{% capture scss_bulma %} @charset "utf-8"; @import "{{ include.path }}"; {% endcapture %} {% capture step_3 %}

Create a sass folder in which you add a file called mystyles.scss:

{% highlight scss %}{{ scss_bulma }}{% endhighlight %}

Make sure to write the correct path to the bulma.sass file.

{% endcapture %} {% capture step_3_bis %}

Inside the same src folder, add a file called mystyles.scss:

{% highlight scss %}{{ scss_bulma }}{% endhighlight %}

Make sure to write the correct path to the bulma folder.

{% endcapture %} {% assign step_title = ". Create a Sass file" | prepend: include.number %} {% if include.bis == true %} {% include components/step.html title=step_title content=step_3_bis %} {% else %} {% include components/step.html title=step_title content=step_3 %} {% endif %}