2014-09-10 23:03:24 +00:00
document . write ( [ '' ,
2014-09-09 20:58:42 +00:00
'<script>(function(scope){var Gui=function(params){if(!ready){Gui.error("Gui not ready. Put your code inside Gui.ready()")}params=params||{};this.vars={};this.localStorage=params.localStorage||false;this.panel=document.createElement("dat-gui");this.panel.autoPlace=params.autoPlace!==false;if(this.panel.autoPlace){document.body.appendChild(this.panel)}};Gui.prototype.add=function(object,path){var value=Path.get(path).getValueFrom(object);if(value===null||value===undefined){return Gui.error(object+" doesn\'t have a value for path \\""+path+\'".\')}var args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2);var controller;if(args[0]instanceof Array||typeof args[0]=="object"){controller=document.createElement("dat-gui-option")}else{controller=Gui.getController(value)}if(!controller){return Gui.error("Unrecognized type:",value)}controller.watch(object,path);controller.init.apply(controller,args);var row=document.createElement("gui-row");row.name=path;controller.row=row;controller.name=function(name){row.name=name};controller.comment=function(comment){row.comment=comment};row.appendChild(controller);this.panel.appendChild(row);return controller};Gui.prototype.remember=function(object){};Gui.prototype.var=function(){var name,initialValue,args;if(arguments.length==1){name=arguments[0];return this.vars[name]}initialValue=arguments[1];name=arguments[0];args=[this.vars,name];args=args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,2));this.vars[name]=initialValue;return this.add.apply(this,args)};Gui.prototype.listenAll=function(){Gui.warn("controller.listenAll() is deprecated. All controllers are listened for free.")};var controllers={};Gui.register=function(elementName,test){controllers[elementName]=test};Gui.getController=function(value){for(var type in controllers){var test=controllers[type];if(test(value)){return document.createElement(type)}}};var ready=false;var readyHandlers=[];document.addEventListener("polymer-ready",function(){ready=true;readyHandlers.forEach(function(fnc){fnc()})});Gui.ready=function(fnc){if(ready){fnc()}else{readyHandlers.push(fnc)}};Gui.error=function(){var args=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);args.unshift("dat-gui ::");console.error.apply(console,args)};Gui.warn=function(){var args=Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);args.unshift("dat-gui ::");console.warn.apply(console,args)};var dat={};dat.gui={};dat.gui.GUI=Gui;dat.GUI=dat.gui.GUI;dat.color={};dat.color.Color=function(){};dat.dom={};dat.dom.dom=function(){};dat.controllers={};dat.controllers.Controller=constructor("dat-gui-base");dat.controllers.NumberController=constructor("dat-gui-number");dat.controllers.FunctionController=constructor("dat-gui-function");dat.controllers.ColorController=constructor("dat-gui-color");dat.controllers.BooleanController=constructor("dat-gui-boolean");dat.controllers.OptionController=constructor("dat-gui-option");dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox=dat.controllers.NumberController;dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider=dat.controllers.NumberController;function constructor(elementName){return function(object,path){var el=document.createElement(elementName);el.watch(object,path);return el}}scope.dat=dat;scope.Gui=Gui})(this);</script>' ,
2014-09-10 22:40:55 +00:00
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important } html / deep / [ relative ] { position : relative } html / deep / [ fit ] { position : absolute ; top : 0 ; right : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; left : 0 } body [ fullbleed ] { margin : 0 ; height : 100 vh } html / deep / [ segment ] , html / deep / segment { display : block ; position : relative ; - webkit - box - sizing : border - box ; - ms - box - sizing : border - box ; box - sizing : border - box ; margin : 1 em . 5 em ; padding : 1 em ; background - color : # fff ; - webkit - box - shadow : 0 0 0 1 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 1 ) ; box - shadow : 0 0 0 1 px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 1 ) ; border - radius : 5 px 5 px 5 px 5 px } < / s t y l e > < s c r i p t > w i n d o w . P o l y m e r G e s t u r e s = { } , f u n c t i o n ( a ) { v a r b = ! 1 , c = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " m
