--- title: Customize with Sass layout: docs theme: customize doc-tab: customize doc-subtab: with-sass breadcrumb: - home - documentation - customize - customize-with-sass --- {% capture content %} Bulma is built using [Sass](https://sass-lang.com/). It uses **Sass variables** to define colors, sizes, spacing, and other aspects of the framework. {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %} {% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Install the dependencies" %} {% capture content %} To customize Bulma with Sass, you first need to [install Sass](https://sass-lang.com/install/). The recommended approach is to use the `sass` npm package. {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %} {% capture content %} {% highlight bash %} npm install sass npm install bulma {% endhighlight %} In your `package.json`, add one script to build Bulma, one to build and watch for changes: {% highlight json %} "build-bulma": "sass --load-path=node_modules my-bulma-project.scss my-bulma-project.css", "start": "npm run build-bulma -- --watch" {% endhighlight %} Your whole `package.json` should look like this: {% highlight json %} { "dependencies": { "bulma": "^1.0.0", "sass": "^1.72.0" }, "scripts": { "build-bulma": "sass --load-path=node_modules my-bulma-project.scss my-bulma-project.css", "start": "npm run build-bulma -- --watch" } } {% endhighlight %} {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %} {% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Create your Sass file" %} {% capture content %} Next to your `package.json`, create a `my-bulma-project.scss` file. To overwrite Bulma's Sass variables with your own value, write `@use` and the `with` keyword, which takes a Sass map: {% highlight sass %} @use "sass:color"; // Set your brand colors $purple: #8a4d76; $pink: #fa7c91; $brown: #757763; $beige-light: #d0d1cd; $beige-lighter: #eff0eb; // Path to Bulma's sass folder @use "bulma/sass" with ( $family-primary: '"Nunito", sans-serif', $grey-dark: $brown, $grey-light: $beige-light, $primary: $purple, $link: $pink, $control-border-width: 2px, $input-shadow: none ); // Import the Google Font @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito:400,700"); {% endhighlight %} {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %} {% capture content %} Test out your setup by running the following command: {% highlight bash %} npm run build-bulma {% endhighlight %} You should see **2 files** appearing next to the other ones: * `my-bulma-project.css`, your CSS output file * `my-bulma-project.css.map`, an optional source map {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %} {% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Add an HTML page" %} {% capture content %} To view your Bulma project come to life, create an `index.html` page with the following content: {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %}
{% highlight html -%} {%- include docs/snippets/custom-page.html -%} {%- endhighlight %}
{% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Final result" %} {% capture content %} Your project folder should look like this: {% endcapture %} {% include markdown.html content=content %}

And your final page will look like this:

{% include screenshot.html path="screenshots/custom-page.png" width=640 height=330 caption="Your final Bulma page" %}