--[[------------------------------------------------ -- Love Frames - A GUI library for LOVE -- -- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Kenny Shields -- --]]------------------------------------------------ local path = ... -- central library table loveframes = {} -- library info loveframes.author = "Kenny Shields" loveframes.version = "" loveframes.stage = "Alpha" -- library configurations loveframes.config = {} loveframes.config["DIRECTORY"] = nil loveframes.config["DEFAULTSKIN"] = "Blue" loveframes.config["ACTIVESKIN"] = "Blue" loveframes.config["INDEXSKINIMAGES"] = true loveframes.config["DEBUG"] = false -- misc library vars loveframes.state = "none" loveframes.drawcount = 0 loveframes.collisioncount = 0 loveframes.objectcount = 0 loveframes.hoverobject = false loveframes.modalobject = false loveframes.inputobject = false loveframes.downobject = false loveframes.resizeobject = false loveframes.hover = false loveframes.input_cursor_set = false loveframes.prevcursor = nil loveframes.basicfont = love.graphics.newFont(12) loveframes.basicfontsmall = love.graphics.newFont(10) loveframes.objects = {} loveframes.collisions = {} --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: load() - desc: loads the library --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.load() -- install directory of the library local dir = loveframes.config["DIRECTORY"] or path -- require the internal base libraries loveframes.class = require(dir .. ".third-party.middleclass") require(dir .. ".libraries.util") require(dir .. ".libraries.skins") require(dir .. ".libraries.templates") require(dir .. ".libraries.debug") -- replace all "." with "/" in the directory setting dir = dir:gsub("\\", "/"):gsub("(%a)%.(%a)", "%1/%2") loveframes.config["DIRECTORY"] = dir -- create a list of gui objects, skins and templates local objects = loveframes.util.GetDirectoryContents(dir .. "/objects") local skins = loveframes.util.GetDirectoryContents(dir .. "/skins") local templates = loveframes.util.GetDirectoryContents(dir .. "/templates") -- loop through a list of all gui objects and require them for k, v in ipairs(objects) do if v.extension == "lua" then require(v.requirepath) end end -- loop through a list of all gui templates and require them for k, v in ipairs(templates) do if v.extension == "lua" then require(v.requirepath) end end -- loop through a list of all gui skins and require them for k, v in ipairs(skins) do if v.extension == "lua" then require(v.requirepath) end end -- create the base gui object local base = loveframes.objects["base"] loveframes.base = base:new() -- enable key repeat love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: update(deltatime) - desc: updates all library objects --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.update(dt) local base = loveframes.base local input_cursor_set = loveframes.input_cursor_set loveframes.collisioncount = 0 loveframes.objectcount = 0 loveframes.hover = false loveframes.hoverobject = false local downobject = loveframes.downobject if #loveframes.collisions > 0 then local top = loveframes.collisions[#loveframes.collisions] if not downobject then loveframes.hoverobject = top else if downobject == top then loveframes.hoverobject = top end end end local hoverobject = loveframes.hoverobject local arrow = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("arrow") local curcursor = love.mouse.getCursor() if hoverobject then local ibeam = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("ibeam") local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() if hoverobject.type == "textinput" and not loveframes.resizeobject then if curcursor ~= ibeam then love.mouse.setCursor(ibeam) end elseif hoverobject.type == "frame" then if not hoverobject.dragging and hoverobject.canresize then if loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x, mx, hoverobject.y, my, 5, 1, 5, 1) then local sizenwse = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizenwse") if curcursor ~= sizenwse then love.mouse.setCursor(sizenwse) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x + hoverobject.width - 5, mx, hoverobject.y + hoverobject.height - 5, my, 5, 1, 5, 1) then local sizenwse = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizenwse") if curcursor ~= sizenwse then love.mouse.setCursor(sizenwse) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x + hoverobject.width - 5, mx, hoverobject.y, my, 5, 1, 5, 1) then local sizenesw = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizenesw") if curcursor ~= sizenesw then love.mouse.setCursor(sizenesw) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x, mx, hoverobject.y + hoverobject.height - 5, my, 5, 1, 5, 1) then local sizenesw = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizenesw") if curcursor ~= sizenesw then love.mouse.setCursor(sizenesw) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x + 5, mx, hoverobject.y, my, hoverobject.width - 10, 1, 2, 1) then local sizens = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizens") if curcursor ~= sizens then love.mouse.setCursor(sizens) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x + 5, mx, hoverobject.y + hoverobject.height - 2, my, hoverobject.width - 10, 1, 2, 1) then local sizens = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizens") if curcursor ~= sizens then love.mouse.setCursor(sizens) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x, mx, hoverobject.y + 5, my, 2, 1, hoverobject.height - 10, 1) then local sizewe = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizewe") if curcursor ~= sizewe then love.mouse.setCursor(sizewe) end elseif loveframes.util.BoundingBox(hoverobject.x + hoverobject.width - 2, mx, hoverobject.y + 5, my, 2, 1, hoverobject.height - 10, 1) then local sizewe = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("sizewe") if curcursor ~= sizewe then love.mouse.setCursor(sizewe) end else if not loveframes.resizeobject then local arrow = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("arrow") if curcursor ~= arrow then love.mouse.setCursor(arrow) end end end end elseif hoverobject.type == "text" and hoverobject.linkcol and not