The following form controls classes are supported:
Each of them should be wrapped in a .control container.
When combining several controls in a form, use the .field class as a container, to keep the spacing consistent.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=example more=true %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Form field" %}
The field container is a simple container for:
a text label
a form control
an optional helptext
{% include elements/snippet.html content=field_example %}
This container allows form fields to be spaced consistently.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=fields_example %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Form control" %}
The control is a versatile container meant to enhance single form controls. Because it has the same height as a control elements, it can only contain the following elements:
{% include elements/snippet.html content=control_input_example %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=control_select_example %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=control_button_example %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="With icons" %}
You can append one of 2 modifiers on a control:
and/or has-icons-right
You also need to add a modifier on the icon:
icon is-left if has-icons-left is used
icon is-right if has-icons-right is used
The size of the input will define the size of the icon container.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=icons_example clipped=true %}
You can append icons to select dropdowns as well.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=select_icons_example %}
If the control contains an icon, Bulma will make sure the icon remains centered, no matter the size of the input or of the icon.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=has_icons_small_example %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=has_icons_normal_example clipped=true %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=has_icons_medium_example clipped=true %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=has_icons_large_example clipped=true %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Form addons" %}
If you want to attach controls together, use the has-addons modifier on the field container:
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_example %}
You can attach inputs, buttons, and dropdowns only.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_static_example %}
Use the is-expanded modifier on the element you want to fill up the remaining space (in this case, the input):
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_expanded_example horizontal=true more=true %}
If you want a full width select dropdown, pair control is-expanded with select is-fullwidth.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_expanded_fullwidth_example %}
Use the has-addons-centered or the has-addons-right modifiers to alter the alignment.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_center_example %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=addons_right_example %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Form group" %}
If you want to group controls together, use the is-grouped modifier on the field container.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=group_example %}
Use the is-grouped-centered or the is-grouped-right modifiers to alter the alignment.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=group_centered_example %}
{% include elements/snippet.html content=group_right_example %}
Add the is-expanded modifier on the control element you want to fill up the remaining space with.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=group_expanded_example %}
Add the is-grouped-multiline modifier to allow controls to fill up multiple lines. This is ideal for a long list of controls.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=group_multiline_example clipped=true %}
List of buttons
If you only need a list of buttons, try out the new buttons class with which you can create a multiline list of buttons.
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Horizontal form" %}
If you want a horizontal form control, use the is-horizontal modifier on the field container, in which you include:
field-label for the side label
field-body for the input/select/textarea container
You can use is-grouped or has-addons for the child elements.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=horizontal_form_example horizontal=true more=true %}
To preserve the vertical alignment of labels with each type and size of control, the .field-label comes with 4 size modifiers:
.is-normal for any .input or .button
{% include elements/snippet.html content=field_label_example horizontal=true more=true %}
{% capture custom_message %}
Form elements can be customized using the following generic variables. Simply set one or multiple of these variables before importing Bulma. Learn how.
{% endcapture %}
{% include elements/anchor.html name="Disabled form" %}
{% include elements/new-tag.html version="0.7.3" %}
You can disable part or a whole form by wrapping a set of controls in a fieldset with a disabled HTML attribute.
{% include elements/snippet.html content=disabled_fields_example %}
{% include elements/variables.html
{% include elements/variables.html