--- layout: default theme: expo route: expo --- {% include global/header.html %} {% include docs/hero.html title="Made with Bulma" subtitle="Gorgeous websites built with Bulma." prints=page.hero_prints %} {% assign encoded_url = 'Here is my lovely website!' | urlencode %} {% assign tweet_href = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' | append: encoded_url | append: '&hashtags=madewithbulma' %} {% capture call_button %} {% include docs/elements/tw-button.html label="#madewithbulma" href=tweet_href %} {% endcapture %} {% include docs/components/call.html color="twitter" text='Did you design a gorgeous website with Bulma too? Tell us about it! 🤗' button=call_button %}