New! 0.4.2
You can create a non-interactive button by using the is-static
modifier. This is useful to align a text label with an input, for example when using form addons.
--- layout: documentation doc-tab: elements doc-subtab: button variables: - name: $button-color value: $grey-darker - name: $button-background-color value: $white - name: $button-border-color value: $grey-lighter - name: $button-hover-color value: $link-hover - name: $button-hover-border-color value: $link-hover-border - name: $button-focus-color value: $link-focus - name: $button-focus-border-color value: $link-focus-border - name: $button-active-color value: $link-active - name: $button-active-border-color value: $link-active-border - name: $button-link-color value: $text - name: $button-link-hover-background-color value: $background - name: $button-link-hover-color value: $text-strong - name: $button-disabled-background-color value: $white - name: $button-disabled-border-color value: $grey-lighter - name: $button-disabled-shadow value: none - name: $button-disabled-opacity value: 0.5 - name: $button-static-color value: $grey - name: $button-static-background-color value: $white-ter - name: $button-static-border-color value: $grey-lighter - name: $button-shadow-inset value: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.2) --- {% capture button_example %} Button {% endcapture %} {% capture button_colors_a_example %} White Light Dark Black Link {% endcapture %} {% capture button_colors_b_example %} Primary Info Success Warning Danger {% endcapture %} {% capture button_sizes_example %} Small Normal Medium Large {% endcapture %} {% capture button_outlined_example %} Outlined Outlined Outlined Outlined Outlined {% endcapture %} {% capture button_inverted_example %} Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted {% endcapture %} {% capture button_inverted_outlined_example %} Invert Outlined Invert Outlined Invert Outlined Invert Outlined {% endcapture %} {% capture button_normal_example %} Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal {% endcapture %} {% capture button_hover_example %} Hover Hover Hover Hover Hover Hover {% endcapture %} {% capture button_focus_example %} Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus Focus {% endcapture %} {% capture button_active_example %} Active Active Active Active Active Active {% endcapture %} {% capture button_loading_example %} Loading Loading Loading Loading Loading Loading {% endcapture %} {% capture button_static_example %} {% endcapture %} {% capture button_disabled_example %} Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled {% endcapture %} {% capture button_fa_example %}
{% endcapture %} {% capture button_only_icon_example %} {% endcapture %} {% capture button_group_example %} {% endcapture %} {% capture button_addons_example %} {% endcapture %} {% capture button_group_addons_example %} {% endcapture %} {% include subnav-elements.html %}New! 0.4.2
You can create a non-interactive button by using the is-static
modifier. This is useful to align a text label with an input, for example when using form addons.
If the button only contains an icon, Bulma will make sure the button remains square, no matter the size of the button or of the icon.
If you want to group buttons together, use the is-grouped
modifier on the field
If you want to use buttons as addons, use the has-addons
modifier on the field
You can group together addons as well: