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Write the HTML code you want.", "color": "link", "icon_brand": "true", "icon": "css3", "path": "/documentation/overview/classes/" }, "overview-modular": { "name": "Modularity", "subtitle": "Just import what you need", "color": "success", "icon": "cubes", "path": "/documentation/overview/modular/" }, "overview-responsiveness": { "name": "Responsiveness", "subtitle": "Bulma is a mobile-first framework", "color": "primary", "icon": "arrows-alt-h", "path": "/documentation/overview/responsiveness/" }, "overview-variables": { "name": "Variables", "subtitle": "See how Bulma uses Sass variables to allow easy customization", "color": "grey", "icon": "cogs", "path": "/documentation/overview/variables/" }, "overview-colors": { "name": "Colors", "subtitle": "The colors that style most Bulma elements and components", "color": "info", "icon": "tint", "path": "/documentation/overview/colors/" }, "utilities": { "name": "Utilities", "subtitle": "Sass tools used by Bulma and available for you", "color": "primary", "icon": "tools", "path": "/documentation/utilities/" }, "utilities-functions": { "name": "Functions", "subtitle": "Utility functions to calculate colors and other values", "color": "orange", "icon": "code", "path": "/documentation/utilities/functions/" }, "utilities-mixins": { "name": "Mixins", "subtitle": "Utility mixins for custom elements and other CSS helpers", "color": "purple", "icon": "equals", "path": "/documentation/utilities/mixins/" }, "utilities-responsive-mixins": { "name": "Responsive mixins", "subtitle": "Mixins that allows you to define different styles for each screen size", "color": "purple", "icon": "arrows-alt-h", "path": "/documentation/utilities/responsive-mixins/" }, "utilities-extends": { "name": "Extends", "subtitle": "Sass extends to keep your CSS code DRY", "color": "purple", "icon": "percentage", "path": "/documentation/utilities/extends/" }, "utilities-control-mixins": { "name": "Form Control mixins", "subtitle": "Mixins for Bulma's buttons and form controls", "color": "purple", "icon": "hand-pointer", "icon_regular": "true", "path": "/documentation/utilities/control-mixins/" }, "customize": { "name": "Customize", "subtitle": "Create your own theme with a simple set of variables", "color": "purple", "icon": "paint-brush", "path": "/documentation/customize/" }, "customize-concepts": { "name": "Concepts", "subtitle": "What makes Bulma customizable", "color": "info", "icon": "lightbulb", "path": "/documentation/customize/concepts/" }, "customize-variables": { "name": "Variables", "subtitle": "See how Bulma uses Sass variables to allow easy customization", "color": "grey", "icon": "cogs", "path": "/documentation/customize/variables/" }, "customize-node-sass": { "name": "With node-sass", "subtitle": "Use npm/yarn and node-sass", "color": "danger", "icon_brand": "true", "icon": "npm", "path": "/documentation/customize/with-node-sass/" }, "customize-sass-cli": { "name": "With Sass CLI", "subtitle": "Use the Sass command line", "color": "purple", "icon_brand": "true", "icon": "sass", "path": "/documentation/customize/with-sass-cli/" }, "customize-webpack": { "name": "With webpack", "subtitle": "Use Bulma with webpack", "color": "warning", "icon_brand": "true", "icon": "js", "path": "/documentation/customize/with-webpack/" }, "modifiers": { "name": "Modifiers", "subtitle": "An easy-to-read naming system designed for humans", "color": "grey", "icon": "cogs", "path": "/documentation/modifiers/" }, "overview-modifiers": { "name": "Modifiers syntax", "subtitle": "Most Bulma elements have alternative styles. To apply them, you only need to append one of the modifier classes. They all start with is- or has-.", "color": "orange", "icon": "code", "path": "/documentation/overview/modifiers/" }, "modifiers-helpers": { "name": "Helpers", "subtitle": "Apply helper classes to almost any element, in order to alter its style", "color": "danger", "icon": "medkit", "path": "/documentation/modifiers/helpers/" }, "modifiers-responsive-helpers": { "name": "Responsive helpers", "subtitle": "Show/hide content depending on the width of the viewport", "color": "primary", "icon": "arrows-alt-h", "path": "/documentation/modifiers/responsive-helpers/" }, "modifiers-color-helpers": { "name": "Color helpers", "subtitle": "Change the color of the text and/or background", "color": "info", "icon": "tint", "path": "/documentation/modifiers/color-helpers/" }, "modifiers-typography-helpers": { "name": "Typography helpers", "subtitle": "Change the size and color of the text for one or multiple viewport width", "color": "grey-dark", "icon": "font", "path": "/documentation/modifiers/typography-helpers/" }, "helpers": { "name": "Helpers", "subtitle": "Apply helper classes to almost any element, in order to alter their