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document . write ( [ '<script>window.Platform=window.Platform||{},window.logFlags=window.logFlags||{},function(a){var b=a.flags||{};location.search.slice(1).split("&").forEach(function(a){a=a.split("="),a[0]&&(b[a[0]]=a[1]||!0)});var c=document.currentScript||document.querySelector(\'script[src*="platform.js"]\');if(c)for(var d,e=c.attributes,f=0;f<e.length;f++)d=e[f],"src"!==d.name&&(b[d.name]=d.value||!0);b.log&&b.log.split(",").forEach(function(a){window.logFlags[a]=!0}),b.shadow=b.shadow||b.shadowdom||b.polyfill,b.shadow="native"===b.shadow?!1:b.shadow||!HTMLElement.prototype.createShadowRoot,b.shadow&&document.querySelectorAll("script").length>1&&console.warn("platform.js is not the first script on the page. See http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/start/platform.html#setup for details."),b.register&&(window.CustomElements=window.CustomElements||{flags:{}},window.CustomElements.flags.register=b.register),b.imports&&(window.HTMLImports=window.HTMLImports||{flags:{}},window.HTMLImports.flags.imports=b.imports),a.flags=b}(Platform),"undefined"==typeof WeakMap&&!function(){var a=Object.defineProperty,b=Date.now()%1e9,c=function(){this.name="__st"+(1e9*Math.random()>>>0)+(b++ +"__")};c.prototype={set:function(b,c){var d=b[this.name];d&&d[0]===b?d[1]=c:a(b,this.name,{value:[b,c],writable:!0})},get:function(a){var b;return(b=a[this.name])&&b[0]===a?b[1]:void 0},"delete":function(a){var b=a[this.name];if(!b)return!1;var c=b[0]===a;return b[0]=b[1]=void 0,c},has:function(a){var b=a[this.name];return b?b[0]===a:!1}},window.WeakMap=c}(),function(global){"use strict";function detectObjectObserve(){function a(a){b=a}if("function"!=typeof Object.observe||"function"!=typeof Array.observe)return!1;var b=[],c={},d=[];return Object.observe(c,a),Array.observe(d,a),c.id=1,c.id=2,delete c.id,d.push(1,2),d.length=0,Object.deliverChangeRecords(a),5!==b.length?!1:"add"!=b[0].type||"update"!=b[1].type||"delete"!=b[2].type||"splice"!=b[3].type||"splice"!=b[4].type?!1:(Object.unobserve(c,a),Array.unobserve(d,a),!0)}function detectEval(){if("undefined"!=typeof chrome&&chrome.app&&chrome.app.runtime)return!1;if(navigator.getDeviceStorage)return!1;try{var a=new Function("","return true;");return a()}catch(b){return!1}}function isIndex(a){return+a===a>>>0}function toNumber(a){return+a}function isObject(a){return a===Object(a)}function areSameValue(a,b){return a===b?0!==a||1/a===1/b:numberIsNaN(a)&&numberIsNaN(b)?!0:a!==a&&b!==b}function getPathCharType(a){if(void 0===a)return"eof";var b=a.charCodeAt(0);switch(b){case 91:case 93:case 46:case 34:case 39:case 48:return a;case 95:case 36:return"ident";case 32:case 9:case 10:case 13:case 160:case 65279:case 8232:case 8233:return"ws"}return b>=97&&122>=b||b>=65&&90>=b?"ident":b>=49&&57>=b?"number":"else"}function noop(){}function parsePath(a){function b(){if(!(k>=a.length)){var b=a[k+1];return"inSingleQuote"==l&&"\'"==b||"inDoubleQuote"==l&&\'"\'==b?(k++,d=b,m.append(),!0):void 0}}for(var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j=[],k=-1,l="beforePath",m={push:function(){void 0!==e&&(j.push(e),e=void 0)},append:function(){void 0===e?e=d:e+=d}};l;)if(k++,c=a[k],"\\\\"!=c||!b(l)){if(f=getPathCharType(c),i=pathStateMachine[l],g=i[f]||i["else"]||"error","error"==g)return;if(l=g[0],h=m[g[1]]||noop,d=void 0===g[2]?c:g[2],h(),"afterPath"===l)return j}}function isIdent(a){return identRegExp.test(a)}function Path(a,b){if(b!==constructorIsPrivate)throw Error("Use Path.get to retrieve path objects");for(var c=0;c<a.length;c++)this.push(String(a[c]));hasEval&&this.length&&(this.getValueFrom=this.compiledGetValueFromFn())}function getPath(a){if(a instanceof Path)return a;if((null==a||0==a.length)&&(a=""),"string"!=typeof a){if(isIndex(a.length))return new Path(a,constructorIsPrivate);a=String(a)}var b=pathCache[a];if(b)return b;var c=parsePath(a);if(!c)return invalidPath;var b=new Path(c,constructorIsPrivate);return pathCache[a]=b,b}function formatAccessor(a){return isIndex(a)?"["+a+"]":\'["\'+a.replace(/"/g,\'\\\\"\')+\'"]\' } function dirtyCheck ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; MAX _DIRTY _CHECK _CYCLES > b && a . check _ ( ) ; ) b ++ ; return testingExposeCycleCount && ( global . dirt
