2013-04-09 10:51:00 -04:00

574 lines
29 KiB

Version - Alpha (April 9 - 2013)
[FIXED] some issues with positioning the textinput object's text
Version - Alpha (March 29 - 2013)
[FIXED] numberbox:SetValue not functioning correctly
Version - Alpha (March 23 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new textinput method: SetRepeatDelay(delay)
[ADDED] a new textinput method: GetRepeatDelay()
[ADDED] a new textinput method: SetRepeatRate(rate)
[ADDED] a new textinput method: GetRepeatRate()
[FIXED] several typos in the numberbox object's code
[CHANGED] love frames now resets the active font to the font used before calling loveframes.draw()
[REMOVED] loveframes.util.CheckForUpdates()
Version - Alpha (March 5 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: RemoveChoice(choice)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: Clear()
[FIXED] a bug with list:RemoveItem that would cause an error when providing an argument that wasn't a number
[FIXED] the list object not resizing correctly when using list:RemoveItem and providing a number as an argument
Version - Alpha (February 25 - 2013)
[FIXED] mousereleased never getting called on the collapsiblecategory's object
Version - Alpha (February 24 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetEnabled(bool)
[ADDED] a new slider method: GetEnabled()
[FIXED] a resizing/layout issue with the columnlist object
[FIXED] base:GetChildren being declared twice and base:GetInternals never being declared
[CHANGED] major performance improvements for the default skins Blue and Orange
[REMOVED] the "Blue (basic)" skin
[REMOVED] the "Orange (basic)" skin
Version - Alpha (February 17 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetScrollable(bool)
[ADDED] a new slider method: GetScrollable()
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetScrollIncrease(increase)
[ADDED] a new slider method: GetScrollIncrease()
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetScrollDecrease(decrease)
[ADDED] a new slider method: GetScrollDecrease()
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: Sort(func)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: SetSortFunction(func)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: GetSortFunction()
[ADDED] support for scrolling the slider object with the mouse wheel
[FIXED] the slider event callback "OnValueChanged" not passing the slider's new value in certain situations
[FIXED] some typos in the changelog
[CHANGED] the default mouse wheel scroll amounts of the scrollable objects (list, columnlist, tabs, multichoice)
[CHANGED] minor modifications to the default skins
[CHANGED] objects can now be centered when using the base methods SetPos, SetX, and SetY (ex: object:SetPos(x, y, true) would center the object at the position specified by x and y)
Version 0.9.5 - Alpha (February 11 - 2013)
[ADDED] state system
[ADDED] a new base method: SetState(name)
[ADDED] a new base method: GetState()
[ADDED] a new list method: EnableHorizontalStacking(bool)
[ADDED] a new list method: GetHorizontalStacking()
[ADDED] a new list method: SetDTScrolling(bool)
[ADDED] a new list method: GetDTScrolling()
[ADDED] a new image method: GetImageSize()
[ADDED] a new image method: GetImageWidth()
[ADDED] a new image method: GetImageHeight()
[ADDED] a new imagebutton method: GetImageSize()
[ADDED] a new imagebutton method: GetImageWidth()
[ADDED] a new imagebutton method: GetImageHeight()
[ADDED] a new tabs method: RemoveTab(id)
[ADDED] a new tabs method: SetButtonScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new tabs method: GetButtonScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new tabs method: SetMouseWheelScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new tabs method: GetMouseWheelScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new tabs method: SetDTScrolling(bool)
[ADDED] a new tabs method: GetDTScrolling()
[ADDED] a new columlist method: SetDTScrolling(bool)
[ADDED] a new columlist method: GetDTScrolling()
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: SetDTScrolling(bool)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: GetDTScrolling()
[ADDED] a new base library function: loveframes.SetState(name)
[ADDED] a new base library function: loveframes.GetState()
[ADDED] a new object: numberbox
[ADDED] support for horizontal stacking of list object items when the list object's display mode is set to vertical
[FIXED] an error that would occur when providing a number as the text argument for textinput:SetText(text)
[FIXED] default skin images becoming distorted at certain positions on the screen
[FIXED] being able to clear a textinput's text by pressing an unusable key while all of the object's text was selected
[FIXED] several typos in the changelog
[CHANGED] the SetColor method for the image object now checks for four arguments (r, g, b, a) instead of one (table)
[CHANGED] major code cleanup for the default skins
[CHANGED] list:RemoveItem now accepts either an object or a number as an argument
[CHANGED] miscellaneous changes/improvements to various sections of code
[CHANGED] the images of the default skins
Version - Alpha (January 5 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new base method: GetInternals()
[ADDED] a new tooltip method: SetFollowObject(bool)
Version - Alpha (January 4 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new util library function: loveframes.util.CheckForUpdates() (note: this function is meant to be used by the developer and is never called internally by Love Frames)
