// Index common .bd-index-header margin-bottom: 3rem text-align: center a color: currentColor &:hover color: $blue strong color: currentColor strong font-weight: $weight-semibold .title strong color: $primary .subtitle color: $grey-light !important strong color: currentColor &.bd-is-left text-align: left // Customize .bd-index-custom-title color: $grey-light .bd-index-custom-example padding: 1rem .subtitle margin-bottom: 0.5rem .bd-index-custom.bd-is-after color: $brown font-family: "Nunito", serif margin-top: 0.5rem a color: $pink &:hover color: #363636 .subtitle color: $brown .input, .select select background-color: $beige-lighter border-color: transparent border-width: 2px box-shadow: none font-family: "Nunito", serif &:hover border-color: $beige-light &:focus border-color: $pink box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba($pink, 0.25) .select &:not(.is-multiple):not(:hover) &::after border-color: $pink .button &.is-primary background-color: $mauve color: $white &:hover background-color: darken($mauve, 2.5%) &:active background-color: darken($mauve, 5%) &.is-link background-color: $pink color: $white &:hover background-color: darken($pink, 2.5%) &:active background-color: darken($pink, 5%) // Fullscreen .bd-index-fullscreen .tabs a color: $grey-light !important // Columns #grid .notification padding-left: 0 padding-right: 0 .bd-columns-tools margin-top: 3rem .bd-columns-tool @extend %center &.bd-is-try .buttons justify-content: center .button strong font-weight: $weight-semibold #markup width: 100% .highlight pre max-height: none #message display: none margin-top: 3rem +mobile .bd-columns-tool &.bd-is-markup margin-top: 3rem +tablet .bd-columns-tools align-items: flex-start display: flex .bd-columns-tool width: 50% &.bd-is-try padding-top: 60px // Focus .bd-focus margin: 6rem auto 0 max-width: $intro-width .bd-focus-item .subtitle color: $grey-light strong color: currentColor .bd-focus-icon .fa-mobile-alt color: $purple margin-right: -20px .fa-tablet-alt color: $red margin-left: -20px .fa-desktop color: $orange margin-left: -20px position: relative top: 2px .fa-cubes color: $green .fa-css3 color: $blue .fa-github-alt color: $github // Intro .intro-content margin-left: auto margin-right: auto max-width: 640px .intro-title font-weight: $weight-normal line-height: 1.375 strong font-weight: $weight-semibold .intro-ghbtns height: 30px // margin-bottom: 24px margin-bottom: 46px .intro-npm background: $black-ter border-radius: $radius-large color: $white display: flex font-size: 15px justify-content: space-between line-height: 20px padding: 15px 25px position: relative code font-size: inherit -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased .intro-npm-copy border-radius: $radius color: $yellow cursor: pointer margin: -2px -7px -3px padding: 2px 7px 3px &:hover background-color: $yellow color: $black-ter &.is-success, &.is-error color: $white pointer-events: none text-decoration: none &.is-success background-color: $green &.is-error background-color: $red \::-moz-selection background: $yellow color: $black-ter \::selection background: $yellow color: $black-ter .intro-buttons margin-top: 1.5rem .button padding-left: 1.375em padding-right: 1.375em .intro-video background-color: $white margin-left: auto margin-right: auto max-width: 640px position: relative &.has-loaded .intro-spinner display: none .intro-iframe opacity: 1 @keyframes introSpinner from opacity: 0 transform: scale(1.14) to opacity: 1 transform: scale(1) .intro-spinner, .intro-shadow animation-duration: 500ms animation-easing-function: ease-out animation-fill-mode: both transform-origin: center .intro-spinner +overlay animation-name: introSpinner &::before +loader border-bottom-color: $primary border-left-color: $primary height: 1.5em left: calc(50% - 0.75em) position: absolute top: calc(50% - 0.75em) width: 1.5em @keyframes introShadow from opacity: 0 transform: scale(0.86) to opacity: 1 transform: scale(1) .intro-shadow +overlay background-color: #776e70 background-position: center center background-repeat: no-repeat background-size: cover box-shadow: 0 1.5rem 3rem rgba(#000, 0.2) animation-name: introShadow .intro-iframe opacity: 0 // padding-top: 52.8125% padding-top: 56.25% position: relative transition-duration: 500ms transition-property: opacity iframe height: 100% left: 0 position: absolute top: 0 width: 100% .intro-author color: $text-light font-size: $size-small margin-top: 1rem text-align: center a color: $text-strong &:hover text-decoration: underline span opacity: 0.5 transition: 100ms opacity &:hover opacity: 1 +mobile .intro-buttons .button display: flex width: 100% &.is-light margin-top: 0.5rem +tablet .intro-title font-size: 2.25rem .intro-buttons align-items: center display: flex justify-content: space-between +touch .intro-column.is-video margin-top: 3rem +desktop .intro-columns display: flex justify-content: center .intro-column width: calc(50% - 1.5rem) &.is-content margin-right: 1.5rem &.is-video margin-left: 1.5rem .intro-content max-width: 440px .intro-title margin-top: -11px &:not(:last-child) margin-bottom: 20px