2014-09-02 22:34:17 +00:00
' var e , f , g , h = b . type ; if ( "load" === h && ! b . bubbles ) { var i = c ; i instanceof Q . Document && ( g = i . defaultView ) && ( f = i , e = [ ] ) } if ( ! e ) if ( c instanceof Q . Window ) g = c , e = [ ] ; else if ( e = d ( c , b ) , "load" !== b . type ) { var i = e [ e . length - 1 ] ; i instanceof Q . Document && ( g = i . defaultView ) } return _ . set ( b , e ) , o ( b , e , g , f ) && p ( b , e , g , f ) && q ( b , e , g , f ) , X . set ( b , ab ) , V . delete ( b , null ) , T . delete ( b ) , b . defaultPrevented } function o ( a , b , c , d ) { var e = bb ; if ( c && ! r ( c , a , e , b , d ) ) return ! 1 ; for ( var f = b . length - 1 ; f > 0 ; f -- ) if ( ! r ( b [ f ] , a , e , b , d ) ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } function p ( a , b , c , d ) { var e = cb , f = b [ 0 ] || c ; return r ( f , a , e , b , d ) } function q ( a , b , c , d ) { for ( var e = db , f = 1 ; f < b . length ; f ++ ) if ( ! r ( b [ f ] , a , e , b , d ) ) return ; c && b . length > 0 && r ( c , a , e , b , d ) } function r ( a , b , c , d , e ) { var f = R . get ( a ) ; if ( ! f ) return ! 0 ; var g = e || h ( d , a ) ; if ( g === a ) { if ( c === bb ) return ! 0 ; c === db && ( c = cb ) } else if ( c === db && ! b . bubbles ) return ! 0 ; if ( "relatedTarget" in b ) { var i = O ( b ) , j = i . relatedTarget ; if ( j ) { if ( j instanceof Object && j . addEventListener ) { var l = P ( j ) , m = k ( b , a , l ) ; if ( m === g ) return ! 0 } else m = null ; W . set ( b , m ) } } X . set ( b , c ) ; var n = b . type , o = ! 1 ; U . set ( b , g ) , V . set ( b , a ) , f . depth ++ ; for ( var p = 0 , q = f . length ; q > p ; p ++ ) { var r = f [ p ] ; if ( r . removed ) o = ! 0 ; else if ( ! ( r . type !== n || ! r . capture && c === bb || r . capture && c === db ) ) try { if ( "function" == typeof r . handler ? r . handler . call ( a , b ) : r . handler . handleEvent ( b ) , Z . get ( b ) ) return ! 1 } catch ( s ) { J || ( J = s ) } } if ( f . depth -- , o && 0 === f . depth ) { var t = f . slice ( ) ; f . length = 0 ; for ( var p = 0 ; p < t . length ; p ++ ) t [ p ] . removed || f . push ( t [ p ] ) } return ! Y . get ( b ) } function s ( a , b , c ) { this . type = a , this . handler = b , this . capture = Boolean ( c ) } function t ( a , b ) { if ( ! ( a instanceof eb ) ) return P ( x ( eb , "Event" , a , b ) ) ; var c = a ; return pb || "beforeunload" !== c . type ? void ( this . impl = c ) : new y ( c ) } function u ( a ) { return a && a . relatedTarget ? Object . create ( a , { relatedTarget : { value : O ( a . relatedTarget ) } } ) : a } function v ( a , b , c ) { var d = window [ a ] , e = function ( b , c ) { return b instanceof d ? void ( this . impl = b ) : P ( x ( d , a , b , c ) ) } ; if ( e . prototype = Object . create ( b . prototype ) , c && M ( e . prototype , c ) , d ) try { N ( d , e , new d ( "temp" ) ) } catch ( f ) { N ( d , e , document . createEvent ( a ) ) } return e } function w ( a , b ) { return function ( ) { arguments [ b ] = O ( arguments [ b ] ) ; var c = O ( this ) ; c [ a ] . apply ( c , arguments ) } } function x ( a , b , c , d ) { if ( nb ) return new a ( c , u ( d ) ) ; var e = O ( document . createEvent ( b ) ) , f = mb [ b ] , g = [ c ] ; return Object . keys ( f ) . forEach ( function ( a ) { var b = null != d && a in d ? d [ a ] : f [ a ] ; "relatedTarget" === a && ( b = O ( b ) ) , g . push ( b ) } ) , e [ "init" + b ] . apply ( e , g ) , e } function y ( a ) { t . call ( this , a ) } function z ( a ) { return "function" == typeof a ? ! 