title: Smart Grid
layout: docs
theme: library
doc-library: true
doc-tab: grid
- home
- documentation
- grid
- grid-smart
{% capture markdown %}
Bulma v1 comes with a new **Smart Grid**. This grid is a 2 dimensional layout component that features **flexible columns**: Bulma will _fit_ as many columns as possible, given a minimum column width and a column and row gap.
By default, the Smart Grid has:
* a minimum column width of `9rem`
* a gap of `0.75rem`
{% endcapture %}
{% include markdown.html content=markdown %}
{% capture basic_grid_code %}
{% for i in (1..23) %}
Cell {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
Cell 24
{% endcapture %}
{% capture basic_grid %}
{% for i in (1..24) %}
Cell {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{{ basic_grid }}
{% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=basic_grid_code no_example=true more=true fullwidth=true horizontal=true %}
{% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Smart Grid modifiers" %}
{% capture markdown %}
You can change the minimum column width by increments of `1.5rem`, by adding the `is-col-min` modifier class with a value ranging from `0` to `12`:
{% endcapture %}
{% include markdown.html content=markdown %}
Class |
Value |
{% for i in (1..12) %}
is-col-min-{{ i }} |
{{ i | times: 1.5 }}rem |
{% endfor %}
{% capture markdown %}
You can also change the `gap`, `column-gap` and/or `row-gap` by increments of `0.5rem`:
{% endcapture %}
{% include markdown.html content=markdown %}
Gap Class |
Column Gap |
Row Gap |
Value |
{% for i in (0..8) %}
gap-{{ i }} |
column-gap-{{ i }} |
row-gap-{{ i }} |
{{ i | times: 0.5 }}rem |
{% endfor %}
{% capture auto_grid_code %}
{% for i in (1..23) %}
Cell {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
Cell 24
{% endcapture %}
{% capture auto_grid %}
{% for i in (1..24) %}
Cell {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}