{% highlight html %}{{input_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Colors" %}
{% highlight html %}{{colors_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Sizes" %}
{% highlight html %}{{sizes_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Styles" %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.6.2" %}
{{ rounded_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ rounded_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="States" %}
{% highlight html %}{{normal_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{hover_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{focus_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{loading_example}}{% endhighlight %}
You can resize the loading spinner by appending is-small, is-medium or is-large to the control container.
{% highlight html %}{{loading_sizes_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{disabled_example}}{% endhighlight %}
Readonly and static inputs
If you use the readonly HTML attribute, the input will look similar to a normal one, but is not editable and has no shadow.
{{ readonly_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ readonly_example }}{% endhighlight %}
If you also append the is-static modifier, it removes the background, border, shadow, and horizontal padding, while maintaining the vertical spacing so you can easily align the input in any context, like a horizontal form.
{{ static_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ static_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="With Font Awesome icons" %}
You can append one of 2 modifiers on a control:
and/or has-icons-right
You also need to add a modifier on the icon:
icon is-left if has-icons-left is used
icon is-right if has-icons-right is used
The size of the input will define the size of the icon container.
{% highlight html %}{{icons_example}}{% endhighlight %}
If the control contains an icon, Bulma will make sure the icon remains centered, no matter the size of the input or of the icon.
{% highlight html %}{{has_icons_small_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{has_icons_normal_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{has_icons_medium_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{has_icons_large_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Variables" %}
You can use these variables to customize this element. Simply set one or multiple of these variables before importing Bulma. Learn how.
Default value
Default value
{% for key in page.variables_keys %}
{% assign variable = site.data.variables.elements.form.vars[key] %}