[ADDED] a new callback for the tabbutton object: OnOpened(object)
[ADDED] a new callback for the tabbutton object: OnClosed(object)
[CHANGED] tabs:AddTab(name, object, tip, image) now accepts two new optional arguments for tabbutton callbacks (ex: tabs:AddTab(name, object, tip, image, onopened, onclosed))
Version - Alpha (January 4 - 2013)
[ADDED] a new base method: IsInList()
[FIXED] not being able to add the boolean "false" to a template as a property with loveframes.templates.AddProperty(templatename, object, property, value)
[CHANGED] small code cleanup
[CHANGED] improved performance of the text object while parented within a list object
Version - Alpha (December 30 - 2012)
[CHANGED] newlines created on the text object with \n now display properly
[CHANGED] Love Frames now resets the current drawing color to the last color used before calling loveframes.draw() after it has finished all drawing operations
Version - Alpha (December 28 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new textinput method: SetAutoScroll(bool)
[ADDED] a new textinput method: GetAutoScroll()
[FIXED] a couple of typos in the changelog
[FIXED] a sliderbutton calculation error that caused the sliderbutton object to flash while moving the cursor out of it's bounding box while it was down
[CHANGED] cleaned up a lot of code
[CHANGED] the text object's shadow color now defaults to black
Version - Alpha (December 26 - 2012)
[FIXED] registration errors for the new default skins
Version - Alpha (December 26 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new default skin: Blue (basic)
[ADDED] a new default skin: Orange (basic)
[ADDED] a new skins library function: loveframes.skins.GetAvailable()
[CHANGED] the license from CC BY-SA 3.0 to CC BY 3.0
[CHANGED] made minor improvements to the default skins
Version - Alpha (December 24 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new text method: SetShadow(bool)
[ADDED] a new text method: GetShadow()
[ADDED] a new text method: SetShadowOffsets(offsetx, offsety)
[ADDED] a new text method: GetShadowOffsets()
[ADDED] a new text method: SetShadowColor(r, g, b, a)
[ADDED] a new text method: GetShadowColor()
[ADDED] a new columnlist method: SetColumnHeight(height)
[FIXED] templates not being applied to objects
[CHANGED] the columnlistarea object now has better sorting
[CHANGED] the frame object no longer sets the size of it's close button
Version - Alpha (December 19 - 2012)
[FIXED] textinput:SetFocus(focus) not working properly
[CHANGED] the tooltip object is now positionable via the standard positioning methods when not set to follow the cursor
Version - Alpha (December 10 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new textinput event callback: OnFocusGained(object)
[ADDED] a new textinput event callback: OnFocusLost(object)
[FIXED] the textinput object accepting input from the tab and delete keys when object.editable was set to false
[CHANGED] all "." are now replaced with "/" in loveframes.config["DIRECTORY"] after all inernal Love Frames libraries have been loaded (this is to prevent filesystem errors)
[REMOVED] loveframes.util.TrimString(string)
Version - Alpha (November 28 - 2012)
[FIXED] text inputs not losing focus in certain situations
Version - Alpha (November 24 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetButtonScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetButtonScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetMouseWheelScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetMouseWheelScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: SetButtonScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: GetButtonScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: SetMouseWheelScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: GetMouseWheelScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new column list method: SetButtonScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new column list method: GetButtonScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new column list method: SetMouseWheelScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new column list method: GetMouseWheelScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new frame method: SetParentLocked(bool)
[ADDED] a new frame method: GetParentLocked()
[ADDED] a new base method: CenterWithinArea(x, y, width, height)
[ADDED] a new library function: loveframes.NewObject(id, name, inherit_from_base)
[FIXED] an error that would occur when clicking a scroll button on a multiline text input or a multichoice list
[FIXED] a button calculation error that caused the button object to flash while moving the cursor out of it's bounding box while it was down
[FIXED] several errors that could occur when a collapsible category did not have an object
[FIXED] the value of the slider object becoming -0 in certain situations
[CHANGED] the close button object is no longer positioned internally by the frame object and should now be positioned by it's skin drawing function
[CHANGED] all Love Frames objects are now stored within loveframes.objects
[CHANGED] frames are now draggable when parented to any object
[CHANGED] the look of the debug overlay
Version - Alpha (November 20 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new base method: SetProperty(name, value)
[ADDED] a new base method: GetProperty(name)
[ADDED] a new list method: SetButtonScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new list method: GetButtonScrollAmount()
