This text is within a <strong>second block</strong>. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean efficitur sit amet massa fringilla egestas. Nullam condimentum luctus turpis.
This text is within a <strong>third block</strong>. This block has no margin at the bottom.
This text <em>isn't</em> within a <strong>block</strong> either. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean efficitur sit amet massa fringilla egestas. Nullam condimentum luctus turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <strong>Pellentesque risus mi</strong>, tempus quis placerat ut, porta nec nulla. Vestibulum rhoncus ac ex sit amet fringilla. Nullam gravida purus diam, et dictum <a>felis venenatis</a> efficitur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <strong>Pellentesque risus mi</strong>, tempus quis placerat ut, porta nec nulla. Vestibulum rhoncus ac ex sit amet fringilla. Nullam gravida purus diam, et dictum <a>felis venenatis</a> efficitur.
The <code>block</code> element is a simple <strong>spacer tool</strong>. It allows <strong>sibling</strong> HTML elements to have a consistent margin between them:
{% include elements/snippet.html content=block_example %}
As you can see, the first two blocks have a <code>margin-bottom</code> applied, but <strong>not the third one.</strong>. That is because Bulma applies a space on all blocks, <strong>except the last one</strong>. This means you can use as many blocks as you want, the spacing will only appear <strong>between them</strong>.
Without using <code>block</code>, the HTML elements would have no space between them:
{% include elements/snippet.html content=no_block_example %}
As a matter of fact, you're <strong>already using</strong> the <code>block</code> without knowing it. Its CSS properties are <strong>shared</strong> across several Bulma elements and components:
No matter which Bulma elements and components you are using, and no matter their order, they will have a <strong>consistent space</strong> between them.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="One line of CSS" %}
As you can see, the CSS of the <code>block</code> is very simple: it applies a <code>margin-bottom</code> on all siblings, <strong>except the last one</strong>.