize() - desc: initializes the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:initialize() self.type = "frame" self.name = "Frame" self.width = 300 self.height = 150 self.clickx = 0 self.clicky = 0 self.dockx = 0 self.docky = 0 self.dockzonesize = 10 self.resizex = 0 self.resizey = 0 self.resizexmod = 0 self.resizeymod = 0 self.resizewidth = 0 self.resizeheight = 0 self.minwidth = 100 self.minheight = 30 self.maxwidth = 500 self.maxheight = 500 self.internal = false self.draggable = true self.screenlocked = false self.parentlocked = false self.dragging = false self.modal = false self.modalbackground = false self.showclose = true self.dockedtop = false self.dockedbottom = false self.dockedleft = false self.dockedright = false self.topdockobject = false self.bottomdockobject = false self.leftdockobject = false self.rightdockobject = false self.dockable = false self.resizing = false self.canresize = false self.alwaysontop = false self.internals = {} self.children = {} self.icon = nil self.OnClose = nil self.OnDock = nil self.OnResize = nil -- create docking zones self.dockzones = { top = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, bottom = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, left = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, right = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0} } -- create the close button for the frame local close = loveframes.objects["closebutton"]:new() close.parent = self close.OnClick = function(x, y, object) local onclose = object.parent.OnClose if onclose then local ret = onclose(object.parent) if ret ~= false then object.parent:Remove() end else object.parent:Remove() end end table.insert(self.internals, close) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: update(deltatime) - desc: updates the element --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:update(dt) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible local alwaysupdate = self.alwaysupdate if not visible then if not alwaysupdate then return end end local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() local showclose = self.showclose local close = self.internals[1] local dragging = self.dragging local screenlocked = self.screenlocked local parentlocked = self.parentlocked local modal = self.modal local base = loveframes.base local basechildren = base.children local numbasechildren = #basechildren local draworder = self.draworder local dockedtop = self.dockedtop local dockedbottom = self.dockedbottom local dockedleft = self.dockedleft local dockedright = self.dockedright local dockable = self.dockable local dockzonesize = self.dockzonesize local children = self.children local internals = self.internals local parent = self.parent local update = self.Update self:CheckHover() -- update dockzones self.dockzones.top = {x = self.x, y = self.y - dockzonesize, width = self.width, height = dockzonesize} self.dockzones.bottom = {x = self.x, y = self.y + self.height, width = self.width, height = dockzonesize} self.dockzones.left = {x = self.x - dockzonesize, y = self.y, width = dockzonesize, height = self.height} self.dockzones.right = {x = self.x + self.width, y = self.y, width = dockzonesize, height = self.height} -- dragging check if dragging then if parent == base then local width = self.width local height = self.height if not dockedtop and not dockedbottom then self.y = my - self.clicky end if not dockedleft and not dockedright then self.x = mx - self.clickx end local basechildren = loveframes.base.children -- check for frames to dock with if dockable then local ondock = self.OnDock for k, v in ipairs(basechildren) do if v.type == "frame" then local topcol = loveframes.util.RectangleCollisionCheck(self.dockzones.bottom, v.dockzones.top) local botcol = loveframes.util.RectangleCollisionCheck(self.dockzones.top, v.dockzones.bottom) local leftcol = loveframes.util.RectangleCollisionCheck(self.dockzones.right, v.dockzones.left) local rightcol = loveframes.util.RectangleCollisionCheck(self.dockzones.left, v.dockzones.right) local candockobject = v.dockable if candockobject then if topcol and not dockedtop then self.y = v.y - self.height self.docky = my self.dockedtop = true self.topdockobject = v if ondock then ondock(object, v) end elseif botcol and not dockedbottom then self.y = v.y + v.height self.docky = my self.dockedbottom = true self.bottomdockobject = v if ondock then ondock(object, v) end elseif leftcol and not dockedleft then self.x = v.x - self.width self.dockx = mx self.dockedleft = true self.leftdockobject = v if ondock then ondock(object, v) end elseif rightcol and not dockedright then self.x = v.x + v.width self.dockx = mx self.dockedright = true self.rightdockobject = v if ondock then ondock(object, v) end end end end end end local dockx = self.dockx local docky = self.docky local x = self.x local y = self.y -- check to see if the frame should be undocked if dockedtop then local topdockobject = self.topdockobject local tdox = topdockobject.x local tdowidth = topdockobject.width if my > (docky + 20) or my < (docky - 20) or (x + width) < tdox or x > (tdox + tdowidth) then self.dockedtop = false self.docky = 0 end end if dockedbottom then local bottomdockobject = self.bottomdockobject local bdox = bottomdockobject.x local bdowidth = bottomdockobject.width if my > (docky + 20) or my < (docky - 20) or (x + width) < bdox or x > (bdox + bdowidth) then self.dockedbottom = false self.docky = 0 end end if dockedleft then local leftdockobject = self.leftdockobject local ldoy = leftdockobject.y local ldoheight = leftdockobject.height if mx > (dockx + 20) or mx < (dockx - 20) or (y + height) < ldoy or y > (ldoy + ldoheight) then self.dockedleft = false self.dockx = 0 end end if dockedright then local rightdockobject = self.rightdockobject local rdoy = rightdockobject.y local rdoheight = rightdockobject.height if mx > (dockx + 20) or mx < (dockx - 20) or (y + height) < rdoy or y > (rdoy + rdoheight) then self.dockedright = false self.dockx = 0 end end else self.staticx = mx - self.clickx self.staticy = my - self.clicky end elseif self.resizing then local width = self.width local height = self.height if self.resize_mode == "top_left" then local new_width = self.resizewidth + (self.resizex - mx) local new_height = self.resizeheight + (self.resizey - my) if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width self.x = mx - self.resizexmod end if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height self.y = my - self.resizeymod end elseif self.resize_mode == "bottom_right" then local new_width = (mx - self.x) + self.resizexmod local new_height = (my - self.y) + self.resizeymod if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width end if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height end elseif self.resize_mode == "top_right" then local new_width = (mx - self.x) + self.resizexmod local new_height = self.resizeheight + (self.resizey - my) if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width end if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height self.y = my - self.resizeymod end elseif self.resize_mode == "bottom_left" then local new_width = self.resizewidth + (self.resizex - mx) local new_height = (my - self.y) + self.resizeymod if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width self.x = mx - self.resizexmod end if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height end elseif self.resize_mode == "top" then local new_height = self.resizeheight + (self.resizey - my) if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height self.y = my - self.resizeymod end elseif self.resize_mode == "bottom" then local new_height = (my - self.y) + self.resizeymod if new_height >= self.minheight and new_height <= self.maxheight then self.height = new_height end elseif self.resize_mode == "left" then local new_width = self.resizewidth + (self.resizex - mx) if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width self.x = mx - self.resizexmod end elseif self.resize_mode == "right" then local new_width = (mx - self.x) + self.resizexmod if new_width >= self.minwidth and new_width <= self.maxwidth then self.width = new_width end end if self.width ~= width or self.height ~= height then local onresize = self.OnResize if onresize then onresize(self, self.width, self.height) end end end -- if screenlocked then keep within screen if screenlocked then local width = self.width local height = self.height local screenwidth = love.graphics.getWidth() local screenheight = love.graphics.getHeight() local x = self.x local y = self.y if x < 0 then self.x = 0 end if x + width > screenwidth then self.x = screenwidth - width end if y < 0 then self.y = 0 end if y + height > screenheight then self.y = screenheight - height end end -- keep the frame within its parent's boundaries if parentlocked if parentlocked then local width = self.width local height = self.height local parentwidth = self.parent.width local parentheight = self.parent.height local staticx = self.staticx local staticy = self.staticy if staticx < 0 then self.staticx = 0 end if staticx + width > parentwidth then self.staticx = parentwidth - width end if staticy < 0 then self.staticy = 0 end if staticy + height > parentheight then self.staticy = parentheight - height end end if parent == base and self.alwaysontop and not self:IsTopChild() then self:MakeTop() end if modal then local tip = false local key = 0 for k, v in ipairs(basechildren) do if v.type == "tooltip" and v.show then tip = v key = k end end if tip then self:Remove() self.modalbackground:Remove() table.insert(basechildren, key - 2, self.modalbackground) table.insert(basechildren, key - 1, self) end if self.modalbackground.draworder > self.draworder then self:MakeTop() end if self.modalbackground.state ~= self.state then self.modalbackground:SetState(self.state) end end if parent ~= base then self.x = self.parent.x + self.staticx self.y = self.parent.y + self.staticy end for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:update(dt) end for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:update(dt) end if update then update(self, dt) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: draw() - desc: draws the object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:draw() local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local children = self.children local internals = self.internals local skins = loveframes.skins.available local skinindex = loveframes.config["ACTIVESKIN"] local defaultskin = loveframes.config["DEFAULTSKIN"] local selfskin = self.skin local skin = skins[selfskin] or skins[skinindex] local drawfunc = skin.DrawFrame or skins[defaultskin].DrawFrame local draw = self.Draw local drawcount = loveframes.drawcount -- set the object's draw order self:SetDrawOrder() if draw then draw(self) else drawfunc(self) end for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:draw() end -- loop through the object's children and draw them for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:draw() end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousepressed(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player presses a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:mousepressed(x, y, button) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local width = self.width local height = self.height local internals = self.internals local children = self.children local dragging = self.dragging local parent = self.parent local base = loveframes.base if button == "l" then -- initiate dragging if not currently dragging if not dragging and self.hover and self.draggable then local topcol if self.canresize then topcol = loveframes.util.BoundingBox(x, self.x + 2, y, self.y + 2, 1, self.width - 4, 1, 21) else topcol = loveframes.util.BoundingBox(x, self.x, y, self.y, 1, self.width, 1, 25) end if topcol then if parent == base then self.clickx = x - self.x self.clicky = y - self.y else self.clickx = x - self.staticx self.clicky = y - self.staticy end self.dragging = true end end if not self.resizing and self.canresize and loveframes.hoverobject == self then if loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x, x, self.y, y, 5, 1, 5, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "top_left" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x then self.resizexmod = x - self.x end if y ~= self.y then self.resizeymod = y - self.y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x + self.width - 5, x, self.y + self.height - 5, y, 5, 1, 5, 1) then self.resizing = true self.resize_mode = "bottom_right" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x + self.width then self.resizexmod = (self.x + self.width) - x end if y ~= self.y + self.height then self.resizeymod = (self.y + self.height) - y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x + self.width - 5, x, self.y, y, 5, 1, 5, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "top_right" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x + self.width then self.resizexmod = (self.x + self.width) - x end if y ~= self.y then self.resizeymod = y - self.y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x, x, self.y + self.height - 5, y, 5, 1, 5, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "bottom_left" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x then self.resizexmod = x - self.x end if y ~= self.y + self.height then self.resizeymod = (self.y + self.height) - y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x + 5, x, self.y, y, self.width - 10, 1, 2, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "top" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if y ~= self.y then self.resizeymod = y - self.y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x + 5, x, self.y + self.height - 2, y, self.width - 10, 1, 2, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "bottom" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if y ~= self.y then self.resizeymod = (self.y + self.height) - y end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x, x, self.y + 5, y, 2, 1, self.height - 10, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "left" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x then self.resizexmod = x - self.x end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(self.x + self.width - 2, x, self.y + 5, y, 2, 1, self.height - 10, 1) then self.resizing = true self.dragging = false self.resize_mode = "right" self.resizex = x self.resizey = y self.resizewidth = self.width self.resizeheight = self.height loveframes.resizeobject = self if x ~= self.x + self.width then self.resizexmod = (self.x + self.width) - x end end end if self.hover and button == "l" then self:MakeTop() end end for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:mousepressed(x, y, button) end for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:mousepressed(x, y, button) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousereleased(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player releases a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:mousereleased(x, y, button) local state = loveframes.state local selfstate = self.state if state ~= selfstate then return end local visible = self.visible if not visible then return end local children = self.children local internals = self.internals self.dragging = false if self.resizing then self.resizex = 0 self.resizey = 0 self.resizexmod = 0 self.resizeymod = 0 self.resizewidth = 0 self.resizeheight = 0 self.resizing = false loveframes.resizeobject = false end for k, v in ipairs(internals) do v:mousereleased(x, y, button) end for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:mousereleased(x, y, button) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetName(name) - desc: sets the object's name --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetName(name) self.name = name return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetName() - desc: gets the object's name --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetName() return self.name end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetDraggable(true/false) - desc: sets whether the object can be dragged or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetDraggable(bool) self.draggable = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetDraggable() - desc: gets whether the object can be dragged ot not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetDraggable() return self.draggable end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetScreenLocked(bool) - desc: sets whether the object can be moved passed the boundaries of the window or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetScreenLocked(bool) self.screenlocked = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetScreenLocked() - desc: gets whether the object can be moved passed the boundaries of window or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetScreenLocked() return self.screenlocked end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: ShowCloseButton(bool) - desc: sets whether the object's close button should be drawn --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:ShowCloseButton(bool) local close = self.internals[1] close.visible = bool self.showclose = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: MakeTop() - desc: makes the object the top object in the drawing order --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:MakeTop() local key = 0 local base = loveframes.base local basechildren = base.children local numbasechildren = #basechildren -- check to see if the object's parent is not the base object if self.parent ~= base then local baseparent = self:GetBaseParent() if baseparent.type == "frame" then baseparent:MakeTop() end return self end -- check to see if the object is the only child of the base object if numbasechildren == 1 then return self end -- check to see if the object is already at the top if basechildren[numbasechildren] == self then return self end -- make this the top object for k, v in ipairs(basechildren) do if v == self then table.remove(basechildren, k) table.insert(basechildren, self) key = k break end end return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetModal(bool) - desc: sets whether or not the object is in a modal state --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetModal(bool) local modalobject = loveframes.modalobject local mbackground = self.modalbackground local parent = self.parent local base = loveframes.base if parent ~= base then return end self.modal = bool if bool then if modalobject then modalobject:SetModal(false) end loveframes.modalobject = self if not mbackground then self.modalbackground = loveframes.objects["modalbackground"]:new(self) self.modal = true end else if modalobject == self then loveframes.modalobject = false if