0 : a && a . handleEvent } function A ( a ) { switch ( a ) { case "DOMAttrModified" : case "DOMAttributeNameChanged" : case "DOMCharacterDataModified" : case "DOMElementNameChanged" : case "DOMNodeInserted" : case "DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument" : case "DOMNodeRemoved" : case "DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument" : case "DOMSubtreeModified" : return ! 0 } return ! 1 } function B ( a ) { this . impl = a } function C ( a ) { return a instanceof Q . ShadowRoot && ( a = a . host ) , O ( a ) } function D ( a , b ) { var c = R . get ( a ) ; if ( c ) for ( var d = 0 ; d < c . length ; d ++ ) if ( ! c [ d ] . removed && c [ d ] . type === b ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } function E ( a , b ) { for ( var c = O ( a ) ; c ; c = c . parentNode ) if ( D ( P ( c ) , b ) ) return ! 0 ; return ! 1 } function F ( a ) { K ( a , rb ) } function G ( b , c , e , f ) { a . renderAllPending ( ) ; var g = P ( sb . call ( c . impl , e , f ) ) ; if ( ! g ) return null ; var i = d ( g , null ) , j = i . lastIndexOf ( b ) ; return - 1 == j ? null : ( i = i . slice ( 0 , j ) , h ( i , b ) ) } function H ( a ) { return function ( ) { var b = $ . get ( this ) ; return b && b [ a ] && b [ a ] . value || null } } function I ( a ) { var b = a . slice ( 2 ) ; return function ( c ) { var d = $ . get ( this ) ; d || ( d = Object . create ( null ) , $ . set ( this , d ) ) ; var e = d [ a ] ; if ( e && this . removeEventListener ( b , e . wrapped , ! 1 ) , "function" == typeof c ) { var f = function ( b ) { var d = c . call ( this , b ) ; d === ! 1 ? b . preventDefault ( ) : "onbeforeunload" === a && "string" == typeof d && ( b . returnValue = d ) } ; this . addEventListener ( b , f , ! 1 ) , d [ a ] = { value : c , wrapped : f } } } } var J , K = a . forwardMethodsToWrapper , L = a . getTreeScope , M = a . mixin , N = a . registerWrapper , O = a . unwrap , P = a . wrap , Q = a . wrappers , R = ( new WeakMap , new WeakMap ) , S = new WeakMap , T = new WeakMap , U = new WeakMap , V = new WeakMap , W = new WeakMap , X = new WeakMap , Y = new WeakMap , Z = new WeakMap , $ = new WeakMap , _ = new WeakMap , ab = 0 , bb = 1 , cb = 2 , db = 3 ; s . prototype = { equals : function ( a ) { return this . handler === a . handler && this . type === a . type && this . capture === a . capture } , get removed ( ) { return null === this . handler } , remove : function ( ) { this . handler = null } } ; var eb = window . Event ;
2014-09-03 00:00:52 +00:00
' } , createTBody : function ( ) { return g ( f ( this ) . createTBody ( ) ) } , get rows ( ) { return h ( f ( this ) . rows ) } , insertRow : function ( a ) { return g ( f ( this ) . insertRow ( a ) ) } } ) , e ( i , b , document . createElement ( "table" ) ) , a . wrappers . HTMLTableElement = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { c . call ( this , a ) } var c = a . wrappers . HTMLElement , d = a . mixin , e = a . registerWrapper , f = a . wrapHTMLCollection , g = a . unwrap , h = a . wrap , i = window . HTMLTableSectionElement ; b . prototype = Object . create ( c . prototype ) , d ( b . prototype , { get rows ( ) { return f ( g ( this ) . rows ) } , insertRow : function ( a ) { return h ( g ( this ) . insertRow ( a ) ) } } ) , e ( i , b , document . createElement ( "thead" ) ) , a . wrappers . HTMLTableSectionElement = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { c . call ( this , a ) } var c = a . wrappers . HTMLElement , d = a . mixin , e = a . registerWrapper , f = a . wrapHTMLCollection , g = a . unwrap , h = a . wrap , i = window . HTMLTableRowElement ; b . prototype = Object . create ( c . prototype ) , d ( b . prototype , { get cells ( ) { return f ( g ( this ) . cells ) } , insertCell : function ( a ) { return h ( g ( this ) . insertCell ( a ) ) } } ) , e ( i , b , document . createElement ( "tr" ) ) , a . wrappers . HTMLTableRowElement = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { switch ( a . localName ) { case "content" : return new c ( a ) ; case "shadow" : return new e ( a ) ; case "template" : return new f ( a ) } d . call ( this , a ) } var c = a . wrappers . HTMLContentElement , d = a . wrappers . HTMLElement , e = a . wrappers . HTMLShadowElement , f = a . wrappers . HTMLTemplateElement , g = ( a . mixin , a . registerWrapper ) , h = window . HTMLUnknownElement ; b . prototype = Object . create ( d . prototype ) , g ( h , b ) , a . wrappers . HTMLUnknownElement = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; var b = a . wrappers . Element , c = a . wrappers . HTMLElement , d = a . registerObject , e = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , f = document . createElementNS ( e , "title" ) , g = d ( f ) , h = Object . getPrototypeOf ( g . prototype ) . constructor ; if ( ! ( "classList" in f ) ) { var i = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( b . prototype , "classList" ) ; Object . defineProperty ( c . prototype , "classList" , i ) , delete b . prototype . classList } a . wrappers . SVGElement = h } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { m . call ( this , a ) } var c = a . mixin , d = a . registerWrapper , e = a . unwrap , f = a . wrap , g = window . SVGUseElement , h = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , i = f ( document . createElementNS ( h , "g" ) ) , j = document . createElementNS ( h , "use" ) , k = i . constructor , l = Object . getPrototypeOf ( k . prototype ) , m = l . constructor ; b . prototype = Object . create ( l ) , "instanceRoot" in j && c ( b . prototype , { get instanceRoot ( ) { return f ( e ( this ) . instanceRoot ) } , get animatedInstanceRoot ( ) { return f ( e ( this ) . animatedInstanceRoot ) } } ) , d ( g , b , j ) , a . wrappers . SVGUseElement = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { c . call ( this , a ) } var c = a . wrappers . EventTarget , d = a . mixin , e = a . registerWrapper , f = a . wrap , g = window . SVGElementInstance ; g && ( b . prototype = Object . create ( c . prototype ) , d ( b . prototype , { get correspondingElement ( ) { return f ( this . impl . correspondingElement ) } , get correspondingUseElement ( ) { return f ( this . impl . correspondingUseElement ) } , get parentNode ( ) { return f ( this . impl . parentNode ) } , get childNodes ( ) { throw new Error ( "Not implemented" ) } , get firstChild ( ) { return f ( this . impl . firstChild ) } , get lastChild ( ) { return f ( this . impl . lastChild ) } , get previousSibling ( ) { return f ( this . impl . previousSibling ) } , get nextSibling ( ) { return f ( this . impl . nextSibling ) } } ) , e ( g , b ) , a . wrappers . SVGElementInstance = b ) } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { this . impl = a } var c = a . mixin , d = a . registerWrapper , e = a . unwrap , f = a . unwrapIfNeeded , g = a . wrap , h = window . CanvasRenderingContext2D ; c ( b . prototype , { get canvas ( ) { return g ( this . impl . canvas ) } , drawImage : function ( ) { arguments [ 0 ] = f ( arguments [ 0 ] ) , this . impl . drawImage . apply ( this . impl , arguments ) } , createPattern : function ( ) { return arguments [ 0 ] = e ( arguments [ 0 ] ) , this . impl . createPattern . apply ( this . impl , arguments ) } } ) , d ( h , b , document . createElement ( "canvas" ) . getContext ( "2d" ) ) , a . wrappers . CanvasRenderingContext2D = b } ( window . ShadowDOMPolyfill ) , function ( a ) { "use strict" ; function b ( a ) { this . impl = a } var c = a . mixin , d = a . registerWrapper , e = a . unwrapIfNeeded , f = a . wrap , g = window . WebGLRenderingContext ; if ( g ) { c ( b . prototype , { get canvas ( ) { return f ( this . impl . canvas ) } , texImage2D : function ( ) { arguments [ 5 ] = e ( arguments [ 5 ] ) , this . impl .
