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var NAVBAR_HEIGHT = 52; var THRESHOLD = 160; var horizon = NAVBAR_HEIGHT; var whereYouStoppedScrolling = 0; var scrollFactor = 0; var currentTranslate = 0; // Anchors highlight var past_anchors = []; anchor_links_el.reverse(); var trigger_offset = 24; // In pixels var typo_el = document.getElementById('typo'); function whenScrolling() { if (anchors_ref_el) { var bounds = anchors_ref_el.getBoundingClientRect(); var anchors_height = anchors_el.clientHeight; var typo_bounds = typo_el.getBoundingClientRect(); var typo_height = typo_el.clientHeight; if (bounds.top < 1 && typo_bounds.top - anchors_height + typo_height > 0) { anchors_el.classList.add('is-pinned'); } else { anchors_el.classList.remove('is-pinned'); } anchor_links_el.some(function (el) { var bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var href = el.getAttribute('href'); var key = href.substring(1); // #target -> target if (bounds.top < 1 + trigger_offset && past_anchors.indexOf(key) == -1) { past_anchors.push(key); highlightAnchor(); 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whereYouStoppedScrolling = currentY; if (currentY > horizon) { horizon = currentY; } translateHeader(currentY, false); } function goingUp(currentY) { var trigger = 0; if (currentY < whereYouStoppedScrolling - NAVBAR_HEIGHT) { horizon = currentY + NAVBAR_HEIGHT; } translateHeader(currentY, true); } function constrainDelta(delta) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(delta, NAVBAR_HEIGHT)); } function translateHeader(currentY, upwards) { // let topTranslateValue; var translateValue = void 0; if (upwards && currentTranslate == 0) { translateValue = 0; } else if (currentY <= NAVBAR_HEIGHT) { translateValue = currentY * -1; } else { var delta = constrainDelta(Math.abs(currentY - horizon)); translateValue = delta - NAVBAR_HEIGHT; } if (translateValue != currentTranslate) { var navbarStyle = '\n transform: translateY(' + translateValue + 'px);\n '; currentTranslate = translateValue; navbarEl.setAttribute('style', navbarStyle); } if (currentY > THRESHOLD * 2) { scrollFactor = 1; } else if (currentY > THRESHOLD) { scrollFactor = (currentY - THRESHOLD) / THRESHOLD; 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