beholder = require 'beholder' local directions = { up = {dx = 0, dy = -1}, down = {dx = 0, dy = 1}, left = {dx = -1, dy = 0}, right = {dx = 1, dy = 0} } function startMoving(entity, direction) entity.want[direction] = true end function stopMoving(entity, direction) if not direction then entity.want = {} else entity.want[direction] = nil end end function pause(entity) entity.paused = true end function unpause(entity) entity.paused = false end function move(entity, dt) if not entity.paused then for dir,delta in pairs(directions) do if entity.want[dir] then entity.x = entity.x + delta.dx * entity.speed entity.y = entity.y + delta.dy * entity.speed end end end end function checkCollision(a,b) local ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2 = a.x, a.y, a.x+16, a.y+16 local bx1, by1, bx2, by2 = b.x, b.y, b.x+16, b.y+16 if ax1 < bx2 and ax2 > bx1 and ay1 < by2 and ay2 > by1 then beholder.trigger("COLLISION", a, b) beholder.trigger("COLLISION", b, a) end end function draw(entity)"line", entity.x, entity.y, 16, 16) end function relativePosition(entity) local position = {} local dx = - entity.x local dy = - entity.y table.insert(position, dy > 0 and 'down' or dy < 0 and 'up') table.insert(position, dx > 0 and 'right' or dx < 0 and 'left') return position end function chooseDirection(entity) if then stopMoving(entity) for _,dir in ipairs(relativePosition(entity)) do startMoving(entity, dir) end end end function all(collection, f,...) for i=#collection,1,-1 do f(collection[i], ...) end end function allWithIndex(collection, f) for i=#collection,1,-1 do f(collection[i], i, collection) end end function removeIfDead(entity, id, collection) if entity.dead then table.remove(collection, id) end end function gameOver() print("braains") beholder.reset() love.event.push('q') end entities, zombies = {},{} function createPlayer() player = { x = 400, y = 300, want={}, color = {200,200,50}, speed = 2 } setmetatable(player, {__tostring = function(t) return 'player' end}) for dir,_ in pairs(directions) do beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", dir, function() startMoving(player, dir) end) beholder.observe("KEYRELEASED", dir, function() stopMoving(player, dir) end) end beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", " ", activateMine) beholder.observe("COLLISION", player, gameOver) table.insert(entities, player) end function createZombie() local zombie = { x = math.random(20,780), y = math.random(20,580), want = {}, color = {50,150,50}, speed = math.max(math.random()/2, 0.4), target = player } setmetatable(zombie, {__tostring = function(t) return 'zombie' end}) table.insert(zombies, zombie) table.insert(entities, zombie) end function createMine() mine = { x = player.x, y = player.y, want = {}, color = {100,100,200}, speed = 0 } setmetatable(mine, {__tostring = function(t) return 'mine' end}) beholder.observe("COLLISION", mine, function(zombie) if not mine.exploded then mine.exploded = true mine.color = {50,50,50} zombie.dead = true beholder.trigger("KILLED", zombie) end end) table.insert(entities, mine) end function activateMine() if mine.exploded then mine.exploded = false mine.color = {100,100,200} mine.x,mine.y = player.x, player.y end end function love.update(dt) all(zombies,chooseDirection) all(entities,move) all(zombies,checkCollision,player) all(zombies,checkCollision,mine) allWithIndex(zombies, removeIfDead) allWithIndex(entities, removeIfDead) end function love.draw() all(entities,draw),255,255)"Last pressed key: " .. lastPressedKey, 0, 580) end function love.keypressed(key) beholder.trigger("KEYPRESSED", key) end function love.keyreleased(key) beholder.trigger("KEYRELEASED", key) end function love.load() math.randomseed(os.time()) local zombieCount = 20 local killCount = 0 createPlayer() createMine() for i=1,zombieCount do createZombie() end beholder.observe(print) -- print every event on the terminal -- prints the last pressed key on the screen lastPressedKey = "" beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", function(key) lastPressedKey = key end) -- binds escape to the gameOver function (quit game) beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", "escape", gameOver) -- handle pause beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", "pause", function() all(entities, pause) local id id = beholder.observe("KEYPRESSED", function() all(entities, unpause) beholder.stopObserving(id) end) end) -- victor is triggered if enough kills are done beholder.observe("KILLED", function() killCount = killCount + 1 if killCount == zombieCount then print("You win!") beholder.reset() love.event.push('q') end end) end