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2014-09-02 22:34:17 +00:00
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2014-09-08 00:22:30 +00:00
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P o l y m e r G e s t u r e s = { } , f u n c t i o n ( a ) { v a r b = ! 1 , c = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " m e t a " ) ; i f ( c . c r e a t e S h a d o w R o o t ) { v a r d = c . c r e a t e S h a d o w R o o t ( ) , e = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " s p a n " ) ; d . a p p e n d C h i l d ( e ) , c . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " t e s t p a t h " , f u n c t i o n ( a ) { a . p a t h & & ( b = a . p a t h [ 0 ] = = = e ) , a . s t o p P r o p a g a t i o n ( ) } ) ; v a r f = n e w C u s t o m E v e n t (
2014-09-02 22:34:17 +00:00
' if ( d ? f = f . toModel : "function" == typeof f . toDOM && ( f = f . toDOM ) , "function" != typeof f ) return void console . error ( "Cannot find function or filter: " + this . name ) ; for ( var h = e || [ ] , j = 0 ; j < this . args . length ; j ++ ) h . push ( i ( this . args [ j ] ) ( a , b , c ) ) ; return f . apply ( g , h ) } } ; var r = { "+" : function ( a ) { return + a } , "-" : function ( a ) { return - a } , "!" : function ( a ) { return ! a } } , s = { "+" : function ( a , b ) { return a + b } , "-" : function ( a , b ) { return a - b } , "*" : function ( a , b ) { return a * b } , "/" : function ( a , b ) { return a / b } , "%" : function ( a , b ) { return a % b } , "<" : function ( a , b ) { return b > a } , ">" : function ( a , b ) { return a > b } , "<=" : function ( a , b ) { return b >= a } , ">=" : function ( a , b ) { return a >= b } , "==" : function ( a , b ) { return a == b } , "!=" : function ( a , b ) { return a != b } , "===" : function ( a , b ) { return a === b } , "!==" : function ( a , b ) { return a !== b } , "&&" : function ( a , b ) { return a && b } , "||" : function ( a , b ) { return a || b } } ; j . prototype = { createUnaryExpression : function ( a , b ) { if ( ! r [ a ] ) throw Error ( "Disallowed operator: " + a ) ; return b = i ( b ) , function ( c , d , e ) { return r [ a ] ( b ( c , d , e ) ) } } , createBinaryExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { if ( ! s [ a ] ) throw Error ( "Disallowed operator: " + a ) ; switch ( b = i ( b ) , c = i ( c ) , a ) { case "||" : return this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( a , d , e ) { return b ( a , d , e ) || c ( a , d , e ) } ; case "&&" : return this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( a , d , e ) { return b ( a , d , e ) && c ( a , d , e ) } } return function ( d , e , f ) { return s [ a ] ( b ( d , e , f ) , c ( d , e , f ) ) } } , createConditionalExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { return a = i ( a ) , b = i ( b ) , c = i ( c ) , this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 , function ( d , e , f ) { return a ( d , e , f ) ? b ( d , e , f ) : c ( d , e , f ) } } , createIdentifier : function ( a ) { var b = new e ( a ) ; return b . type = "Identifier" , b } , createMemberExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { var d = new f ( b , c , a ) ; return d . dynamicDeps && ( this . dynamicDeps = ! 0 ) , d } , createCallExpression : function ( a , b ) { if ( ! ( a instanceof e ) ) throw Error ( "Only identifier function invocations are allowed" ) ; var c = new g ( a . name , b ) ; return function ( a , b , d ) { return c . transform ( a , b , d , ! 