"use strict"; var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function _defaults(obj, defaults) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(defaults); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(defaults, key); if (value && value.configurable && obj[key] === undefined) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, value); } } return obj; } /*! * clipboard.js v1.5.9 * https://zenorocha.github.io/clipboard.js * * Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha */ !function (t) { if ("object" == (typeof exports === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(exports)) && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = t();else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t);else { var e;e = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, e.Clipboard = t(); } }(function () { var t, e, n;return function t(e, n, o) { function r(c, s) { if (!n[c]) { if (!e[c]) { var a = "function" == typeof require && require;if (!s && a) return a(c, !0);if (i) return i(c, !0);var l = new Error("Cannot find module '" + c + "'");throw l.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", l; }var u = n[c] = { exports: {} };e[c][0].call(u.exports, function (t) { var n = e[c][1][t];return r(n ? n : t); }, u, u.exports, t, e, n, o); }return n[c].exports; }for (var i = "function" == typeof require && require, c = 0; c < o.length; c++) { r(o[c]); }return r; }({ 1: [function (t, e, n) { var o = t("matches-selector");e.exports = function (t, e, n) { for (var r = n ? t : t.parentNode; r && r !== document;) { if (o(r, e)) return r;r = r.parentNode; } }; }, { "matches-selector": 5 }], 2: [function (t, e, n) { function o(t, e, n, o, i) { var c = r.apply(this, arguments);return t.addEventListener(n, c, i), { destroy: function destroy() { t.removeEventListener(n, c, i); } }; }function r(t, e, n, o) { return function (n) { n.delegateTarget = i(n.target, e, !0), n.delegateTarget && o.call(t, n); }; }var i = t("closest");e.exports = o; }, { closest: 1 }], 3: [function (t, e, n) { n.node = function (t) { return void 0 !== t && t instanceof HTMLElement && 1 === t.nodeType; }, n.nodeList = function (t) { var e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t);return void 0 !== t && ("[object NodeList]" === e || "[object HTMLCollection]" === e) && "length" in t && (0 === t.length || n.node(t[0])); }, n.string = function (t) { return "string" == typeof t || t instanceof String; }, n.fn = function (t) { var e = Object.prototype.toString.call(t);return "[object Function]" === e; }; }, {}], 4: [function (t, e, n) { function o(t, e, n) { if (!t && !e && !n) throw new Error("Missing required arguments");if (!s.string(e)) throw new TypeError("Second argument must be a String");if (!s.fn(n)) throw new TypeError("Third argument must be a Function");if (s.node(t)) return r(t, e, n);if (s.nodeList(t)) return i(t, e, n);if (s.string(t)) return c(t, e, n);throw new TypeError("First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList"); }function r(t, e, n) { return t.addEventListener(e, n), { destroy: function destroy() { t.removeEventListener(e, n); } }; }function i(t, e, n) { return Array.prototype.forEach.call(t, function (t) { t.addEventListener(e, n); }), { destroy: function destroy() { Array.prototype.forEach.call(t, function (t) { t.removeEventListener(e, n); }); } }; }function c(t, e, n) { return a(document.body, t, e, n); }var s = t("./is"), a = t("delegate");e.exports = o; }, { "./is": 3, delegate: 2 }], 5: [function (t, e, n) { function o(t, e) { if (i) return i.call(t, e);for (var n = t.parentNode.querySelectorAll(e), o = 0; o < n.length; ++o) { if (n[o] == t) return !0; }return !1; }var r = Element.prototype, i = r.matchesSelector || r.webkitMatchesSelector || r.mozMatchesSelector || r.msMatchesSelector || r.oMatchesSelector;e.exports = o; }, {}], 6: [function (t, e, n) { function o(t) { var e;if ("INPUT" === t.nodeName || "TEXTAREA" === t.nodeName) t.focus(), t.setSelectionRange(0, t.value.length), e = t.value;else { t.hasAttribute("contenteditable") && t.focus();var n = window.getSelection(), o = document.createRange();o.selectNodeContents(t), n.removeAllRanges(), n.addRange(o), e = n.toString(); }return e; }e.exports = o; }, {}], 7: [function (t, e, n) { function o() {}o.prototype = { on: function on(t, e, n) { var o = this.e || (this.e = {});return (o[t] || (o[t] = [])).push({ fn: e, ctx: n }), this; }, once: function once(t, e, n) { function o() { r.off(t, o), e.apply(n, arguments); }var r = this;return o._ = e, this.on(t, o, n); }, emit: function emit(t) { var e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), n = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[t] || []).slice(), o = 0, r = n.length;for (o; r > o; o++) { n[o].fn.apply(n[o].ctx, e); }return this; }, off: function off(t, e) { var n = this.e || (this.e = {}), o = n[t], r = [];if (o && e) for (var i = 0, c = o.length; c > i; i++) { o[i].fn !== e && o[i].fn._ !== e && r.push(o[i]); }return r.length ? n[t] = r : delete n[t], this; } }, e.exports = o; }, {}], 8: [function (e, n, o) { !function (r, i) { if ("function" == typeof t && t.amd) t(["module", "select"], i);else if ("undefined" != typeof o) i(n, e("select"));else { var c = { exports: {} };i(c, r.select), r.clipboardAction = c.exports; } }(this, function (t, e) { "use strict"; function n(t) { return t && t.