' } else { var b = Path . get ( this . property . name ) ; this . valueFn _ = function ( c , d , e ) { var f = a ( c , d , e ) ; return d && d . addPath ( f , b ) , b . getValueFrom ( f ) } } } return this . valueFn _ } , setValue : function ( a , b ) { if ( this . simplePath ) return this . fullPath . setValueFrom ( a , b ) , b ; var c = this . object ( a ) , d = this . property instanceof e ? this . property . name : this . property ( a ) ; return c [ d ] = b } } , g . prototype = { transform : function ( a , b , c , d , e ) { var f = c [ this . name ] , g = a ; if ( f ) g = void 0 ; else if ( f = g [ this . name ] , ! f ) return void console . error ( "Cannot find function or filter: " + this . name ) ; if ( d ? f = f . toModel : "function" == typeof f . toDOM && ( f = f . toDOM ) , "function" != typeof f ) return void console . error ( "Cannot find function or filter: " + this . name ) ; for ( var h = e || [ ] , j = 0 ; j < this . args . length ; j ++ ) h . push ( i ( this . args [ j ] ) ( a , b , c ) ) ; return f . apply ( g , h ) } } ; var r = { "+" : function ( a ) { return + a } , "-" : function ( a ) { return - a } , "!" : function ( a ) { return ! a } } , s = { "+" : function ( a , b ) { return a + b } , "-" : function ( a , b ) { return a - b } , "*" : function ( a , b ) { return a * b } , "/" : function ( a , b ) { return a / b } , "%" : function ( a , b ) { return a % b } , "<" : function ( a , b ) { return b > a } , ">" : function ( a , b ) { return a > b } , "<=" : function ( a , b ) { return b >= a } , ">=" : function ( a , b ) { return a >= b } , "==" : function ( a , b ) { return a == b } , "!=" : function ( a , b ) { return a != b } , "===" : function ( a , b ) { return a === b } , "!==" : function ( a , b ) { return a !== b } , "&&" : function ( a , b ) { return a && b } , "||" : function ( a , b ) { return a || b } } ; j . prototype = { createUnaryExpression : function ( a , b ) { if ( ! r [ a ] ) throw Error ( "Disallowed operator: " + a ) ; return b = i ( b ) , function ( c , d , e ) { return r [ a ] ( b ( c , d , e ) ) } } , createBinaryExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { if ( ! s [ a ] ) throw Error ( "Disallowed operator: " + a ) ; switch ( b = i ( b ) , c = i ( c ) , a ) { case "||" : return this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( a , d , e ) { return b ( a , d , e ) || c ( a , d , e ) } ; case "&&" : return this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( a , d , e ) { return b ( a , d , e ) && c ( a , d , e ) } } return function ( d , e , f ) { return s [ a ] ( b ( d , e , f ) , c ( d , e , f ) ) } } , createConditionalExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { return a = i ( a ) , b = i ( b ) , c = i ( c ) , this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( d , e , f ) { return a ( d , e , f ) ? b ( d , e , f ) : c ( d , e , f ) } } , createIdentifier : function ( a ) { var b = new e ( a ) ; return b . type = "Identifier" , b } , createMemberExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { var d = new f ( b , c , a ) ; return d . dynamicDeps && ( this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 ) , d } , createCallExpression : function ( a , b ) { if ( ! ( a instanceof e ) ) throw Error ( "Only identifier function invocations are allowed" ) ; var c = new g ( a . name , b ) ; return function ( a , b , d ) { return c . transform ( a , b , d , ! 