fulltitle: Love for Bulma 😍
layout: default
route: love
- home
- love
- id: "900692286744535041"
date: "2:12 PM - 24 Aug 2017"
content: 'So impressed with the speed and clarity of implementing #bulma CSS framework on a new project. Kudos @jgthms'
fullname: "Jamie Hylands"
username: "JamieAHylands"
avatar: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/872757791236272128/31VmJF-L_normal.jpg"
hearts: "1"
retweets: "0"
{% include global/navbar.html id="Love" %}
{% include components/breadcrumb.html %}
{{ site.data.love.tweets_by_id | size }} happy thoughts from Twitter 😃
{% include elements/carbon.html %}
Are you a Bulma fan too? Show your support!🤗
{% include elements/tw-button.html label="Tweet #bulmaio" %}
{% for tweet_pair in site.data.love.tweets_by_id reversed %}
{% assign tweet_id = tweet_pair[0] %}
{% assign tweet = site.data.love.tweets_by_id[tweet_id] %}
{% include elements/tw.html tweet=tweet %}
{% endfor %}