* Fix Indeterminate Progress Bar animation in Firefox. Fixes#2258
* Fix is-size-1-tablet row in Responsive Size table
.is-size-1-tablet affects all screen widths above 769px, not just between 769px and 1023px
* Update docs with webpack 4
Hello! Extract-text-plugin is deprecated in webpack 4 and onward in favor of Mini-css-extract: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/extract-text-webpack-plugin
So I edited your doc to include a webpack 4 example and indicated that the previous example is for webpack 3 and less
* Typo fixed
Typo fixed
This change adds example to delete notifications. It's automatically loaded on dom-ready, and sets `click` handler for all `.delete` elements of `.notification`s.
I was thinking if someone wasn't aware that you could also use `<button type="submit"></button>` instead of `<input type="submit">` that this could save them some time (and possibly prevent them abandoning the idea of using this lovely animated loading button)
* Bring code-example as readable HTML
In all other documentation -> column documents there is the source code clearly written, so I missed it in the nested documentation and brought it in. Please verify and thanks for merge 👍
* Added Output of nested_example itself
👍👍👍 jgthms for your fast comment! No I can go to bed and sleep well :o) 🌜
* Add secondary and tertiary font families to derived-variables.sass
* Add font family helpers to helpers.sass
* Add has-font-* to typography-helpers.html
* Correct number of font family helpers in typography-helpers.html
* Remove $family-tertiary, change has-font to is-family, and update docs.