1 ) } } , createLiteral : function ( a ) { return new d ( a . value ) } , createArrayExpression : function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; b < a . length ; b ++ ) a [ b ] = i ( a [ b ] ) ; return function ( b , c , d ) { for ( var e = [ ] , f = 0 ; f < a . length ; f ++ ) e . push ( a [ f ] ( b , c , d ) ) ; return e } } , createProperty : function ( a , b , c ) { return { key : b instanceof e ? b . name : b . value , value : c } } , createObjectExpression : function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; b < a . length ; b ++ ) a [ b ] . value = i ( a [ b ] . value ) ; return function ( b , c , d ) { for ( var e = { } , f = 0 ; f < a . length ; f ++ ) e [ a [ f ] . key ] = a [ f ] . value ( b , c , d ) ; return e } } , createFilter : function ( a , b ) { this . filters . push ( new g ( a , b ) ) } , createAsExpression : function ( a , b ) { this . expression = a , this . scopeIdent = b } , createInExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { this . expression = c , this . scopeIdent = a , this . indexIdent = b } , createTopLevel : function ( a ) { this . expression = a } , createThisExpression : h } , k . prototype = { open : function ( ) { return this . value _ } , discardChanges : function ( ) { return this . value _ } , deliver : function ( ) { } , close : function ( ) { } } , l . prototype = { getBinding : function ( a , b , c ) { function d ( ) { if ( h ) return h = ! 1 , g ; i . dynamicDeps && f . startReset ( ) ; var c = i . getValue ( a , i . dynamicDeps ? f : void 0 , b ) ; return i . dynamicDeps && f . finishReset ( ) , c } function e ( c ) { return i . setValue ( a , c , b ) , c } if ( c ) return this . getValue ( a , void 0 , b ) ; var f = new CompoundObserver , g = this . getValue ( a , f , b ) , h = ! 0 , i = this ; return new ObserverTransform ( f , d , e , ! 0 ) } , getValue : function ( a , b , c ) { for ( var d = i ( this . expression ) ( a , b , c ) , e = 0 ; e < this . filters . length ; e ++ ) d = this . filters [ e ] . transform ( a , b , c , ! 1 , [ d ] ) ; return d } , setValue : function ( a , b , c ) { for ( var d = this . filters ? this . filters . length : 0 ; d -- > 0 ; ) b = this . filters [ d ] . transform ( a , void 0 , c , ! 0 , [ b ] ) ; return this . expression . setValue ? this . expression . setValue ( a , b ) : void 0 } } ; var t = "@" + Math . random ( ) . toString ( 36 ) . slice ( 2 ) ; p . prototype = { styleObject : function ( a ) { var b = [ ] ; for ( var c in a ) b . push ( m ( c ) + ": " + a [ c ] ) ; return b . join ( "; " ) } , tokenList : function ( a ) {
' return q ( this , d . open ( r ( this ) ) ) , t ( this , a , e ) } , HTMLSelectElement . prototype . bind = function ( a , c , d ) { if ( "selectedindex" === a && ( a = "selectedIndex" ) , "selectedIndex" !== a && "value" !== a ) return HTMLElement . prototype . bind . call ( this , a , c , d ) ; if ( this . removeAttribute ( a ) , d ) return j ( this , a , c ) ; var e = c , f = m ( this , a , e ) ; return j ( this , a , e . open ( k ( this , a ) ) ) , b ( this , a , f ) } } ( this ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { if ( ! a ) throw new Error ( "Assertion failed" ) } function c ( a ) { for ( var b ; b = a . parentNode ; ) a = b ; return a } function d ( a , b ) { if ( b ) { for ( var d , e = "#" + b ; ! d && ( a = c ( a ) , a . protoContent _ ? d = a . protoContent _ . querySelector ( e ) : a . getElementById && ( d = a . getElementById ( b ) ) , ! d && a . templateCreator _ ) ; ) a = a . templateCreator _ ; return d } } function e ( a ) { return "template" == a . tagName && "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" == a . namespaceURI } function f ( a ) { return "TEMPLATE" == a . tagName && "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" == a . namespaceURI } function g ( a ) { return Boolean ( L [ a . tagName ] && a . hasAttribute ( "template" ) ) } function h ( a ) { return void 0 === a . isTemplate _ && ( a . isTemplate _ = "TEMPLATE" == a . tagName || g ( a ) ) , a . isTemplate _ } function i ( a , b ) { var c = a . querySelectorAll ( N ) ; h ( a ) && b ( a ) , G ( c , b ) } function j ( a ) { function b ( a ) { HTMLTemplateElement . decorate ( a ) || j ( a . content ) } i ( a , b ) } function k ( a , b ) { Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( b ) . forEach ( function ( c ) { Object . defineProperty ( a , c , Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( b , c ) ) } ) } function l ( a ) { var b = a . ownerDocument ; if ( ! b . defaultView ) return b ; var c = b . templateContentsOwner _ ; if ( ! c ) { for ( c = b . implementation . createHTMLDocument ( "" ) ; c . lastChild ; ) c . removeChild ( c . lastChild ) ; b . templateContentsOwner _ = c } return c } function m ( a ) { if ( ! a . stagingDocument _ ) { var b = a . ownerDocument ; if ( ! b . stagingDocument _ ) { b . stagingDocument _ = b . implementation . createHTMLDocument ( "" ) , b . stagingDocument _ . isStagingDocument = ! 