[ADDED] a new list method: SetMouseWheelScrollAmount(amount)
[ADDED] a new list method: GetMouseWheelScrollAmount()
[FIXED] a typo in the changelog
[FIXED] image:SetScale(scalex, scaley) not working correctly
[CHANGED] loveframes.util.GetDirContents(dir, t) to loveframes.util.GetDirectoryContents(dir, t)
[CHANGED] arguments passed to require() to use "." instead of "/" which should fix file loading issues on certain systems
Version - Alpha (November 5 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new text object method: SetIgnoreNewlines(bool)
[ADDED] a new text object method: GetIgnoreNewlines()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetOrientation(orientation)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetOrientation()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetScaleX(scalex)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetScaleX()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetScaleY(scaley)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetScaleY()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetScale(scalex, scaley)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetScale()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetOffsetX(x)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetOffsetX()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetOffsetY(y)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetOffsetY()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetOffset(x, y)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetOffset()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetShearX(x)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetShearX()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetShearY(y)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetShearY()
[ADDED] a new image method: SetShear(x, y)
[ADDED] a new image method: GetShear()
[FIXED] an error that occurred after pressing enter on a multiline text input while all of it's text was selected
[FIXED] text in a single line text input always being cleared when the enter key was pressed
[FIXED] a syntax error in both default skin files that caused imaged to draw incorrect when they had a custom color
[FIXED] an error that would occur when a tab button was being drawn while no font had been set
[FIXED] textinput.OnTextChanged being called too early when using the backspace key or the delete key
[CHANGED] tab buttons no longer calculate their width from within their internal drawing function and should be sized externally from now on
[CHANGED] the text object now calculates what characters should be drawn while in a list object to improve performance with list objects that contain large amounts of text
Version - Alpha (October 25 - 2012)
[ADDED] support for using the delete key in text input objects
[FIXED] textinupt:GetText() only returning the first line of a multiline text input
[FIXED] an error that occurred when clicking a multiline text input object after setting the object's text to an empty string with textinput:SetText("")
[FIXED] incorrect positioning of the text input object's indicator when using the left or right arrow keys to move the object's indicator to a different line
[FIXED] the text input object not creating a new line correctly in certain situations
[CHANGED] textinput:GetText() now returns the object's text with line breaks
Version 0.9.4 - Alpha (October 22 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new base method: SetDrawOrder()
[ADDED] a new base method: GetDrawOrder()
[ADDED] a new text method: GetFormattedText()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetEditable(bool)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetEditable()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetUsable()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetUnusable()
[ADDED] a new system for creating and applying templates to objects
[FIXED] a few incorrect entries in the changelog and added a few entries that were meant to be in the last upadte's changelog
[FIXED] an error that occurred when clicking on a frame that was parented to another frame
[FIXED] frames not being positioned properly if they were parented to another object
[FIXED] modal background object not drawing over umodaled objects in certain situations
[FIXED] an error that would occur when a multichoice list object would become scrollable
[FIXED] an error that would occur when a the column list object had no columns
[FIXED] multichoice object not positioning itself properly if it's parent was the base object
[CHANGED] text:GetText() now returns a string of the object's text
[CHANGED] parented frames can no longer be modaled
Version - Alpha (Spetember 29 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new base method: SetDrawOrder()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetMultiline(bool)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetVerticalScrollBody()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetHorizontalScrollBody()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetText(text)
[ADDED] a new text input method: HasVerticalScrollBar()
[ADDED] a new text input method: HasHorizontalScrollBar()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetFont()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetLineNumbersPanel()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetMultiline()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetTextX()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetTextY()