__esModule ? t : { "default": t }; }function o(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }var r = n(e), i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (t) { return typeof t === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(t); } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof t === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(t); }, c = function () { function t(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = e[n];o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, o.key, o); } }return function (e, n, o) { return n && t(e.prototype, n), o && t(e, o), e; }; }(), s = function () { function t(e) { o(this, t), this.resolveOptions(e), this.initSelection(); }return t.prototype.resolveOptions = function t() { var e = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? {} : arguments[0];this.action = e.action, this.emitter = e.emitter, this.target = e.target, this.text = e.text, this.trigger = e.trigger, this.selectedText = ""; }, t.prototype.initSelection = function t() { if (this.text && this.target) throw new Error('Multiple attributes declared, use either "target" or "text"');if (this.text) this.selectFake();else { if (!this.target) throw new Error('Missing required attributes, use either "target" or "text"');this.selectTarget(); } }, t.prototype.selectFake = function t() { var e = this, n = "rtl" == document.documentElement.getAttribute("dir");this.removeFake(), this.fakeHandler = document.body.addEventListener("click", function () { return e.removeFake(); }), this.fakeElem = document.createElement("textarea"), this.fakeElem.style.fontSize = "12pt", this.fakeElem.style.border = "0", this.fakeElem.style.padding = "0", this.fakeElem.style.margin = "0", this.fakeElem.style.position = "fixed", this.fakeElem.style[n ? "right" : "left"] = "-9999px", this.fakeElem.style.top = (window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop) + "px", this.fakeElem.setAttribute("readonly", ""), this.fakeElem.value = this.text, document.body.appendChild(this.fakeElem), this.selectedText = (0, r.default)(this.fakeElem), this.copyText(); }, t.prototype.removeFake = function t() { this.fakeHandler && (document.body.removeEventListener("click"), this.fakeHandler = null), this.fakeElem && (document.body.removeChild(this.fakeElem), this.fakeElem = null); }, t.prototype.selectTarget = function t() { this.selectedText = (0, r.default)(this.target), this.copyText(); }, t.prototype.copyText = function t() { var e = void 0;try { e = document.execCommand(this.action); } catch (n) { e = !1; }this.handleResult(e); }, t.prototype.handleResult = function t(e) { e ? this.emitter.emit("success", { action: this.action, text: this.selectedText, trigger: this.trigger, clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this) }) : this.emitter.emit("error", { action: this.action, trigger: this.trigger, clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this) }); }, t.prototype.clearSelection = function t() { this.target && this.target.blur(), window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }, t.prototype.destroy = function t() { this.removeFake(); }, c(t, [{ key: "action", set: function t() { var e = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? "copy" : arguments[0];if (this._action = e, "copy" !== this._action && "cut" !== this._action) throw new Error('Invalid "action" value, use either "copy" or "cut"'); }, get: function t() { return this._action; } }, { key: "target", set: function t(e) { if (void 0 !== e) { if (!e || "object" !== ("undefined" == typeof e ? "undefined" : i(e)) || 1 !== e.nodeType) throw new Error('Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element');this._target = e; } }, get: function t() { return this._target; } }]), t; }();t.exports = s; }); }, { select: 6 }], 9: [function (e, n, o) { !function (r, i) { if ("function" == typeof t && t.amd) t(["module", "./clipboard-action", "tiny-emitter", "good-listener"], i);else if ("undefined" != typeof o) i(n, e("./clipboard-action"), e("tiny-emitter"), e("good-listener"));else { var c = { exports: {} };i(c, r.clipboardAction, r.tinyEmitter, r.goodListener), r.clipboard = c.exports; } }(this, function (t, e, n, o) { "use strict"; function r(t) { return t && t.__esModule ? t : { "default": t }; }function i(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }function c(t, e) { if (!t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return !e || "object" != (typeof e === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(e)) && "function" != typeof e ? t : e; }function s(t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + (typeof e === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(e)));t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e) : _defaults(t, e)); }function a(t, e) { var n = "data-clipboard-" + t;if (e.hasAttribute(n)) return e.getAttribute(n); }var l = r(e), u = r(n), f = r(o), d = function (t) { function e(n, o) { i(this, e);var r = c(this, t.call(this));return r.resolveOptions(o), r.listenClick(n), r; }return s(e, t), e.prototype.resolveOptions = function t() { var e = arguments.length <= 0 || void 0 === arguments[0] ? {} : arguments[0];this.action = "function" == typeof e.action ? e.action : this.defaultAction, this.target = "function" == typeof e.target ? e.target : this.defaultTarget, this.text = "function" == typeof e.text ? e.text : this.defaultText; }, e.prototype.listenClick = function t(e) { var n = this;this.listener = (0, f.default)(e, "click", function (t) { return n.onClick(t); }); }, e.prototype.onClick = function t(e) { var n = e.delegateTarget || e.currentTarget;this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction = null), this.clipboardAction = new l.default({ action: this.action(n), target: this.target(n), text: this.text(n), trigger: n, emitter: this }); }, e.prototype.defaultAction = function t(e) { return a("action", e); }, e.prototype.defaultTarget = function t(e) { var n = a("target", e);return n ? document.querySelector(n) : void 0; }, e.prototype.defaultText = function t(e) { return a("text", e); }, e.prototype.destroy = function t() { this.listener.destroy(), this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction.destroy(), this.clipboardAction = null); }, e; }(u.default);t.exports = d; }); }, { "./clipboard-action": 8, "good-listener": 4, "tiny-emitter": 7 }] }, {}, [9])(9); });