--- title: Card layout: docs theme: library doc-tab: components doc-subtab: card breadcrumb: - home - documentation - components - components-card meta: variables: true colors: false sizes: false --- {% capture card_example %}
Placeholder image
Placeholder image

John Smith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec iaculis mauris. @bulmaio. #css #responsive
{% endcapture %} {% capture card_header_example %}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec iaculis mauris. @bulmaio. #css #responsive
{% endcapture %} {% capture card_title_example %}

“There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.”

Jeff Atwood

{% endcapture %}

The card component comprises several elements that you can mix and match:

You can center the card-header-title by appending the is-centered modifier.

{% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_example size="1-2" %} {% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Card parts" %}

The card-header can have a title and a Bulma icon:

{% capture card_image %}

Card header

{% endcapture %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_image size="1-2" %}

The card-image is a container for a Bulma image element:

{% capture card_image %}
Placeholder image
{% endcapture %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_image size="1-2" %}

The card-content is the main part, ideal for text content, thanks to its padding:

{% capture card_image %}
Lorem ipsum leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.
{% endcapture %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_image size="1-2" %}

The card-footer acts as a list of for several card-footer-item elements:

{% capture card_footer %}
{% endcapture %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_footer size="1-2" %} {% include docs/elements/anchor.html name="Examples" %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_header_example size="1-2" %} {% include docs/elements/snippet.html content=card_title_example size="1-2" %}