mbackground then self.modalbackground:Remove() self.modalbackground = false self.modal = false end end end return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetModal() - desc: gets whether or not the object is in a modal state --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetModal() return self.modal end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetVisible(bool) - desc: set's whether the object is visible or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetVisible(bool) local children = self.children local internals = self.internals local closebutton = internals[1] self.visible = bool for k, v in ipairs(children) do v:SetVisible(bool) end if self.showclose then closebutton.visible = bool end return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetParentLocked(bool) - desc: sets whether the object can be moved passed the boundaries of its parent or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetParentLocked(bool) self.parentlocked = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetParentLocked(bool) - desc: gets whether the object can be moved passed the boundaries of its parent or not --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetParentLocked() return self.parentlocked end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetIcon(icon) - desc: sets the object's icon --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetIcon(icon) if type(icon) == "string" then self.icon = love.graphics.newImage(icon) else self.icon = icon end return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetIcon() - desc: gets the object's icon --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetIcon() local icon = self.icon if icon then return icon end return false end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetDockable(dockable) - desc: sets whether or not the object can dock onto another object of its type or be docked by another object of its type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetDockable(dockable) self.dockable = dockable return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetDockable() - desc: gets whether or not the object can dock onto another object of its type or be docked by another object of its type --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetDockable() return self.dockable end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetDockZoneSize(size) - desc: sets the size of the object's docking zone --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetDockZoneSize(size) self.dockzonesize = size return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetDockZoneSize(size) - desc: gets the size of the object's docking zone --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetDockZoneSize() return self.dockzonesize end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetResizable(bool) - desc: sets whether or not the object can be resized --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetResizable(bool) self.canresize = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetResizable() - desc: gets whether or not the object can be resized --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetResizable() return self.canresize end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMinWidth(width) - desc: sets the object's minimum width --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMinWidth(width) self.minwidth = width return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMinWidth() - desc: gets the object's minimum width --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMinWidth() return self.minwidth end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMaxWidth(width) - desc: sets the object's maximum width --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMaxWidth(width) self.maxwidth = width return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMaxWidth() - desc: gets the object's maximum width --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMaxWidth() return self.maxwidth end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMinHeight(height) - desc: sets the object's minimum height --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMinHeight(height) self.minheight = height return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMinHeight() - desc: gets the object's minimum height --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMinHeight() return self.minheight end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMaxHeight(height) - desc: sets the object's maximum height --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMaxHeight(height) self.maxheight = height return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMaxHeight() - desc: gets the object's maximum height --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMaxHeight() return self.maxheight end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMinSize(width, height) - desc: sets the object's minimum size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMinSize(width, height) self.minwidth = width self.minheight = height return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMinSize() - desc: gets the object's minimum size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMinSize() return self.minwidth, self.maxwidth end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetMaxSize(width, height) - desc: sets the object's maximum size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetMaxSize(width, height) self.maxwidth = width self.maxheight = height return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetMaxSize() - desc: gets the object's maximum size --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetMaxSize() return self.maxwidth, self.maxheight end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetAlwaysOnTop(bool) - desc: sets whether or not a frame should always be drawn on top of other objects --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:SetAlwaysOnTop(bool) self.alwaysontop = bool return self end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetAlwaysOnTop() - desc: gets whether or not a frame should always be drawn on top of other objects --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function newobject:GetAlwaysOnTop() return self.alwaysontop end