[ADDED] a new text input method: IsAllTextSelected()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetLines()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetOffsetX()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetOffsetY()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetIndicatorX()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetIndicatorY()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetLineNumbersEnabled(enabled)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetLineNumbersEnabled()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetItemWidth()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetItemHeight()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetTabReplacement(tabreplacement)
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetTabReplacement()
[ADDED] a new scroll area method: GetBarType()
[ADDED] a new scroll bar method: IsDragging()
[ADDED] a new scroll bar method: GetBarType()
[ADDED] a new scroll button method: GetScrollType()
[ADDED] a new tab button method: GetText()
[ADDED] a new tab button method: GetImage()
[ADDED] a new tab button method: GetTabNumber()
[ADDED] a new column list header method: GetName()
[ADDED] a new column list row method: GetColumnData()
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: SetText(text)
[ADDED] a new multichoice method: GetText()
[ADDED] a new multichoice row method: GetText()
[ADDED] a new progressbar method: GetBarWidth()
[ADDED] a new internal object: linenumberspanel
[ADDED] multiline support for the text input object
[ADDED] ability to select all text within a text input
[FIXED] progressbar object not positioning itself properly if it's parent was the base object
[FIXED] a typo in the syntax of loveframes.util.SplitString (was "SplitSring", changed to "SplitString")
[FIXED] the tooltip object not disappearing if it was visible when it's object's visibility was changed to false
[FIXED] the text input object's x offset not being adjusted initially when the width of it's text would would become wider than it's drawing area
[CHANGED] massive code cleanup for optimization and
[CHANGED] frames can now be parent to other objects
[CHANGED] textinput:RunBlink() to textinput:UpdateIndicator()
[CHANGED] textinput:GetBlinkerVisisbility() to textinput:GetIndicatorVisisbility()
[CHANGED] textinput:MoveBlinker(num, exact) to textinput:MoveIndicator(num, exact)
[CHANGED] scrollbars now only autoscroll when their list's item width/height is greater than their previous list's previous item width/height
[CHANGED] cleaned up the code for the default skins
[CHANGED] the text input object's text is no longer drawn internally by the object and should now be draw within the object's skin drawing function
[CHANGED] the column list row object's text is no longer drawn internally by the object and should now be draw within the object's skin drawing function
[REMOVED] textinput:SetTextColor(color)
[REMOVED] columnlistrow:SetTextColor()
Version - Alpha (Spetember 2 - 2012)
[ADDED] numpad enter key support for textinput.OnEnter
[FIXED] duplicate progressbar:GetCompleted() in progressbar.lua
[CHANGED] textinput.OnTextEnterd to textinput.OnTextChanged
[CHANGED] textinput.OnTextChanged is now also called when the backspace key is pressed
Version 0.9.3 - Alpha (Spetember 1 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new base method: GetParents()
[ADDED] a new base method: IsTopInternal()
[ADDED] a new base method: IsInternal()
[ADDED] a new base method: GetType()
[ADDED] a new checkbox method: GetFont()
[ADDED] a new checkbox method: GetBoxSize()
[ADDED] a new checkbox method: GetBoxWidth()
[ADDED] a new checkbox method: GetBoxHeight()
[ADDED] a new image method: GetImage()
[ADDED] a new image method: GetColor()
[ADDED] a new progressbar method: GetCompleted()
[ADDED] a new tabs method: GetTabNumber()
[ADDED] a new text method: GetLines()
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetLimit(limit)
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetUsable(usable)
[ADDED] a new text input method: SetUnusable(unusable)
[ADDED] a new text input method: Clear()
[ADDED] a new text input method: GetText()
[ADDED] support for line breaks in the text object (please refer to the wiki on how to format your text with line breaks)
[ADDED] more information to the debug overlay
[FIXED] tooltips and multichoice lists not functioning properly when a frame was modaled
[FIXED] the text object not moving it's base parent to the top when clicked if it's base parent was a frame
[FIXED] the list object not scrolling via the mouse wheel due to certain collision detection issues
[FIXED] tooltips flickering when in a hover state
[FIXED] slider calculation errors
[FIXED] skin.DrawRepeatingImage creating a new image every frame
[FIXED] checkbox text not scrolling properly when in a list
[FIXED] the collapsible category's object not scrolling properly when in a list
[FIXED] skins not assuming the drawing functions of the default skins if drawing functions in the active skin were missing
[FIXED] some objects not being removed
[FIXED] sliders not scrolling properly when in a list
[CHANGED] various code for a small cleanup
[CHANGED] tooltips from being children of the base object to internals of the base object
[CHANGED] tooltips from never being removed to being removed when their assigned object is removed
[CHANGED] tooltips are now not able to be assigned to the base object (this would cause an error due to the way the tooltip currently functions)
