--- title: Flexbox helpers layout: documentation doc-tab: helpers doc-subtab: helpers-flexbox breadcrumb: - home - documentation - helpers - helpers-flexbox flex-direction-values: - row - row-reverse - column - column-reverse flex-wrap-values: - nowrap - wrap - wrap-reverse justify-content-values: - flex-start - flex-end - center - space-between - space-around - space-evenly - start - end - left - right align-content-values: - flex-start - flex-end - center - space-between - space-around - space-evenly - stretch - start - end - baseline align-items-values: - stretch - flex-start - flex-end - center - baseline - start - end - self-start - self-end align-self-values: - auto - flex-start - flex-end - center - baseline - stretch ---

All of the Flexbox CSS properties are available as Bulma helpers:

{% include elements/anchor.html name="Flex direction" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="flex-direction" values=page.flex-direction-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Flex wrap" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="flex-wrap" values=page.flex-wrap-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Justify content" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="justify-content" values=page.justify-content-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Align content" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="align-content" values=page.align-content-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Align items" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="align-items" values=page.align-items-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Align self" %} {% include elements/flexbox-helper-table.html property="align-self" values=page.align-self-values %} {% include elements/anchor.html name="Flex grow and flex shrink" %} {% for i in (0..5) %} {% endfor %} {% for i in (0..5) %} {% endfor %}
Class Property: Value
is-flex-grow-{{ i }} flex-grow: {{ i }}
is-flex-shrink-{{ i }} flex-shrink: {{ i }}