@charset "utf-8" @import "../bulma" // Override .button +tablet small color: $text left: 0 margin-top: 10px position: absolute top: 100% width: 100% body.page-grid .column > .notification padding-left: 0 padding-right: 0 text-align: center +tablet .header-item .button + .button margin-left: 10px // Additional svg max-height: 100% max-width: 100% $carbon-space: 15px #carbon max-width: 340px min-height: 100px + ($carbon-space * 2) padding: $carbon-space +tablet margin-left: auto margin-right: auto width: 340px #carbonads text-align: left a:hover text-decoration: underline span display: block .carbon-img float: left height: 100px width: 130px img display: block .carbon-text display: block color: $text-strong margin-left: 130px + $carbon-space .carbon-poweredby font-size: $size-small margin-left: $carbon-space $github: #333333 $twitter: #55acee #github color: $github border-color: $github &:hover background: $github border-color: $github color: $white #twitter color: $twitter border-color: $twitter &:hover background: $twitter border-color: $twitter color: $white @keyframes floatUp 0% box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba($black, 0), 0 0 0 rgba($black, 0), 0 0 0 rgba($black, 0) transform: scale(0.86) 67% box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba($black, 0), 0 5px 10px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba($black, 0.2) transform: scale(1) 100% box-shadow: 0 20px 60px rgba($black, 0.05), 0 5px 10px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 1px 1px rgba($black, 0.2) transform: scale(1) @keyframes strokePath from stroke-dashoffset: 880 to stroke-dashoffset: 0 @keyframes fadeIn from opacity: 0 transform: scale(0.86) to opacity: 1 transform: scale(1) @keyframes fadeOut 0% opacity: 1 transform: scale(0.86) 67% opacity: 1 transform: scale(0.86) 100% opacity: 0 transform: scale(1) @keyframes slideDown 0% opacity: 0 transform: translateY(-10px) 100% opacity: 1 transform: translateY(0) @keyframes slideUp 0% opacity: 0 transform: translateY(10px) 100% opacity: 1 transform: translateY(0) $curve: cubic-bezier(0, 0.71, 0.29, 1) #b animation-delay: 1s animation-duration: 1.5s animation-fill-mode: both animation-name: floatUp animation-timing-function: $curve border-radius: 24px display: inline-block height: 240px margin-bottom: 40px position: relative vertical-align: top width: 240px svg +overlay display: block height: 240px width: 240px &:first-child animation-duration: 1.5s animation-fill-mode: both animation-name: fadeOut animation-timing-function: $curve g animation-duration: 1s animation-fill-mode: both animation-name: strokePath animation-timing-function: $curve fill: none stroke: $turquoise stroke-dasharray: 880 stroke-width: 2px &:last-child animation-delay: 1s animation-duration: 1s animation-fill-mode: both animation-name: fadeIn animation-timing-function: $curve g fill: $turquoise +mobile border-radius: 16px height: 160px width: 160px #bulma animation: slideDown 500ms both animation-delay: 1s #modern-framework animation: slideUp 500ms both animation-delay: 1.2s #npm animation: fadeIn 500ms both animation-delay: 1.4s background: none margin: -10px 0 20px code border-radius: $radius color: $link display: inline-block font-size: 16px padding: 16px 32px #ghbtns animation: slideDown 500ms both animation-delay: 1.6s html.route-index #carbon animation: slideUp 500ms both animation-delay: 1.8s #download animation: fadeIn 500ms both animation-delay: 2s #grid .notification padding-left: 0 padding-right: 0 #message display: none #tweet background: $white border-radius: $radius-large box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) padding: 20px #mc_embed_signup .control margin-bottom: 0 .notification margin-top: 10px #social align-items: center display: flex flex-wrap: wrap margin-bottom: 1em justify-content: center a display: inline-block font-size: 11px height: 20px line-height: 20px margin: 5px iframe margin: 5px #images tr td:nth-child(2) width: 320px .color display: inline-block float: left height: 18px margin-right: 5px width: 18px .example, .structure border: 1px solid $warning border-top-right-radius: $radius color: $warning-invert padding: 15px 20px position: relative &:not(:first-child) margin-top: 30px &:not(:last-child) margin-bottom: 20px &:before background: $warning border-radius: $radius $radius 0 0 bottom: 100% content: "Example" display: inline-block font-size: 7px font-weight: bold left: -1px letter-spacing: 1px padding: 3px 5px position: absolute text-transform: uppercase vertical-align: top +tablet &.is-fullwidth border-left: none border-right: none padding: 0 .example & + .highlight border: 1px solid $warning border-radius: 0 0 $radius $radius border-top: none margin-top: -20px pre max-height: 600px &:not(:last-child) margin-bottom: 40px $structure: $danger $structure-invert: $danger-invert .structure border-color: $structure border-radius: $radius padding: 20px &:before background: $structure color: $structure-invert content: "Structure" .structure-item position: relative &:before +overlay background: rgba($black, 0.7) background: $background border: 1px solid $border content: "" display: block z-index: 1 &:after +overlay align-items: center content: attr(title) display: flex font-family: $family-monospace font-size: 11px justify-content: center padding: 3px 5px z-index: 2 &.is-structure-container padding: 20px 10px 10px &:after align-items: flex-start justify-content: flex-start padding: 5px 10px .highlight position: relative .copy, .expand +unselectable background: $white border: solid $border border-width: 0 0 1px 1px color: $text-light cursor: pointer outline: none position: absolute right: 0 top: 0 &:hover border-color: $code color: $code .expand border-right-width: 1px right: 50px +tablet .section:not(.is-fullwidth) > .example:not(.is-fullwidth) margin-left: 20px margin-right: 20px & + .highlight margin-left: 20px margin-right: 20px .section.is-fullwidth padding: 0 !important .example border-left: none border-radius: 0 border-right: none padding: 0 & + .highlight border-left: none border-radius: 0 border-right: none #newsletter .input border-color: $white box-shadow: none html \::-moz-selection background: $primary color: $primary-invert \::selection background: $primary color: $primary-invert