mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 03:14:20 +00:00
Add files via upload
This commit is contained in:
@ -147,16 +147,33 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _GtColorController2 = _interopRequireDefault(_GtColorController);
var _HSVColorController = __webpack_require__(20);
var _HSVColorController2 = _interopRequireDefault(_HSVColorController);
var _dom = __webpack_require__(9);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _GUI = __webpack_require__(20);
var _GUI = __webpack_require__(21);
var _GUI2 = _interopRequireDefault(_GUI);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui
* Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
exports.default = {
color: {
Color: _Color2.default,
@ -176,6 +193,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
ColorController: _ColorController2.default,
BgColorController: _BgColorController2.default,
NgColorController: _NgColorController2.default,
HSVColorController: _HSVColorController2.default,
GtColorController: _GtColorController2.default
@ -188,19 +206,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
GUI: _GUI2.default
}; /**
* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui
* Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
@ -4194,6 +4200,410 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.__esModule = true;
var _Controller2 = __webpack_require__(7);
var _Controller3 = _interopRequireDefault(_Controller2);
var _dom = __webpack_require__(9);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _Color = __webpack_require__(2);
var _Color2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Color);
var _interpret = __webpack_require__(3);
var _interpret2 = _interopRequireDefault(_interpret);
var _common = __webpack_require__(5);
var _common2 = _interopRequireDefault(_common);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } /**
* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui
* Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
var HSVColorController = function (_Controller) {
_inherits(HSVColorController, _Controller);
function HSVColorController(object, property) {
_classCallCheck(this, HSVColorController);
var _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _Controller.call(this, object, property));
_this2.__color = new _Color2.default(_this2.getValue());
_this2.__temp = new _Color2.default(0);
_this2.__temp2 = new _Color2.default(0);
var _this = _this2;
_this2.domElement = document.createElement('div');
_dom2.default.makeSelectable(_this2.domElement, false);
_this2.__selector = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__field_knob = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__field_knob.className = 'field-knob';
_this2.__field_knob_border = '2px solid ';
_this2.__field_knob2 = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__field_knob2.className = 'field-knob';
_this2.__field_knob_border2 = '2px solid ';
_this2.__field_knob3 = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__field_knob3.className = 'field-knob';
_this2.__field_knob_border3 = '2px solid ';
_this2.__hsv_field = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__hsv_field.className = 'hue-field';
_this2.__hsv_field2 = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__hsv_field2.className = 'hue-field';
_this2.__hsv_field3 = document.createElement('div');
_this2.__hsv_field3.className = 'hue-field';
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel = document.createElement('Label');
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel.innerHTML = 'H:';
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel2 = document.createElement('Label');
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel2.innerHTML = 'S:';
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel3 = document.createElement('Label');
_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel3.innerHTML = 'V:';
_this2.__input = document.createElement('input');
_this2.__input.type = 'text';
_this2.__input_textShadow = '0 1px 1px ';
_dom2.default.bind(_this2.__input, 'keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
// on enter
_dom2.default.bind(_this2.__input, 'blur', onBlur);
var valueField = document.createElement('div');
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__selector.style, {
width: '256px',
height: '10px',
marginTop: '22px',
backgroundColor: '#222',
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__field_knob.style, {
position: 'absolute',
width: '12px',
height: '12px',
border: _this2.__field_knob_border + (_this2.__color.v < 0.5 ? '#fff' : '#000'),
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
borderRadius: '12px',
top: '-2',
zIndex: 1
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__field_knob2.style, {
position: 'absolute',
width: '12px',
height: '12px',
border: _this2.__field_knob_border + (_this2.__color.v < 0.5 ? '#fff' : '#000'),
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
borderRadius: '12px',
top: '-2',
zIndex: 1
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__field_knob3.style, {
position: 'absolute',
width: '12px',
height: '12px',
border: _this2.__field_knob_border + (_this2.__color.v < 0.5 ? '#fff' : '#000'),
boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
borderRadius: '12px',
top: '-2',
zIndex: 1
_common2.default.extend(valueField.style, {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
background: 'none'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_field.style, {
width: '256px',
height: '20px',
border: '1px solid #555',
position: 'absolute',
top: '30px',
left: '0px'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_field2.style, {
width: '256px',
height: '20px',
border: '1px solid #555',
position: 'absolute',
top: '55px',
left: '0px'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_field3.style, {
width: '256px',
height: '20px',
border: '1px solid #555',