1 ) } } , createLiteral : function ( a ) { return new d ( a . value ) } , createArrayExpression : function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; b < a . length ; b ++ ) a [ b ] = i ( a [ b ] ) ; return function ( b , c , d ) { for ( var e = [ ] , f = 0 ; f < a . length ; f ++ ) e . push ( a [ f ] ( b , c , d ) ) ; return e } } , createProperty : function ( a , b , c ) { return { key : b instanceof e ? b . name : b . value , value : c } } , createObjectExpression : function ( a ) { for ( var b = 0 ; b < a . length ; b ++ ) a [ b ] . value = i ( a [ b ] . value ) ; return function ( b , c , d ) { for ( var e = { } , f = 0 ; f < a . length ; f ++ ) e [ a [ f ] . key ] = a [ f ] . value ( b , c , d ) ; return e } } , createFilter : function ( a , b ) { this . filters . push ( new g ( a , b ) ) } , createAsExpression : function ( a , b ) { this . expression = a , this . scopeIdent = b } , createInExpression : function ( a , b , c ) { this . expression = c , this . scopeIdent = a , this . indexIdent = b } , createTopLevel : function ( a ) { this . expression = a } , createThisExpression : h } , k . prototype = { open : function ( ) { return this . value _ } , discardChanges : function ( ) { return this . value _ } , deliver : function ( ) { } , close : function ( ) { } } , l . prototype = { getBinding : function ( a , b , c ) { function d ( ) { if ( h ) return h = ! 1 , g ; i . dynamicDeps && f . startReset ( ) ; var c = i . getValue ( a , i . dynamicDeps ? f : void 0 , b ) ; return i . dynamicDeps && f . finishReset ( ) , c } function e ( c ) { return i . setValue ( a , c , b ) , c } if ( c ) return this . getValue ( a , void 0 , b ) ; var f = new CompoundObserver , g = this . getValue ( a , f , b ) , h = ! 0 , i = this ; return new ObserverTransform ( f , d , e , ! 0 ) } , getValue : function ( a , b , c ) { for ( var d = i ( this . expression ) ( a , b , c ) , e = 0 ; e < this . filters . length ; e ++ ) d = this . filters [ e ] . transform ( a , b , c , ! 1 , [ d ] ) ; return d } , setValue : function ( a , b , c ) { for ( var d = this . filters ? this . filters . length : 0 ; d -- > 0 ; ) b = this . filters [ d ] . transform ( a , void 0 , c , ! 0 , [ b ] ) ; return this . expression . setValue ? this . expression . setValue ( a , b ) : void 0 } } ; var t = "@" + Math . random ( ) . toString ( 36 ) . slice ( 2 ) ; p . prototype = { styleObject : function ( a ) { var b = [ ] ; for ( var c in a ) b . push ( m ( c ) + ": " + a [ c ] ) ; return b . join ( "; " ) } , tokenList : function ( a ) { var b = [ ] ; for ( var c in a ) a [ c ] && b . push ( c ) ; return b . join ( " " ) } , prepareInstancePositionChanged : function ( a ) { var b = a . polymerExpressionIndexIdent _ ; if ( b ) return function ( a , c ) { a . model [ b ] = c } } , prepareBinding : function ( a , c , d ) { var e = Path . get ( a ) ; { if ( o ( a ) || ! e . valid ) return b ( a , c , d , this ) ; if ( 1 == e . length ) return function ( a , b , c ) { if ( c ) return e . getValueFrom ( a ) ; var d = n ( a , e [ 0 ] ) ; return new PathObserver ( d , e ) } } } , prepareInstanceModel : function ( a ) { var b = a . polymerExpressionScopeIdent _ ; if ( b ) { var c = a . templateInstance ? a . templateInstance . model : a . mo
2014-09-08 00:22:30 +00:00
'},_register:function(){c(this.extends)&&!b(this.extends)&&console.warn("%s is attempting to extend %s, an unregistered element or one that was not registered with Polymer.",this.name,this.extends),this.register(this.name,this.extends),this.registered=!0},waitingForPrototype:function(a){return h(a)?void 0:(i(a,this),this.handleNoScript(a),!0)},handleNoScript:function(a){this.hasAttribute("noscript")&&!this.noscript&&(this.noscript=!0,Polymer(a))},waitingForResources:function(){return this._needsResources},waitingForQueue:function(){return f.enqueue(this,this.registerWhenReady,this._register)},loadResources:function(){this._needsResources=!0,this.loadStyles(function(){this._needsResources=!1,this.registerWhenReady()}.bind(this))}});e.publish(e.declaration,j),g(function(){document.body.removeAttribute("unresolved"),document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("polymer-ready",{bubbles:!0}))}),document.registerElement("polymer-element",{prototype:j})}(Polymer),function(){var