{% endcapture %}
{% capture navbar_js_code %}
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Get all "navbar-burger" elements
var $navbarBurgers = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-burger'), 0);
// Check if there are any navbar burgers
if ($navbarBurgers.length > 0) {
// Add a click event on each of them
$navbarBurgers.forEach(function ($el) {
$el.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Get the target from the "data-target" attribute
var target = $el.dataset.target;
var $target = document.getElementById(target);
// Toggle the class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
{% endcapture %}
{% capture navbar_color_markup %}
{% endcapture %}
The new navbar replaces the deprecated nav component, whose documentation you can still access temporarily here.
The navbar component is a responsive and versatile horizontal navigation bar with the following structure:
navbar the main container
navbar-brand the left side, always visible, which usually contains the logo and optionally some links or icons
navbar-burger the hamburger icon, which toggles the navbar menu on touch devices
navbar-menu the right side, hidden on touch devices, visible on desktop
navbar-start the left part of the menu, which appears next to the navbar brand on desktop
navbar-end the right part of the menu, which appears at the end of the navbar
navbar-item each single item of the navbar, which can either be an a or a div
navbar-link a link as the sibling of a dropdown, with an arrow
navbar-dropdown the dropdown menu, which can include navbar items and dividers
navbar-divider a horizontal line to separate navbar items
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Navbar brand" %}
The navbar-brand is the left side of the navbar. It can contain:
a number of navbar-item
the navbar-burger as last child
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_brand_example}}{% endhighlight %}
The navbar brand is always visible: on both touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %} and desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}. As a result, it is recommended to only use a few navbar items to avoid overflowing horizontally on small devices.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_brand_items_example}}{% endhighlight %}
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}, the navbar brand will only take up the space it needs.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Navbar burger" %}
The navbar-burger is a hamburger menu that only appears on mobile. It has to appear as the last child of navbar-brand.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_burger_example }}{% endhighlight %}
You can add the modifier class is-active to turn it into a cross.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Navbar menu" %}
The navbar-menu is the counterpart of the navbar brand. As such, it must appear as a direct child of navbar, as a sibling of navbar-brand.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_menu_example}}{% endhighlight %}
The navbar-menu is hidden on touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %}. You need to add the modifier class is-active to display it.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_menu_active_example}}{% endhighlight %}
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}, the navbar-menu will fill up the space available in the navbar, leaving the navbar brand just the space it needs. It needs, however, two elements as direct children:
Javascript toggle
The Bulma package does not come with any JavaScript.
Here is however an implementation example, which toggles the class is-active on both the navbar-burger and the targeted navbar-menu.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Navbar start and navbar end" %}
The navbar-start and navbar-end are the two direct and only children of the navbar-menu.
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}:
navbar-start will appear on the left
navbar-end will appear on the right
Each of them can contain any number of navbar-item.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_start_end_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Navbar item" %}
A navbar-item is a repeatable element that can be:
a navigation link
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_link_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a container for the brand logo
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_brand_example }}{% endhighlight %}
the parent of a dropdown menu
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_dropdown_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a child of a navbar dropdown
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_dropdown_bis_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a container for almost anything you want, like a field
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_other_example }}{% endhighlight %}
It can either be an anchor tag <a> or a <div>, as a direct child of either:
You can add the modifier class is-expanded to turn it into a full-width element.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Transparent navbar" %}
To seamlessly integrate the navbar in any visual context, you can add the is-transparent modifier on the navbar component. This will remove any hover or active background from the navbar items.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=navbar_transparent_example paddingless=true horizontal=true more=true %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Fixed navbar" %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.6.1" %}
You can now fix the navbar to either the top or bottom of the page. This is a 2-step process:
Add either is-fixed-top or is-fixed-bottom to the navbar component
{% highlight html %}
Add the corresponding has-navbar-fixed-top or has-navbar-fixed-bottom modifier to either <html> or <body> element to provide the appropriate padding to the page
{% highlight html %}{% endhighlight %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Dropdown menu" %}
To create a dropdown menu, you will need 4 elements:
navbar-item with the has-dropdown modifier
navbar-link which contains the dropdown arrow
navbar-dropdown which can contain instances of navbar-item and navbar-divider
{{ navbar_dropdown_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Show/hide the dropdown with either CSS or JavaScript
The navbar-dropdown is visible on touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %} but hidden on desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}. How the dropdown is displayed on desktop depends on the parent's class.
The navbar-item with the has-dropdown modifier, has 2 additional modifiers
is-hoverable: the dropdown will show up when hovering the parent navbar-item
is-active: the dropdown will show up all the time
While the CSS :hover implementation works perfectly, the is-active class is available for users who want to control the display of the dropdown with JavaScript.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_active_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_active_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_active_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Right dropdown
If your parent navbar-item is on the right side, you can position the dropdown to start from the right with the is-right modifier.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_right_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_right_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_right_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.6.1" %}
If you're using a navbar at the bottom, like the fixed bottom navbar, you might want to use a dropup menu. Simply add the has-dropdown and has-dropdown-up modifiers to the parent navbar-item.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropup_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropup_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropup_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Styles for the dropdown menu
By default, the navbar-dropdown has:
a grey border-top
a border-radius at both bottom corners
{{ navbar_dropdown_default_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_default_example }}{% endhighlight %}
When having a transparent navbar, it is preferable to use the boxed version of the dropdown, by using the is-boxed modifier.
the grey border is removed
a slight inner shadow is added
all corners are rounded
the hover/active state is animated
{{ navbar_dropdown_boxed_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_boxed_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Active dropdown navbar item
{{ navbar_dropdown_item_active_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_item_active_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Dropdown divider
You can add a navbar-divider to display a horizontal rule in a navbar-dropdown.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_divider_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Colors" %}
You can change the background color of the navbar by using one of the 9 color modifiers:
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_color_markup }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="primary" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="link" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="info" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="success" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="warning" light=true %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="danger" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="black" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="dark" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="light" light=true %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="white" light=true %}
{% include elements/variables.html type='component' %}