cron.lua ======== [![Build Status](]( `cron.lua` are a set of functions for executing actions at a certain time interval. API === `local clock = cron.after(time, callback, ...)`. Creates a clock that will execute `callback` after `time` passes. If additional params were provided, they are passed to `callback`. `local clock = cron.every(time, callback, ...)`. Creates a clock that will execute `callback` every `time`, periodically. Additional parameters are passed to the `callback` too. Clock methods: `local expired = clock:update(dt)`. Increases the internal timer in the clock by `dt`. * On one-time clocks, if the internal timer surpasses the clock's `time`, then the clock's `callback` is invoked. * On periodic clocks, the `callback` is executed 0 or more times, depending on how big `dt` is and the clock's internal timer. * `expired` will be true for one-time clocks whose time has passed, so their function has been invoked. `clock:reset([running])` Changes the internal timer manually to `running`, or to 0 if nothing is specified. It never invokes `callback`. Examples ======== ```lua local cron = require 'cron' local function printMessage() print('Hello') end -- the following calls are equivalent: local c1 = cron.after(5, printMessage) local c2 = cron.after(5, print, 'Hello') c1:update(2) -- will print nothing, the action is not done yet c1:update(5) -- will print 'Hello' once c1:reset() -- reset the counter to 0 -- prints 'hey' 5 times and then prints 'hello' while not c1:update(1) do print('hey') end -- Create a periodical clock: local c3 = cron.every(10, printMessage) c3:update(5) -- nothing (total time: 5) c3:update(4) -- nothing (total time: 9) c3:update(12) -- prints 'Hello' twice (total time is now 21) ``` Gotchas / Warnings ================== * `cron.lua` does *not* implement any hardware or software clock; you will have to provide it with the access to the hardware timers, in the form of periodic calls to `cron.update` * `cron` does not have any defined time units (seconds, milliseconds, etc). You define the units it uses by passing it a `dt` on `cron.update`. If `dt` is in seconds, then `cron` will work in seconds. If `dt` is in milliseconds, then `cron` will work in milliseconds. Installation ============ Just copy the cron.lua file somewhere in your projects (maybe inside a /lib/ folder) and require it accordingly. Remember to store the value returned by require somewhere! (I suggest a local variable named `cron`) ```lua local cron = require 'cron' ``` Also, make sure to read the license file; the text of that license file must appear somewhere in your projects' files. Specs ===== This project uses [busted]( for its specs. If you want to run the specs, you will have to install it first. Then run: ```bash cd path/where/the/spec/folder/is busted ```