loveframes.resizeobject then local hand = love.mouse.getSystemCursor("hand") if curcursor ~= hand then love.mouse.setCursor(hand) end end if curcursor ~= arrow then if hoverobject.type ~= "textinput" and hoverobject.type ~= "frame" and not hoverobject.linkcol and not loveframes.resizeobject then love.mouse.setCursor(arrow) elseif hoverobject.type ~= "textinput" and curcursor == ibeam then love.mouse.setCursor(arrow) end end else if curcursor ~= arrow and not loveframes.resizeobject then love.mouse.setCursor(arrow) end end loveframes.collisions = {} base:update(dt) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: draw() - desc: draws all library objects --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.draw() local base = loveframes.base local r, g, b, a = love.graphics.getColor() local font = love.graphics.getFont() base:draw() loveframes.drawcount = 0 loveframes.debug.draw() love.graphics.setColor(r, g, b, a) if font then love.graphics.setFont(font) end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousepressed(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player presses a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.mousepressed(x, y, button) local base = loveframes.base base:mousepressed(x, y, button) -- close open menus local bchildren = base.children local hoverobject = loveframes.hoverobject for k, v in ipairs(bchildren) do local otype = v.type local visible = v.visible if hoverobject then local htype = hoverobject.type if otype == "menu" and visible and htype ~= "menu" and htype ~= "menuoption" then v:SetVisible(false) end else if otype == "menu" and visible then v:SetVisible(false) end end end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: mousereleased(x, y, button) - desc: called when the player releases a mouse button --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.mousereleased(x, y, button) local base = loveframes.base base:mousereleased(x, y, button) -- reset the hover object if button == "l" then loveframes.downobject = false loveframes.selectedobject = false end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: keypressed(key, isrepeat) - desc: called when the player presses a key --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.keypressed(key, isrepeat) local base = loveframes.base base:keypressed(key, isrepeat) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: keyreleased(key) - desc: called when the player releases a key --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.keyreleased(key) local base = loveframes.base base:keyreleased(key) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: textinput(text) - desc: called when the user inputs text --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.textinput(text) local base = loveframes.base base:textinput(text) end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: Create(type, parent) - desc: creates a new object or multiple new objects (based on the method used) and returns said object or objects for further manipulation --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.Create(data, parent) if type(data) == "string" then local objects = loveframes.objects local object = objects[data] local objectcount = loveframes.objectcount if not object then loveframes.util.Error("Error creating object: Invalid object '" ..data.. "'.") end -- create the object local newobject = object:new() -- apply template properties to the object loveframes.templates.ApplyToObject(newobject) -- if the object is a tooltip, return it and go no further if data == "tooltip" then return newobject end -- remove the object if it is an internal if newobject.internal then newobject:Remove() return end -- parent the new object by default to the base gui object newobject.parent = loveframes.base table.insert(loveframes.base.children, newobject) -- if the parent argument is not nil, make that argument the object's new parent if parent then newobject:SetParent(parent) end loveframes.objectcount = objectcount + 1 -- return the object for further manipulation return newobject elseif type(data) == "table" then -- table for creation of multiple objects local objects = {} -- this function reads a table that contains a layout of object properties and then -- creates objects based on those properties local function CreateObjects(t, o, c) local child = c or false local validobjects = loveframes.objects for k, v in pairs(t) do -- current default object local object = validobjects[v.type]:new() -- insert the object into the table of objects being created table.insert(objects, object) -- parent the new object by default to the base gui object object.parent = loveframes.base table.insert(loveframes.base.children, object) if o then object:SetParent(o) end -- loop through the current layout table and assign the properties found -- to the current object for i, j in pairs(v) do if i ~= "children" and i ~= "func" then if child then if i == "x" then object["staticx"] = j elseif i == "y" then object["staticy"] = j else object[i] = j end else object[i] = j end elseif i == "children" then CreateObjects(j, object, true) end end if v.func then v.func(object) end end end -- create the objects CreateObjects(data) return objects end end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: NewObject(id, name, inherit_from_base) - desc: creates a new object --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.NewObject(id, name, inherit_from_base) local objects = loveframes.objects local object = false if inherit_from_base then local base = objects["base"] object = loveframes.class(name, base) objects[id] = object else object = loveframes.class(name) objects[id] = object end return object end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: SetState(name) - desc: sets the current state --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.SetState(name) loveframes.state = name loveframes.base.state = name end --[[--------------------------------------------------------- - func: GetState() - desc: gets the current state --]]--------------------------------------------------------- function loveframes.GetState() return loveframes.state end -- load the library loveframes.load()