{% endcapture %}
{% capture navbar_js_code %}
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Get all "navbar-burger" elements
var $navbarBurgers = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-burger'), 0);
// Check if there are any navbar burgers
if ($navbarBurgers.length > 0) {
// Add a click event on each of them
$navbarBurgers.forEach(function ($el) {
$el.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Get the target from the "data-target" attribute
var target = $el.dataset.target;
var $target = document.getElementById(target);
// Toggle the class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
{% endcapture %}
{% capture navbar_color_markup %}
{% endcapture %}
A responsive horizontal navbar that can supports images, links, buttons, and dropdowns
include meta.html
The new navbar replaces the deprecated nav component, whose documentation you can still access temporarily here.
The navbar component is a responsive and versatile horizontal navigation bar with the following structure:
navbar the main container
navbar-brand the left side, always visible, which usually contains the logo and optionally some links or icons
navbar-burger the hamburger icon, which toggles the navbar menu on touch devices
navbar-menu the right side, hidden on touch devices, visible on desktop
navbar-start the left part of the menu, which appears next to the navbar brand on desktop
navbar-end the right part of the menu, which appears at the end of the navbar
navbar-item each single item of the navbar, which can either be an a or a div
navbar-link a link as the sibling of a dropdown, with an arrow
navbar-dropdown the dropdown menu, which can include navbar items and dividers
navbar-divider a horizontal line to separate navbar items
{% include anchor.html name="Navbar brand" %}
The navbar-brand is the left side of the navbar. It can contain:
a number of navbar-item
the navbar-burger as last child
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_brand_example}}{% endhighlight %}
The navbar brand is always visible: on both touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %} and desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}. As a result, it is recommended to only use a few navbar items to avoid overflowing horizontally on small devices.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_brand_items_example}}{% endhighlight %}
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}, the navbar brand will only take up the space it needs.
{% include anchor.html name="Navbar burger" %}
The navbar-burger is a hamburger menu that only appears on mobile. It has to appear as the last child of navbar-brand.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_burger_example }}{% endhighlight %}
You can add the modifier class is-active to turn it into a cross.
{% include anchor.html name="Navbar menu" %}
The navbar-menu is the counterpart of the navbar brand. As such, it must appear as a direct child of navbar, as a sibling of navbar-brand.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_menu_example}}{% endhighlight %}
The navbar-menu is hidden on touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %}. You need to add the modifier class is-active to display it.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_menu_active_example}}{% endhighlight %}
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}, the navbar-menu will fill up the space available in the navbar, leaving the navbar brand just the space it needs. It needs, however, two elements as direct children:
Javascript toggle
The Bulma package does not come with any JavaScript.
Here is however an implementation example, which toggles the class is-active on both the navbar-burger and the targeted navbar-menu.
{% include anchor.html name="Navbar start and navbar end" %}
The navbar-start and navbar-end are the two direct and only children of the navbar-menu.
On desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}:
navbar-start will appear on the left
navbar-end will appear on the right
Each of them can contain any number of navbar-item.
{% highlight html %}{{navbar_start_end_example}}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Navbar item" %}
A navbar-item is a repeatable element that can be:
a navigation link
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_link_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a container for the brand logo
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_brand_example }}{% endhighlight %}
the parent of a dropdown menu
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_dropdown_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a child of a navbar dropdown
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_dropdown_bis_example }}{% endhighlight %}
a container for almost anything you want, like a field
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_item_other_example }}{% endhighlight %}
It can either be an anchor tag <a> or a <div>, as a direct child of either:
You can add the modifier class is-expanded to turn it into a full-width element.
{% include anchor.html name="Transparent navbar" %}
To seamlessly integrate the navbar in any visual context, you can add the is-transparent modifier on the navbar component. This will remove any hover or active background from the navbar items.
{% include snippet.html content=navbar_transparent_example paddingless=true horizontal=true more=true %}
{% include anchor.html name="Fixed navbar" %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.6.1" %}
You can now fix the navbar to either the top or bottom of the page. This is a 2-step process:
Add either is-fixed-top or is-fixed-bottom to the navbar component
{% highlight html %}
Add the corresponding has-navbar-fixed-top or has-navbar-fixed-bottom modifier to the <html> element to provide the appropriate padding to the page
{% highlight html %}{% endhighlight %}
To create a dropdown menu, you will need 4 elements:
navbar-item with the has-dropdown modifier
navbar-link which contains the dropdown arrow
navbar-dropdown which can contain instances of navbar-item and navbar-divider
{{ navbar_dropdown_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Show/hide the dropdown with either CSS or JavaScript
The navbar-dropdown is visible on touch devices {% include bp/touch.html %} but hidden on desktop {% include bp/desktop.html %}. How the dropdown is displayed on desktop depends on the parent's class.
The navbar-item with the has-dropdown modifier, has 2 additional modifiers
is-hoverable: the dropdown will show up when hovering the parent navbar-item
is-active: the dropdown will show up all the time
While the CSS :hover implementation works perfectly, the is-active class is available for users who want to control the display of the dropdown with JavaScript.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_hover_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_active_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_active_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_active_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Right dropdown
If your parent navbar-item is on the right side, you can position the dropdown to start from the right with the is-right modifier.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_right_snippet }}{% endhighlight %}
{{ navbar_dropdown_right_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_right_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Styles for the dropdown menu
By default, the navbar-dropdown has:
a grey border-top
a border-radius at both bottom corners
{{ navbar_dropdown_default_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_default_example }}{% endhighlight %}
When having a transparent navbar, it is preferable to use the boxed version of the dropdown, by using the is-boxed modifier.
the grey border is removed
a slight inner shadow is added
all corners are rounded
the hover/active state is animated
{{ navbar_dropdown_boxed_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_boxed_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Active dropdown navbar item
{{ navbar_dropdown_item_active_example }}
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_dropdown_item_active_example }}{% endhighlight %}
Dropdown divider
You can add a navbar-divider to display a horizontal rule in a navbar-dropdown.
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_divider_example }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include anchor.html name="Colors" %}
You can change the background color of the navbar by using one of the 9 color modifiers:
{% highlight html %}{{ navbar_color_markup }}{% endhighlight %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="primary" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="link" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="info" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="success" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="warning" light=true %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="danger" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="black" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="dark" %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="light" light=true %}
{% include examples/navbar-color.html color="white" light=true %}