local ffi = require 'ffi' _G.love = {filesystem = {newFileData = function() return {getPointer = function() local buf = ffi.new("uint8_t[?]", #love.s) ffi.copy(buf, love.s, #love.s) return buf end, getSize = function() return #love.s end} end, write = function(_, s) love.s = s return true end}} local bitser = require 'bitser' local function serdeser(value) return bitser.loads(bitser.dumps(value)) end local function test_serdeser(value) assert.are.same(serdeser(value), value) end local function test_serdeser_idempotent(value) assert.are.same(bitser.dumps(serdeser(value)), bitser.dumps(value)) end describe("bitser", function() it("serializes simple values", function() test_serdeser(true) test_serdeser(false) test_serdeser(nil) test_serdeser(1) test_serdeser(-1) test_serdeser(0) test_serdeser(100000000) test_serdeser(1.234) test_serdeser(10 ^ 20) test_serdeser(1/0) test_serdeser(-1/0) test_serdeser("") test_serdeser("hullo") test_serdeser([[this is a longer string such a long string that it won't fit in the "short string" representation no it won't listen to me it won't]]) local nan = serdeser(0/0) assert.is_not.equal(nan, nan) end) it("serializes simple tables", function() test_serdeser({}) test_serdeser({10, 11, 12}) test_serdeser({foo = 10, bar = 99, [true] = false}) test_serdeser({[1000] = 9000}) test_serdeser({{}}) end) it("serializes tables with tables as keys", function() local thekey = {"Heyo"} assert.are.same(thekey, (next(serdeser({[thekey] = 12})))) end) it("serializes cyclic tables", function() local cthulhu = {{}, {}, {}} cthulhu.fhtagn = cthulhu --note: this does not test tables as keys because assert.are.same doesn't like that cthulhu[1].cthulhu = cthulhu[3] cthulhu[2].cthulhu = cthulhu[2] cthulhu[3].cthulhu = cthulhu test_serdeser(cthulhu) end) it("serializes resources", function() local temp_resource = {} bitser.register("temp_resource", temp_resource) assert.are.equal(serdeser({this = temp_resource}).this, temp_resource) bitser.unregister("temp_resource") end) it("serializes many resources", function() local max = 1000 local t = {} for i = 1, max do bitser.register(tostring(i), i) t[i] = i end test_serdeser(t) for i = 1, max do bitser.unregister(tostring(i)) end end) it("serializes deeply nested tables", function() local max = 1000 local t = {} for _ = 1, max do t.t = {} t = t.t end test_serdeser(t) end) it("serializes MiddleClass instances", function() local class = require("middleclass") local Horse = bitser.registerClass(class('Horse')) function Horse:initialize(name) self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' end local bojack = Horse('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) assert.is_true(serdeser(bojack):isInstanceOf(Horse)) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes SECL instances", function() local class_mt = {} function class_mt:__index(key) return self.__baseclass[key] end local class = setmetatable({ __baseclass = {} }, class_mt) function class:new(...) local c = {} c.__baseclass = self setmetatable(c, getmetatable(self)) if c.init then c:init(...) end return c end local Horse = bitser.registerClass('Horse', class:new()) function Horse:init(name) self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' end local bojack = Horse:new('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) assert.are.equal(serdeser(bojack).__baseclass, Horse) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes hump.class instances", function() local class = require("class") local Horse = bitser.registerClass('Horse', class{}) function Horse:init(name) self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' end local bojack = Horse('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) assert.are.equal(getmetatable(serdeser(bojack)), Horse) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes Slither instances", function() local class = require("slither") local Horse = class.private 'Horse' { __attributes__ = {bitser.registerClass}, __init__ = function(self, name) self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' end } local bojack = Horse('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) assert.is_true(class.isinstance(serdeser(bojack), Horse)) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes Moonscript class instances", function() local Horse do local _class_0 local _base_0 = {} _base_0.__index = _base_0 _class_0 = setmetatable({ __init = function(self, name) self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' end, __base = _base_0, __name = "Horse"}, { __index = _base_0, __call = function(cls, ...) local _self_0 = setmetatable({}, _base_0) cls.__init(_self_0, ...) return _self_0 end }) _base_0.__class = _class_0 Horse = _class_0 end assert.are.same(Horse.__name, "Horse") -- to shut coveralls up bitser.registerClass(Horse) local bojack = Horse('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) local new_bojack = serdeser(bojack) assert.are.equal(new_bojack.