style", "color": "danger", "icon": "medkit", "path": "/documentation/helpers/" }, "helpers-color": { "name": "Color", "subtitle": "Change the color of the text and/or background", "color": "info", "icon": "tint", "path": "/documentation/helpers/color-helpers/" }, "helpers-typography": { "name": "Typography", "subtitle": "Change the size, weight, and other font properties of the text", "color": "grey-dark", "icon": "font", "path": "/documentation/helpers/typography-helpers/" }, "helpers-spacing": { "name": "Spacing", "subtitle": "Change the size and color of the text for one or multiple viewport width", "color": "grey-dark", "icon": "arrows-alt-h", "path": "/documentation/helpers/spacing-helpers/" }, "helpers-visibility": { "name": "Visibility", "subtitle": "Show/hide content depending on the width of the viewport", "color": "primary", "icon": "eye", "path": "/documentation/helpers/visibility-helpers/" }, "helpers-flexbox": { "name": "Flexbox", "subtitle": "Helpers for all Flexbox properties", "color": "primary", "icon": "ellipsis-h", "path": "/documentation/helpers/flexbox-helpers/" }, "helpers-other": { "name": "Other", "subtitle": "Other useful Bulma helpers", "color": "primary", "icon": "medkit", "path": "/documentation/helpers/other-helpers/" }, "columns": { "name": "Columns", "subtitle": "The power of Flexbox in a simple interface", "color": "star", "icon": "columns", "path": "/documentation/columns/" }, "columns-basics": { "name": "Basics", "subtitle": "A simple way to build responsive columns", "color": "star", "icon": "columns", "path": "/documentation/columns/basics/" }, "columns-sizes": { "name": "Sizes", "subtitle": "Define the size of each column individually", "color": "success", "icon": "expand-arrows-alt", "path": "/documentation/columns/sizes/" }, "columns-responsiveness": { "name": "Responsiveness", "subtitle": "Handle different column layouts for each breakpoint", "color": "primary", "icon": "arrows-alt-h", "path": "/documentation/columns/responsiveness/" }, "columns-nesting": { "name": "Nesting", "subtitle": "A simple way to build responsive columns", "color": "danger", "icon": "sitemap", "path": "/documentation/columns/nesting/" }, "columns-gap": { "name": "Gap", "subtitle": "Customize the gap between the columns", "color": "info", "icon": "pause", "path": "/documentation/columns/gap/" }, "columns-options": { "name": "Options", "subtitle": "Design different types of column layouts", "color": "grey", "icon": "cogs", "path": "/documentation/columns/options/" }, "layout": { "name": "Layout", "subtitle": "Design the structure of your webpage with these CSS classes", "color": "success", "icon": "warehouse", "path": "/documentation/layout/" }, "layout-container": { "name": "Container", "subtitle": "A simple container to center your content horizontally", "path": "/documentation/layout/container/", "icon": "arrows-alt-h" }, "layout-level": { "name": "Level", "subtitle": "A multi-purpose horizontal level, which can contain almost any other element", "path": "/documentation/layout/level/", "icon": "ruler-horizontal" }, "layout-media": { "name": "Media Object", "subtitle": "The famous media object prevalent in social media interfaces, but useful in any context", "path": "/documentation/layout/media-object/", "icon": "th-list" }, "layout-hero": { "name": "Hero", "subtitle": "An imposing hero banner to showcase something", "path": "/documentation/layout/hero/", "icon": "star" }, "layout-section": { "name": "Section", "subtitle": "A simple container to divide your page into sections, like the one you're currently reading", "path": "/documentation/layout/section/", "icon": "square" }, "layout-footer": { "name": "Footer", "subtitle": "A simple responsive footer which can include anything: lists, headings, columns, icons, buttons, etc.", "path": 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"path": "/alternative-to-bootstrap/" }, "patreon-backers": { "name": "Patreon and GitHub backers", "subtitle": "Everyone who is supporting Bulma", "icon_brand": "true", "icon": "patreon", "color": "patreon", "path": "/backers/" }, "extensions": { "name": "Bulma extensions", "title": "Extensions", "subtitle": "Side projects to enhance Bulma", "icon": "plug", "color": "extensions", "path": "/extensions/" } }, "navbar": ["videos", "expo"], "navbarMore": [ "love", "backers", "extensions", "bulma-book", "blog", "brand", "bulma-start", "made-with-bulma" ], "more": [ "love", "backers", "extensions", "bulma-book", "blog", "brand", "bulma-start", "made-with-bulma", "bootstrap" ], "categoryIds": [ "overview", "customize", "utilities", "columns", "elements", "components", "form", "layout", "helpers" ], "categories": { "overview": [ "overview-start", "overview-classes", "overview-modifiers", "overview-modular", "overview-responsiveness", "overview-colors" ], "utilities": [ "utilities-mixins", 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