title: CSS Variables in Bulma
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All Bulma components are styled using **CSS Variables** (which are also called CSS custom properties). [Read more about them on the MDN Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties).

For example, here is how the `.title` element is styled:

.title {
  color: var(--bulma-title-color);
  font-size: var(--bulma-title-size);
  font-weight: var(--bulma-title-weight);
  line-height: var(--bulma-title-line-height);

## Scope

Bulma CSS variables are either defined:

- at the **global** scope `:root`
- at the **component** scope, like `.button`

CSS Variables defined at a more specific scope (like `.button`) will override the ones defined at a more global scope.

:root {
  /* Default global value */
  --bulma-size-medium: 1.25rem;

.button {
  /* Overrides the global value */
  --bulma-size-medium: 1.5rem;

## Prefix

All Bulma CSS variables are prefixed with `bulma-` (including the dash). You will notice theme when inspecting a webpage:

<img src="/assets/images/content-inspect.png" alt="Inspect CSS variables" width="640" height="340">

This prefix can be changed by setting the `$cssvars-prefix` Sass variable:

@use "bulma/sass" with (
  $cssvars-prefix: "my-prefix-"

## Themes

The global CSS variables defined at the `:root` level are what defines a **Bulma theme**. Think of a theme as simply a collection of CSS variables.

  <a href="{{ site.url }}/documentation/features/themes/">
    Read more about Themes