--- title: Spacing helpers layout: documentation doc-tab: helpers doc-subtab: helpers-spacing breadcrumb: - home - documentation - helpers - helpers-spacing shortcuts: margin: m padding: p directions: top: t right: r bottom: b left: l horizontal: x vertical: y values: 0: 0 1: 0.25rem 2: 0.5rem 3: 0.75rem 4: 1rem 5: 1.5rem 6: 3rem --- {% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.9.0" %}

Bulma provides you margin m* and padding p* helpers in all directions:

You can combine a margin/padding prefix with a direciton suffix. For example:

Each of these property-direction combinations needs to be appended with one of 6 value suffixes:

Suffix Value
{% include elements/anchor.html name="List of all spacing helpers" %} {% for value in page.values %} {% endfor %} {% for shortcut in page.shortcuts %} {% for direction in page.directions %} {% for value in page.values %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% for value in page.values %} {% endfor %} {% for value in page.values %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Property Shortcut Classes ↓
Values →{{ value[1] }}
{{ shortcut[0] }}-{{ direction[0] }} {{ shortcut[1] }}{{ direction[1] }}{{ shortcut[1] }}{{ direction[1] }}-{{ value[0] }}
{{ shortcut[0] }}-left and
{{ shortcut[0] }}-right
{{ shortcut[1] }}{{ page.horizontal }}{{ shortcut[1] }}{{ page.horizontal }}-{{ value[0] }}
{{ shortcut[0] }}-top and
{{ shortcut[0] }}-bottom
{{ shortcut[1] }}{{ page.vertical }}{{ shortcut[1] }}{{ page.vertical }}-{{ value[0] }}