0 ; var c = b . stagingDocument _ . createElement ( "base" ) ; c . href = document . baseURI , b . stagingDocument _ . head . appendChild ( c ) , b . stagingDocument _ . stagingDocument _ = b . stagingDocument _ } a . stagingDocument _ = b . stagingDocument _ } return a . stagingDocument _ } function n ( a ) { var b = a . ownerDocument . createElement ( "template" ) ; a . parentNode . insertBefore ( b , a ) ; for ( var c = a . attributes , d = c . length ; d -- > 0 ; ) { var e = c [ d ] ; K [ e . name ] && ( "template" !== e . name && b . setAttribute ( e . name , e . value ) , a . removeAttribute ( e . name ) ) } return b } function o ( a ) { var b = a . ownerDocument . createElement ( "template" ) ; a . parentNode . insertBefore ( b , a ) ; for ( var c = a . attributes , d = c . length ; d -- > 0 ; ) { var e = c [ d ] ; b . setAttribute ( e . name , e . value ) , a . removeAttribute ( e . name ) } return a . parentNode . removeChild ( a ) , b } function p ( a , b , c ) { var d = a . content ; if ( c ) return void d . appendChild ( b ) ; for ( var e ; e = b . firstChild ; ) d . appendChild ( e ) } function q ( a ) { P ? a . _ _proto _ _ = HTMLTemplateElement . prototype : k ( a , HTMLTemplateElement . prototype ) } function r ( a ) { a . setModelFn _ || ( a . setModelFn _ = function ( ) { a . setModelFnScheduled _ = ! 1 ; var b = z ( a , a . delegate _ && a . delegate _ . prepareBinding ) ; w ( a , b , a . model _ ) } ) , a . setModelFnScheduled _ || ( a . setModelFnScheduled _ = ! 0 , Observer . runEOM _ ( a . setModelFn _ ) ) } function s ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( a && a . length ) { for ( var e , f = a . length , g = 0 , h = 0 , i = 0 , j = ! 0 ; f > h ; ) { var g = a . indexOf ( "{{" , h ) , k = a . indexOf ( "[[" , h ) , l = ! 1 , m = "}}" ; if ( k >= 0 && ( 0 > g || g > k ) && ( g = k , l = ! 0 , m = "]]" ) , i = 0 > g ? - 1 : a . indexOf ( m , g + 2 ) , 0 > i ) { if ( ! e ) return ; e . push ( a . slice ( h ) ) ; break } e = e || [ ] , e . push ( a . slice ( h , g ) ) ; var n = a . slice ( g + 2 , i ) . trim ( ) ; e . push ( l ) , j = j && l ; var o = d && d ( n , b , c ) ; e . push ( null == o ? Path . get ( n ) : null ) , e . push ( o ) , h = i + 2 } return h === f && e . push ( "" ) , e . hasOnePath = 5 === e . length , e . isSimplePath = e . hasOnePath && "" == e [ 0 ] && "" == e [ 4 ] , e . onlyOneTime = j , e . combinator = function ( a ) { for ( var b = e [ 0 ] , c = 1 ; c < e . length ; c += 4 ) { var d = e . hasOnePath ? a : a [ ( c - 1 ) / 4 ] ; void 0 !== d && ( b += d ) , b += e [ c + 3 ] } return b } , e } } function t ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( b . hasOnePath ) { var e = b [ 3 ] , f = e ? e ( d , c , ! 0 ) : b [ 2 ] . getValueFrom ( d ) ; return b . isSimplePath ? f : b . combinator ( f ) } for ( var g = [ ] , h = 1 ; h < b . length ; h += 4 ) { var e = b [ h + 2 ] ; g [ ( h - 1 ) / 4 ] = e ? e ( d , c ) : b [ h + 1 ] . getValueFrom ( d ) } return b . combinator ( g ) } function u ( a , b , c , d ) { var e = b [ 3 ] , f = e ? e ( d , c , ! 1 ) : new PathObserver ( d , b [ 2 ] ) ; return b . isSimplePath ? f : new ObserverTransform ( f , b . combinator ) } function v ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( b . onlyOneTime ) return t ( a , b , c , d ) ; if ( b . hasOnePath ) return u ( a , b , c , d ) ; for ( var e = new CompoundObserver , f = 1 ; f < b . length ; f += 4 ) { var g = b [ f ] , h = b [ f + 2 ] ; if ( h ) { var i = h ( d , c , g ) ; g ? e . addPath ( i ) : e . addObserver ( i ) } else { var j
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2014-09-09 19:53:30 +00:00
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2014-09-10 23:03:24 +00:00
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