# Bulma Changelog ## Upcoming release ### Bug fixes * Fix #2031, Fix #2483 -> Invalid output when declaring a custom shade map * Fix #2060 -> `height: auto` on HTML `audio` element breaks height of element * #1608 Fix #1552 -> `.container.is-fluid` margins ### New features * #2563 `.image` has a new `.is-fullwidth` modifier ## 0.7.5 ### Deprecation warning The `form.sass` file is **deprecated**. It has moved into its own `/form` folder. If you were importing `form.sass`, please import `sass/form/_all.sass` now. If you were simply importing the whole of Bulma with `@import "~/bulma/bulma.sass"` or similar, you won't have to change anything, and everything will work as bbefore. ### New features #### Support for overriding the `font-family` You can now specify a different `font-family` for the `.title`, `.subtitle` and `.button` by using the variables `$title-family`, `$subtitle-family` and `$button-family` respectively. Simply set a value when importing Bulma: ```scss $title-family: "Georgia", serif; ``` * #2375 Add `.is-relative` helper * #2321 Make `.navbar` focus behave like hover for the navigation * #2290 Fix #1186 -> Reset the offset on columns * #2231 Add `.has-text-weight-medium` helper * #2224 Add customizable border radius to progress bar * #2480 Add `$footer-color` variable ### Improvements * #2396 Update docs with webpack 4 example * #2381 Make centered buttons have equal margin * Fix #2297 -> Remove `.container` fixed width values, use `flex-grow` * #2478 Move form.sass into its own folder ### Bug fixes * #2420 Fix #2414 -> Fix `align` attribute in `td/th` being ignored * #2463 Remove duplicate `.has-addons` in `tag.sass` * #2253 Fix `$gap` variable default value * #2273 Fix #2258 -> Fix Indeterminate Progress Bar animation in Firefox * #2175 Proper aligning for `.tabs` within `.content` * #2476 Fix #2441 -> Correct active pagination link text colour on hero Fix #1979 -> Correct loading spinner color when a button is: * outlined and hovered/focused * outlined, inverted and hovered/focused ### New variables #### Initial variables * `$block-spacing` #### Base * `$body-font-size` * `$small-font-size` * `$pre-font-size` * `$pre-padding` * `$pre-code-font-size` #### Components * `$card-header-padding` * `$card-content-padding` * `$card-media-margin` * `$dropdown-menu-min-width` * `$dropdown-content-padding-bottom` * `$dropdown-content-padding-top` * `$level-item-spacing` * `$menu-list-line-height` * `$menu-list-link-padding` * `$menu-nested-list-margin` * `$menu-nested-list-padding-left` * `$menu-label-font-size` * `$menu-label-letter-spacing` * `$menu-label-spacing` * `$pagination-item-font-size` * `$pagination-item-margin` * `$pagination-item-padding-left` * `$pagination-item-padding-right` * `$panel-margin` * `$panel-tabs-font-size` #### Elements * `$container-offset` #### Grid * `$tile-spacing` ## 0.7.3 ### New features * #2145 Fix #372 -> New indeterminate progress bars * #2206 Fix #2046 -> New variables `$table-head-background-color`, `$table-body-background-color` and `$table-foot-background-color` for the `.table` element * #592 -> Give arbitrary elements access to the image/ratio classes * #1682 Fix #1681 -> Adds disabled styles for `