position: 'absolute',
top: '80px',
left: '0px'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__input.style, {
outline: 'none',
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#fff',
border: 0,
left: '0px',
position: 'absolute',
fontWeight: 'bold',
width: '256px',
textShadow: _this2.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel.style, {
outline: 'none',
textAlign: 'left',
color: '#fff',
border: 0,
left: '-70px',
position: 'absolute',
font: 'bold 12px Courier',
width: '50px',
textShadow: _this2.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel2.style, {
outline: 'none',
textAlign: 'left',
color: '#fff',
border: 0,
left: '-70px',
position: 'absolute',
font: 'bold 12px Courier',
width: '50px',
textShadow: _this2.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
_common2.default.extend(_this2.__hsv_fieldLabel3.style, {
outline: 'none',
textAlign: 'left',
color: '#fff',
border: 0,
left: '-70px',
position: 'absolute',
font: 'bold 12px Courier',
width: '50px',
textShadow: _this2.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
_dom2.default.bind(_this2.__hsv_field, 'mousedown', function (e) {
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mousemove', setH);
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpH);
_dom2.default.bind(_this2.__hsv_field2, 'mousedown', function (e) {
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mousemove', setS);
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpS);
_dom2.default.bind(_this2.__hsv_field3, 'mousedown', function (e) {
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mousemove', setV);
_dom2.default.bind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpV);
function fieldUpH() {
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setH);
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpH);
function fieldUpS() {
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setS);
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpS);
function fieldUpV() {
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mousemove', setV);
_dom2.default.unbind(window, 'mouseup', fieldUpV);
function onBlur() {
var i = (0, _interpret2.default)(this.value);
if (i !== false) {
_this.__color.__state = i;
} else {
this.value = _this.__color.toString();
function onFinish() {
if (_this.__onFinishChange) {
_this.__onFinishChange.call(_this, _this.__color.toOriginal());
_common2.default.extend(_this2.domElement.style, { height: '100px' });
function setS(e) {
var fieldRect = _this.__hsv_field.getBoundingClientRect();
var s = (e.clientX - fieldRect.left) / (fieldRect.right - fieldRect.left);
_this.__color.s = Math.min(Math.max(s, 0), 1);
return false;
function setV(e) {
var fieldRect = _this.__hsv_field.getBoundingClientRect();
var v = (e.clientX - fieldRect.left) / (fieldRect.right - fieldRect.left);
_this.__color.v = Math.min(Math.max(v, 0), 1);
return false;
function setH(e) {
var fieldRect = _this.__hsv_field.getBoundingClientRect();
var h = (e.clientX - fieldRect.left) / (fieldRect.right - fieldRect.left);
_this.__color.h = Math.min(Math.max(h, 0), 1) * 360;
return false;
return _this2;
HSVColorController.prototype.updateDisplay = function updateDisplay() {
var i = (0, _interpret2.default)(this.getValue());
if (i !== false) {
var mismatch = false;
// Check for mismatch on the interpreted value.
_common2.default.each(_Color2.default.COMPONENTS, function (component) {
if (!_common2.default.isUndefined(i[component]) && !_common2.default.isUndefined(this.__color.__state[component]) && i[component] !== this.__color.__state[component]) {
mismatch = true;
return {}; // break
}, this);
// If nothing diverges, we keep our previous values
// for statefulness, otherwise we recalculate fresh
if (mismatch) {
_common2.default.extend(this.__color.__state, i);
_common2.default.extend(this.__temp.__state, this.__color.__state);
this.__temp.a = 1;
this.__temp2.a = 1;
var flip = this.__color.v < 0.5 || this.__color.s > 0.5 ? 255 : 0;
var _flip = 255 - flip;
_common2.default.extend(this.__field_knob.style, {
marginLeft: parseInt(this.__color.h / 360 * 256 - 7, 10) + 'px',
marginTop: '5px',
border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(255,255,255)'
_common2.default.extend(this.__field_knob2.style, {
marginLeft: 256 * this.__color.s - 7 + 'px',
marginTop: '5px',
border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip + ')'
_common2.default.extend(this.__field_knob3.style, {
marginLeft: 256 * this.__color.v - 7 + 'px',
marginTop: '5px',
border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip + ')'
this.__hsv_fieldLabel.innerHTML = 'H: ' + parseInt(this.__color.h, 10);
this.__hsv_fieldLabel2.innerHTML = 'S: ' + parseInt(this.__color.s * 100, 10);
this.__hsv_fieldLabel3.innerHTML = 'V: ' + parseInt(this.__color.v * 100, 10);
this.__temp.h = this.__color.h;
this.__temp.v = this.__color.v;
this.__temp.s = 1;
this.__temp2.s = this.__color.s;
this.__temp2.h = this.__color.h;
this.__temp2.v = 1;
linearGradient(this.__hsv_field2, 'left', '#fff', this.__temp.toHexString());
linearGradient(this.__hsv_field3, 'left', '#000', this.__temp2.toHexString());
this.__input.value = this.__color.toString();
_common2.default.extend(this.__input.style, {
backgroundColor: this.__color.toHexString(),
color: 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip + ')',
textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',.7)'
return HSVColorController;
var vendors = ['-moz-', '-o-', '-webkit-', '-ms-', ''];
function linearGradient(elem, x, a, b) {
elem.style.background = '';
_common2.default.each(vendors, function (vendor) {
elem.style.cssText += 'background: ' + vendor + 'linear-gradient(' + x + ', ' + a + ' 0%, ' + b + ' 100%); ';
function hueGradient(elem) {
