Every element in Bulma is mobile-first and optimizes for vertical reading, so by default on mobile:
are stacked vertically
- the
component will show its children stacked vertically
- the
menu will be hidden
For example, you can enforce the horizontal layout for both columns
or nav
by appending the is-mobile
{% include anchor.html name="Breakpoints" %}
{% assign variables_file_url = "/blob/master/sass/utilities/initial-variables.sass#L46,L57" | prepend: site.data.meta.github %}
{% assign mixins_file_url = "/blob/master/sass/utilities/mixins.sass#L182,L226" | prepend: site.data.meta.github %}
Bulma has 5 breakpoints:
{% for breakpoint_hash in site.data.breakpoints %}
{% assign breakpoint = breakpoint_hash[1] %}
{{ breakpoint.id }}
: {% if breakpoint.id == 'mobile' %}up to {{ breakpoint.to }}px
{% else %}from {{ breakpoint.from }}px
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Bulma uses 9 responsive mixins:
{% for breakpoint_hash in site.data.breakpoints %}
{% assign breakpoint = breakpoint_hash[1] %}
{% case breakpoint.id %}
{% when 'mobile' %}
={{ breakpoint.id }}
until {{ breakpoint.to }}px
{% when 'fullhd' %}
={{ breakpoint.id }}
from {{ breakpoint.from }}px
{% else %}
={{ breakpoint.id }}
from {{ breakpoint.from }}px
={{ breakpoint.id }}-only
from {{ breakpoint.from }}px
and until {{ breakpoint.to }}px
{% if breakpoint.id == 'tablet' %}
until {{ breakpoint.to }}px
{% endif %}
{% endcase %}
{% endfor %}
By default, the $widecreen
and $fullhd
breakpoints are enabled. You can disable them by setting the corresponding Sass boolean to false
You can use these variables to customize the responsive breakpoints. Simply set one or multiple of these variables before importing Bulma. Learn how.