local cron = require 'cron' local counter = 10 local exploded = false local defused = false local bombClock local exitClock function ticktack() if exploded or defused then return end counter = counter - 1 if counter <= 0 then exploded = true exitClock = cron.after(2, love.event.quit) end end function love.keypressed(key, unicode) if exploded or defused then return end if key == ' ' then defused = true exitClock = cron.after(2, love.event.quit) end end function love.load() bombClock = cron.every(1, ticktack) -- execute the ticktack function every second end function love.update(dt) bombClock:update(dt) if exitClock then exitClock:update(dt) end end function love.draw() local msg if exploded then msg = 'BOOM! Game over. Bye!' elseif defused then msg = "Good job! You saved the day! Bye!" else msg = 'You have ' .. tostring(counter) .. ' seconds left to defuse the bomb - press space to defuse it!' end love.graphics.print(msg, 100, 200 ) end