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const removeFocus = () => { allLinks.forEach((link) => { link.classList.remove('bd-is-focused'); }); }; const resetSearch = () => { categories.forEach((category) => { category.hasMatch = false; category.el.classList.remove('bd-has-match'); category.links.forEach((link) => { link.isMatch = false; link.el.classList.remove('bd-is-match'); }); }); }; const updateUI = () => { categories.forEach((category) => { if (category.hasMatch) { category.el.classList.add('bd-has-match'); } else { category.el.classList.remove('bd-has-match'); } category.links.forEach((link) => { if (link.isMatch) { link.el.classList.add('bd-is-match'); } else { link.el.classList.remove('bd-is-match'); } highlightQuery(link.el, input.value.toLowerCase()); }); }); if (state.count > 0) { container.classList.remove('bd-has-no-results'); } else { container.classList.add('bd-has-no-results'); } if (state.hasQuery) { container.classList.add('bd-has-query'); } else { container.classList.remove('bd-has-query'); } removeFocus(); 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}); input.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { if (!tokens.isFiltering) { return; } if (event.key === 'ArrowDown' && state.results.length > 0) { input.blur(); return; } performSearch(); }); window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { switch (event.key) { case 'Escape': tokens.isFiltering = false; input.value = ''; performSearch(); break; } if (!tokens.isFiltering) { updateUI(); return; } switch (event.key) { case 'ArrowDown': event.preventDefault(); if ( state.selectedIndex === state.results.length - 1 || state.results.length < 1 ) { break; } state.selectedIndex++; break; case 'ArrowUp': event.preventDefault(); if (state.selectedIndex === 0) { state.selectedIndex = -1; input.focus(); break; } state.selectedIndex--; break; case 'Enter': if (state.selectedEl) { window.location.href = state.selectedEl.href; } break; } updateUI(); }); }; filterCategories(); // Sidebar links const setCategoriesToggle = () => { const categories = getAll('#categories .bd-category'); if (categories.length > 0) { categories.forEach((el) => { const nameEl = el.querySelector('.bd-category-name'); nameEl.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if (event.metaKey || tokens.isFiltering) { return true; } event.preventDefault(); el.classList.toggle('is-open'); }); }); } }; setCategoriesToggle(); // Docs mobile toggles const setDocsToggles = () => { const state = { showNav: false, showSide: false, }; const docs = document.getElementById('docs'); const overlay = document.getElementById('docsNavOverlay'); const nav = document.getElementById('docsNav'); const navButton = document.getElementById('docsNavButton'); const side = document.getElementById('docsSide'); const sideButton = document.getElementById('docsSideButton'); if (!nav) { return; } navButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => { state.showNav = !state.showNav; updateUI(); }); sideButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => { state.showSide = !state.showSide; updateUI(); }); overlay.addEventListener('click', (event) => { state.showNav = false; state.showSide = false; updateUI(); }); const updateUI = () => { if (state.showNav || state.showSide) { docs.classList.add('bd-showing-overlay'); 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anchors_order.push(anchor_key); anchor_nav_els.push(item_el); } }); const back_to_top_el = createAnchorLink('Back to top', ''); back_to_top_el.onclick = scrollToTop; anchors_el_list.appendChild(back_to_top_el); } function scrollToTop() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); } function createAnchorLink(text, target) { const item_el = document.createElement('li'); const link_el = document.createElement('a'); const text_node = document.createTextNode(text); if (target) { link_el.setAttribute('href', target); } link_el.appendChild(text_node); item_el.appendChild(link_el); return item_el; } // Meta links const $metalinks = getAll('#meta a'); if ($metalinks.length > 0) { $metalinks.forEach(($el) => { $el.addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const target = $el.getAttribute('href'); const $target = document.getElementById(target.substring(1)); $target.scrollIntoView(true); return false; }); }); } // Docs edge sticky const stickiedRef = document.getElementById('docs'); const stickied = getAll('.bd-stickied'); 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anchor.nav_el.className = ''; }); } } // Spacing table const spacingTables = getAll('.bd-spacing-table'); spacingTables.forEach((spacingEl) => { const spacingRows = getAll('tbody tr', spacingEl); const spacingCells = getAll('tbody td', spacingEl); const spacingValues = getAll('tfoot th', spacingEl); spacingEl.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { resetTable(spacingCells, spacingValues); }); spacingCells.forEach((el) => { el.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { resetTable(spacingCells, spacingValues); const row = el.parentNode.parentNode.children, el.parentNode ); const column =, el); highlightRowAndColumn(row, column, spacingRows, spacingValues); }); }); }); function resetTable(cells, values) { cells.forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('bd-current-row', 'bd-current-column') ); values.forEach((el) => el.classList.remove('bd-current-value')); } function highlightRowAndColumn(rowIndex, columnIndex, rows, values) { const row = rows[rowIndex]; let i = columnIndex; while (i > -1) { row.children[i].classList.add('bd-current-row'); i--; } const nextRows = rows.slice(rowIndex); nextRows.forEach((r) => { r.children[columnIndex].classList.add('bd-current-column'); }); if (columnIndex < 2) { return; } values[columnIndex - 1].classList.add('bd-current-value'); } // Events let ticking = false; let lastY = 0; window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { const currentY = window.scrollY; if (!ticking) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { whenScrollingAnchors(); whenScrollingEdges(); ticking = false; lastY = currentY; }); } ticking = true; }); // Utils function getAll(selector, parent = document) { return, 0); } function removeFromArray(array, value) { if (array.includes(value)) { const value_index = array.indexOf(value); array.splice(value_index, 1); } return array; } function toggleClass(el, bool, cn) { if (bool) { return el.classList.add(cn); } el.classList.remove(cn); } function highlightQuery(el, query) { const text =; const nameEl = el.querySelector('.bd-name'); if (!query || query === '') { nameEl.innerHTML = text; return; } const lowerText = text.toLowerCase(); const queryIndex = lowerText.indexOf(query); if (queryIndex >= 0) { const before = text.substring(0, queryIndex); const highlight = `${text.substring( queryIndex, queryIndex + query.length )}`; const after = text.substring(queryIndex + query.length); nameEl.innerHTML = before + highlight + after; return true; } else { nameEl.innerHTML = text; return false; } } Array.prototype.diff = function (a) { return this.filter(function (i) { return a.indexOf(i) < 0; }); }; });