{% endcapture %}
@@ -539,7 +717,6 @@ doc-subtab: general
a form control
an optional helptext
It allows form fields to be spaced consistently.
@@ -569,7 +746,7 @@ doc-subtab: general
Form control
The control is a versatile container meant to enhance single form controls. Because it has the same height as a control elements, It can only contain the following elements:
The control is a versatile container meant to enhance single form controls. Because it has the same height as a control elements, it can only contain the following elements:
@@ -605,6 +782,95 @@ doc-subtab: general
With icons
You can append one of 2 modifiers on a control:
+ has-icons-left
+ and/or has-icons-right
You also need to add a modifier on the icon:
+ icon is-left if has-icons-left is used
+ icon is-right if has-icons-right is used
The size of the input will define the size of the icon container.
+ {{icons_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{icons_example}}{% endhighlight %}
+ You can append icons to select dropdowns as well.
+ {{select_icons_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{select_icons_example}}{% endhighlight %}
+ If the control contains an icon, Bulma will make sure the icon remains centered, no matter the size of the input or of the icon.
+ {{has_icons_small_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{has_icons_small_example}}{% endhighlight %}
+ {{has_icons_normal_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{has_icons_normal_example}}{% endhighlight %}
+ {{has_icons_medium_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{has_icons_medium_example}}{% endhighlight %}
+ {{has_icons_large_example}}
+ {% highlight html %}{{has_icons_large_example}}{% endhighlight %}