Handle <strong>different</strong> column layouts for each <strong>breakpoint</strong>
{% include anchor.html name="Mobile columns" %}
By default, columns are only activated from <strong>tablet</strong> onwards. This means columns are stacked on top of each other on <strong>mobile</strong>.
If you want columns to work on <strong>mobile too</strong>, just add the <code>is-mobile</code> modifier on the <code>columns</code> container:
<divclass="columns is-mobile">
<pclass="bd-notification is-info">1</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-success">2</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-warning">3</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-danger">4</p>
{% highlight html %}{{ columns_mobile }}{% endhighlight %}
<divclass="message is-info">
If you want to see the difference, resize your browser and see <em>when</em> the columns are stacked and when they are horizontally distributed.
If you <em>only</em> want columns on <strong>desktop</strong> upwards, just use the <code>is-desktop</code> modifier on the <code>columns</code> container:
<divclass="columns is-desktop">
<pclass="bd-notification is-info">1</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-success">2</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-warning">3</p>
<pclass="bd-notification is-danger">4</p>
{% highlight html %}{{ columns_desktop }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Different column sizes per breakpoint" %}
<p>You can define a <strong>column size</strong> for <em>each</em> viewport size: mobile, tablet, and desktop.</p>
<pclass="message-body">If you want to see these classes in action, resize your browser window and see how the same column varies in width at each breakpoint.</p>
{% highlight html %}{{ columns_multiple_breakpoints }}{% endhighlight %}