a=document.createElement("polymer-element");a.setAttribute("name","auto-binding"),a.setAttribute("extends","template"),a.init(),Polymer("auto-binding",{createdCallback:function(){this.syntax=this.bindingDelegate=this.makeSyntax(),Polymer.whenPolymerReady(function(){this.model=this,this.setAttribute("bind",""),this.async(function(){this.marshalNodeReferences(this.parentNode),this.fire("template-bound")})}.bind(this))},makeSyntax:function(){var a=Object.create(Polymer.api.declaration.events),b=this;a.findController=function(){return b.model};var c=new PolymerExpressions,d=c.prepareBinding;return c.prepareBinding=function(b,e,f){return a.prepareEventBinding(b,e,f)||d.call(c,b,e,f)},c}})}();</script><polymer-element name="gui-row" attributes="name comment" assetpath="../elements/gui-row/"><template><div><style>#row{font:10px \'Lucida Grande\',sans-serif;color:#ecebe0;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;height:2.9em;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;-webkit-transition:background-color .2s linear;-moz-transition:background-color .2s linear;-o-transition:background-color .2s linear;-ms-transition:background-color .2s linear;transition:background-color .2s linear;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.05)}:host-context(.touch-true) #row{font-size:13.5px}#controller{height:100%}#name{padding:0 8px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;width:38%;cursor:default}.comment-true #name{cursor:pointer}:host-context(.touch-true) #name{font-size:11px;width:30%}#nameInner{overflow:hidden;-o-text-overflow:ellipsis;text-overflow:ellipsis}#comment{font:10px \'Lucida Grande\' , sans - serif ; color : # ecebe0 ; - webkit - font - smoothing : antialiased ; line - height : 1.6 em ; background : # e0cf99 ; color : # 333 ; - webkit - box - sizing : border - box ; - moz - box - sizing : border - box ; box - sizing : border - box ; overflow : hidden ; - webkit - transition : height . 15 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - moz - transition : height . 15 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - o - transition : height . 15 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - ms - transition : height . 15 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; transition : height . 15 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; position : absolute ; z - index : 999 ; pointer - events : none ; - webkit - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 20 px , 0 ) ; - moz - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 20 px , 0 ) ; - o - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 20 px , 0 ) ; - ms - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 20 px , 0 ) ; transform : translate3d ( 0 , 20 px , 0 ) ; opacity : 0 ; - ms - filter : "alpha(Opacity=0)" ; filter : alpha ( opacity = 0 ) ; - webkit - transition : all . 2 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - moz - transition : all . 2 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - o - transition : all . 2 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; - ms - transition : all . 2 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) ; transition : all . 2 s cubic - bezier ( 0.25 , . 25 , 0 , 1 ) } : host - context ( . touch - true ) # comment { font - size : 13.5 px } # comment . open - true { opacity : 1 ; - ms - filter : none ; filter : none ; - webkit - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; - moz - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; - o - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; - ms - transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) } : host - context ( . touch - false ) # comment . open - true { - webkit - transition - delay : 200 ms ; - moz - transition - delay : 200 ms ; - o - transition - delay : 200 ms ; - ms - transition - del
2014-09-02 22:34:17 +00:00
'<div hidden>undefined</div>' ,
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2014-09-08 00:22:30 +00:00
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2014-09-07 23:55:40 +00:00
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