[CHANGED] the text object now positions it's text when SetText is called instead of positioning it's text every frame
[CHANGED] slider:SetMax(max), slider:SetMin(min) and slider:SetMinMax(min, max) now adjust the slider's value if the slider's value is out of the range specified
[CHANGED] loveframes.Create(data, parent) now activates an error screen if the object specified is invalid
Version - Alpha (June 1 - 2012)
[FIXED] the text object not drawing numbers in certain situations
[FIXED] a typo in the changelog
Version - Alpha (May 29 - 2012)
[FIXED] the SetSkin(skin) method causing a stack overflow
Version - Alpha (May 27 - 2012)
[FIXED] imagebutton.OnClick not working
[FIXED] text being added into the text input object at incorrect positions when the value of textinput.blinknum was 0
[FIXED] a bug that would cause an error when running SetVisible on a frame object when the value of frame.showclose was true
Version - Alpha (May 23 - 2012)
[FIXED] vertical slider value direction (top is now max value and bottom is 0)
[FIXED] text flashing in the text input object when moving the text blinker to the right
[FIXED] text blinker in the text input object not appearing in certain situations
Version 0.9.2 - Alpha (May 22 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetButtonSize(width, height)
[ADDED] a new slider method: GetButtonSize()
[ADDED] a new slider method: SetSlideType(slidetype)
[ADDED] a new slider button method: MoveToY(y)
[REMOVED] slider method: SetButtonYCenter(y)
[REMOVED] slider method: GetButtonYCenter()
[FIXED] the column list row object not setting it's text's font to it's font
[FIXED] a small gradient error in the default skins
[FIXED] an error that caused tab buttons to be over-scrolled with the middle mouse button
[FIXED] the scroll area object not moving it's base parent to the top when clicked (only in situations where it's base parent was a frame)
[CHANGED] sliders no longer use ycenter for button positioning
[CHANGED] slider functionality, sliders can now be horizontal or vertical (use slider:SetSlideType("horizontal" or "vertical"))
[CHANGED] lots of code for optimization and general cleanliness
[CHANGED] a few minor things in the default skins
[CHANGED] scrollbar hover behavior when being moved via it's scroll area being clicked (will no longer auto hover when it reaches the mouse position)
Version - Alpha (May 17 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new column list method: Clear()
[ADDED] a new column list method: SetAutoScroll(bool)
[ADDED] "autoscroll" property for the column list object
[ADDED] a new column list area method: Clear()
[ADDED] a new skin function: DrawOverTextInput()
[FIXED] not being able to move the column list object's scrollbar by clicking on it's scroll area
[FIXED] column list rows color indexes becoming disordered when the list was sorted via a column list header
[CHANGED] a few minor things in the default skins
Version - Alpha (May 16 - 2012)
[FIXED] a bug that caused scrollbars to always autoscroll
Version - Alpha (May 16 - 2012)
[FIXED] list:SetAutoScroll() not working
Version - Alpha (May 14 - 2012)
[ADDED] modal system for frames
[ADDED] a new frame method: SetModal(bool)
[ADDED] a new frame method: GetModal()
[ADDED] a new frame method: SetVisible(bool) - this override is part of a frame bug fix
[ADDED] "showclose" property for the frame object
[ADDED] a new internal object: modal background
[ADDED] a new base method: IsActive()
[ADDED] a new base method: CenterX()
[ADDED] a new base method: CenterY()
[ADDED] a new skin function: DrawOverColumList()
[FIXED] a bug that made the frame's close button become visible when the frame was made visible and show close button was set to false
Version - Alpha (May 12 - 2012)
[ADDED] a system for preventing objects from being hovered over when another object is being pressed or is "down"
[ADDED] "down" property for the checkbox object
[ADDED] "down" property for the collapsible category object
[ADDED] a new method for the tabs object: SetToolTipFont(font)
[FIXED] list:GetScrollBar() crashing when the list had no scroll bar
[FIXED] not being able to move the text input blinker to the front or end of the it's text by clicking on it's whitespace
[FIXED] the multichoice row object being "down" when mouse buttons other than the left mouse button were pressed
[CHANGED] collapsible category opening and closing system (will now only open or close when "down")
Version 0.9.1 - Alpha (May 8 - 2012)
[ADDED] a new object: image button
[ADDED] a new skin: Orange
[ADDED] a new column list row method: SetTextPos(x, y)
[ADDED] a new column list row method: SetFont(font)
[ADDED] a new column list row method: GetFont()
[ADDED] a new column list row method: GetColorIndex()
[ADDED] a new column list row method: SetTextColor(color)
[ADDED] a new debug function: SkinSelector()
[ADDED] license.txt
[ADDED] changelog.txt
[CHANGED] the name of the default skin to Blue
[CHANGED] the drawing system of the image object, the image object will now draw it's image from it's skin function instead of it's internal drawing function
[CHANGED] argument type for adding an image to a tab in tabs:AddTab(), the image argument can now be either an image object or a string containg the path to an image
[CHANGED] the look of the debug overlay
[CHANGED] some of the code within the default skins to improve performance (as suggested by kikito)
[REMOVED] license.html
[REMOVED] and graphics.lua
Version 0.9 - Alpha (May 5 - 2012)
Initial commit