elem.style.background = '';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, #ff0000 0%, #ff00ff 17%, #0000ff 34%, #00ffff 50%, #00ff00 67%, #ffff00 84%, #ff0000 100%);';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -o-linear-gradient(right, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(right, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);';
elem.style.cssText += 'background: linear-gradient(right, #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);';
exports.default = HSVColorController;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 21 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; /**
* dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
* http://code.google.com/p/dat-gui
@ -4207,15 +4617,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
var _css = __webpack_require__(21);
var _css = __webpack_require__(22);
var _css2 = _interopRequireDefault(_css);
var _saveDialogue = __webpack_require__(22);
var _saveDialogue = __webpack_require__(23);
var _saveDialogue2 = _interopRequireDefault(_saveDialogue);
var _ControllerFactory = __webpack_require__(23);
var _ControllerFactory = __webpack_require__(24);
var _ControllerFactory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ControllerFactory);
@ -4251,15 +4661,19 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _NgColorController2 = _interopRequireDefault(_NgColorController);
var _HSVColorController = __webpack_require__(20);
var _HSVColorController2 = _interopRequireDefault(_HSVColorController);
var _GtColorController = __webpack_require__(19);
var _GtColorController2 = _interopRequireDefault(_GtColorController);
var _requestAnimationFrame = __webpack_require__(24);
var _requestAnimationFrame = __webpack_require__(25);
var _requestAnimationFrame2 = _interopRequireDefault(_requestAnimationFrame);
var _CenteredDiv = __webpack_require__(25);
var _CenteredDiv = __webpack_require__(26);
var _CenteredDiv2 = _interopRequireDefault(_CenteredDiv);
@ -4271,7 +4685,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _common2 = _interopRequireDefault(_common);
var _style = __webpack_require__(26);
var _style = __webpack_require__(27);
var _style2 = _interopRequireDefault(_style);
@ -4766,6 +5180,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
color: true
addHSVColor: function addHSVColor(object, property) {
return addhsv(this, object, property, {
color: true
* @param controller
@ -5183,6 +5602,14 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
return val;
}, controller.updateDisplay);
} else if (controller instanceof _HSVColorController2.default) {
_dom2.default.addClass(li, 'color');
controller.updateDisplay = _common2.default.compose(function (val) {
li.style.borderLeftColor = controller.__color.toString();
return val;
}, controller.updateDisplay);
} else if (controller instanceof _GtColorController2.default) {
_dom2.default.addClass(li, 'color');
@ -5397,6 +5824,53 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
return controller;
function addhsv(gui, object, property, params) {
if (object[property] === undefined) {
throw new Error('Object "' + object + '" has no property "' + property + '"');
var controller = void 0;
if (params.color) {
controller = new _HSVColorController2.default(object, property);
} else {
var factoryArgs = [object, property].concat(params.factoryArgs);
controller = _ControllerFactory2.default.apply(gui, factoryArgs);
if (params.before instanceof _Controller2.default) {
params.before = params.before.__li;
recallSavedValue(gui, controller);
_dom2.default.addClass(controller.domElement, 'c');
var name = document.createElement('span');
_dom2.default.addClass(name, 'property-name');
name.innerHTML = controller.property;
var container = document.createElement('div');
var li = addRow(gui, container, params.before);
_dom2.default.addClass(li, GUI.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW);
if (controller instanceof _ColorController2.default) {
_dom2.default.addClass(li, 'color');
} else if (controller instanceof _HSVColorController2.default) {
_dom2.default.addClass(li, 'color');
} else {
_dom2.default.addClass(li, _typeof(controller.getValue()));
augmentController(gui, li, controller);
return controller;
function _add(gui, object, property, params) {
if (object[property] === undefined) {
@ -5679,7 +6153,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 21 */
/* 22 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
'use strict';
@ -5721,13 +6195,13 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 22 */
/* 23 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
module.exports = "<div id=\"dg-save\" class=\"dg dialogue\">\n\n Here's the new load parameter for your <code>GUI</code>'s constructor:\n\n <textarea id=\"dg-new-constructor\"></textarea>\n\n <div id=\"dg-save-locally\">\n\n <input id=\"dg-local-storage\" type=\"checkbox\"/> Automatically save\n values to <code>localStorage</code> on exit.\n\n <div id=\"dg-local-explain\">The values saved to <code>localStorage</code> will\n override those passed to <code>dat.GUI</code>'s constructor. This makes it\n easier to work incrementally, but <code>localStorage</code> is fragile,\n and your friends may not see the same values you do.\n\n </div>\n\n </div>\n\n</div>";
/***/ },
/* 23 */
/* 24 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
@ -5822,7 +6296,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 24 */
/* 25 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
"use strict";
@ -5849,7 +6323,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = exports["default"];
/***/ },
/* 25 */
/* 26 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
@ -5975,10 +6449,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 26 */
/* 27 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(27)();
exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(28)();
// imports
@ -5989,7 +6463,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 27 */
/* 28 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue
Block a user