__class, Horse) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes custom class instances", function() local Horse_mt = bitser.registerClass('Horse', {__index = {}}, nil, setmetatable) local function Horse(name) local self = {} self.name = name self[1] = 'instance can be sequence' return setmetatable(self, Horse_mt) end local bojack = Horse('Bojack Horseman') test_serdeser(bojack) assert.are.equal(getmetatable(serdeser(bojack)), Horse_mt) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes classes that repeat keys", function() local my_mt = {"hi"} local works = { foo = 'a', bar = {baz = 'b'}, } local broken = { foo = 'a', bar = {foo = 'b'}, } local more_broken = { foo = 'a', baz = {foo = 'b', bar = 'c'}, quz = {bar = 'd', bam = 'e'} } setmetatable(works, my_mt) setmetatable(broken, my_mt) setmetatable(more_broken, my_mt) bitser.registerClass("Horse", my_mt, nil, setmetatable) test_serdeser(works) test_serdeser(broken) test_serdeser(more_broken) bitser.unregisterClass('Horse') end) it("serializes big data", function() local text = "this is a lot of nonsense, please disregard, we need a lot of data to get past 4 KiB (114 characters should do it)" local t = {} for i = 1, 40 do t[i] = text .. i -- no references allowed! end test_serdeser(t) end) it("serializes many references", function() local max = 1000 local t = {} local t2 = {} for i = 1, max do t.t = {} t = t.t t2[i] = t end test_serdeser({t, t2}) end) it("serializes resources with long names", function() local temp_resource = {} bitser.register("temp_resource_or_whatever", temp_resource) assert.are.equal(serdeser({this = temp_resource}).this, temp_resource) bitser.unregister("temp_resource_or_whatever") end) it("serializes resources with the same name as serialized strings", function() local temp_resource = {} bitser.register('temp', temp_resource) test_serdeser({temp='temp', {temp_resource}}) bitser.unregister('temp') end) it("serializes resources with the same long name as serialized strings", function() local temp_resource = {} bitser.register('temp_resource_or_whatever', temp_resource) test_serdeser({temp_resource_or_whatever='temp_resource_or_whatever', {temp_resource}}) bitser.unregister('temp_resource_or_whatever') end) it("cannot serialize functions", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.dumps(function() end) end, "cannot serialize type function") end) it("cannot serialize unsupported class libraries without explicit deserializer", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.registerClass('Horse', {mane = 'majestic'}) end, "no deserializer given for unsupported class library") end) it("cannot deserialize values from unassigned type bytes", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.loads("\254") end, "unsupported serialized type 254") assert.has_error(function() bitser.loads("\255") end, "unsupported serialized type 255") end) it("can load from raw data", function() assert.are.same(bitser.loadData(ffi.new("uint8_t[4]", 195, 103, 118, 120), 4), "gvx") end) it("will not read from zero length data", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.loadData(ffi.new("uint8_t[1]", 0), 0) end) end) it("will not read from zero length string", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.loads("") end) end) it("will not read past the end of the buffer", function() assert.has_error(function() bitser.loadData(ffi.new("uint8_t[4]", 196, 103, 118, 120), 4) end) end) it("can clear the buffer", function() bitser.clearBuffer() end) it("can write to new buffer after reading from read-only buffer", function() test_serdeser("bitser") bitser.loadData(ffi.new("uint8_t[4]", 195, 103, 118, 120), 4) test_serdeser("bitser") end) it("can dump and load LÖVE files", function() local v = {value = "value"} bitser.dumpLoveFile("some_file_name", v) assert.are.same(v, bitser.loadLoveFile("some_file_name")) end) it("can read and write simple cdata", function() test_serdeser(ffi.new('double', 42.5)) end) it("can read and write cdata with a registered ctype", function() pcall(ffi.cdef,[[ struct some_struct { int a; double b; }; ]]) local value = ffi.new('struct some_struct', 42, 1.25) bitser.register('struct_type', ffi.typeof(value)) test_serdeser_idempotent(value) bitser.unregister('struct_type') end) it("can read and write cdata without registering its ctype", function() pcall(ffi.cdef,[[ struct some_struct { int a; double b; }; ]]) local value = ffi.new('struct some_struct', 42, 1.25) test_serdeser_idempotent(value) end) it("cannot read from anonymous structs", function() local v = bitser.dumps(ffi.new('struct { int a; }')) assert.has_error(function() bitser.loads(v) end) end) it("can read and write simple multiple cdata of the same ctype without getting confused", function() test_serdeser({ffi.new('double', 42.5), ffi.new('double', 12), ffi.new('double', 0.01)}) end) it("can read and write metatables", function() local t = setmetatable({foo="foo"}, {__index = {bar="bar"}}) test_serdeser(t) assert.are.same(getmetatable(t), getmetatable(serdeser(t))) assert.are.same(serdeser(t).bar, "bar") end) end)