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--git a/elements/Gui.js b/elements/Gui.js index d095bfe..a8bda49 100644 --- a/elements/Gui.js +++ b/elements/Gui.js @@ -1,141 +1,138 @@ -(function( scope ) { +(function(scope) { + 'use strict'; - var Gui = function( params ) { + var Gui = function(params) { - if ( !ready ) { - Gui.error( 'Gui not ready. Put your code inside Gui.ready()' ); - } - - params = params || {}; - - var panel = document.createElement( 'gui-panel' ); - - panel.autoPlace = params.autoPlace !== false; - - if ( panel.autoPlace ) { - document.body.appendChild( panel ); - } - - return panel; - - }; - - - // Register custom controllers - // ------------------------------- - - var controllers = {}; - - Gui.register = function( elementName, test ) { - - controllers[ elementName ] = test; - - }; - - - // Returns a controller based on a value - // ------------------------------- - - Gui.getController = function( value ) { - - for ( var type in controllers ) { - - var test = controllers[ type ]; - - if ( test( value ) ) { - - return document.createElement( type ); - - } - - } - - }; - - - // Gui ready handler ... * shakes fist at polymer * - // ------------------------------- - - var ready = false; - var readyHandlers = []; - - document.addEventListener( 'polymer-ready', function() { - - ready = true; - readyHandlers.forEach( function( fnc ) { - - fnc(); - - } ); - - } ); - - Gui.ready = function( fnc ) { - - ready ? fnc() : readyHandlers.push( fnc ); - - }; - - - // Error - // ------------------------------- - - Gui.error = function() { - var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply( arguments ); - args.unshift( 'dat-gui ::' ); - console.error.apply( console, args ); + if (!ready) { + Gui.error('Gui not ready. Put your code inside Gui.ready()'); } - Gui.warn = function() { - var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply( arguments ); - args.unshift( 'dat-gui ::' ); - console.warn.apply( console, args ); + params = params || {}; + + var panel = document.createElement('gui-panel'); + + panel.autoPlace = params.autoPlace !== false; + + if (panel.autoPlace) { + document.body.appendChild(panel); } - - // Old namespaces - // ------------------------------- + return panel; - var dat = {}; - - dat.gui = {}; - dat.gui.GUI = Gui; - dat.GUI = dat.gui.GUI; + }; - dat.color = {}; - dat.color.Color = function() {}; + // Register custom controllers + // ------------------------------- - dat.dom = {}; - dat.dom.dom = function() {}; + var controllers = {}; - dat.controllers = {}; - dat.controllers.Controller = constructor( 'controller-base' ); - dat.controllers.NumberController = constructor( 'controller-number' ); - dat.controllers.FunctionController = constructor( 'controller-function' ); - dat.controllers.ColorController = constructor( 'controller-color' ); - dat.controllers.BooleanController = constructor( 'controller-boolean' ); - dat.controllers.OptionController = constructor( 'controller-option' ); + Gui.register = function(elementName, test) { - dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox = dat.controllers.NumberController; - dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider = dat.controllers.NumberController; - - function constructor( elementName ) { - - return function( object, path ) { - var el = document.createElement( elementName ); - el.watch( object, path ); - return el; - }; + controllers[elementName] = test; + + }; + + // Returns a controller based on a value + // ------------------------------- + + Gui.getController = function(value) { + + for (var type in controllers) { + + var test = controllers[type]; + + if (test(value)) { + + return document.createElement(type); + + } } + }; - // Export - // ------------------------------- + // Gui ready handler ... * shakes fist at polymer * + // ------------------------------- - scope.dat = dat; - scope.Gui = Gui; + var ready = false; + var readyHandlers = []; + document.addEventListener('polymer-ready', function() { -})( this ); + ready = true; + readyHandlers.forEach(function(fnc) { + fnc(); + + }); + + }); + + Gui.ready = function(fnc) { + + if (ready) { + fnc(); + } else { + readyHandlers.push(fnc); + } + + }; + + // Error + // ------------------------------- + + Gui.error = function() { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); + args.unshift('dat-gui ::'); + console.error.apply(console, args); + }; + + Gui.warn = function() { + var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); + args.unshift('dat-gui ::'); + console.warn.apply(console, args); + }; + + // Old namespaces + // ------------------------------- + + var dat = {}; + + dat.gui = {}; + dat.gui.GUI = Gui; + dat.GUI = dat.gui.GUI; + + dat.color = {}; + dat.color.Color = function() {}; + + dat.dom = {}; + dat.dom.dom = function() {}; + + dat.controllers = {}; + dat.controllers.Controller = constructor('controller-base'); + dat.controllers.NumberController = constructor('controller-number'); + dat.controllers.FunctionController = constructor('controller-function'); + dat.controllers.ColorController = constructor('controller-color'); + dat.controllers.BooleanController = constructor('controller-boolean'); + dat.controllers.OptionController = constructor('controller-option'); + + dat.controllers.NumberControllerBox = dat.controllers.NumberController; + dat.controllers.NumberControllerSlider = dat.controllers.NumberController; + + function constructor(elementName) { + + return function(object, path) { + var el = document.createElement(elementName); + el.watch(object, path); + return el; + }; + + } + + // Export + // ------------------------------- + + scope.dat = dat; + scope.Gui = Gui; + +})(this); diff --git a/elements/controller-base/controller-base.js b/elements/controller-base/controller-base.js index ad46bb3..8846ec8 100644 --- a/elements/controller-base/controller-base.js +++ b/elements/controller-base/controller-base.js @@ -1,86 +1,86 @@ +/* globals Gui, Polymer, PathObserver */ +'use strict'; + /* -[ ] onChange( ) -[ ] onFinishChange( ) +[ ] onChange() +[ ] onFinishChange() */ Polymer('controller-base', { - ready: function() { + ready: function() { - this.update(); + this.update(); - }, + }, - update: function() {}, + update: function() {}, - init: function() {}, + init: function() {}, + // Observers + // ------------------------------- - // Observers - // ------------------------------- + watch: function(object, path) { - watch: function( object, path ) { + this.object = object; + this.path = path; - this.object = object; - this.path = path; + this.bind('value', new PathObserver(this.object, this.path)); - this.bind( 'value', new PathObserver( this.object, this.path ) ); + }, + + valueChanged: function() { + + this.update(); + this.fire( 'change', this.value ); - }, + }, - valueChanged: function() { + // Helpers + // ------------------------------- + + on: function( event, listener ) { + this.addEventListener( event, listener ); + return this; + }, + + map: function(x, a, b, c, d) { + return (x - a) / (b - a) * (d - c) + c; + }, + + // Legacy + // ------------------------------- + + listen: function() { + + Gui.warn('controller.listen() is deprecated. ' + + 'All controllers are listened for free.'); + return this; + + }, + + getValue: function() { + + return this.value; + + }, + + setValue: function(v) { + + this.value = v; + return this; + + }, + + onChange: function( v ) { + + this.addEventListener( 'change', function( e ) { + v( e.detail ); + } ); + return this; + + }, - this.update(); - this.fire( 'change', this.value ); - - }, - - - // Helpers - // ------------------------------- - - map: function( x, a, b, c, d ) { - return ( x - a ) / ( b - a ) * ( d - c ) + c; - }, - - on: function( event, listener ) { - this.addEventListener( event, listener ); - return this; - }, - - - // Legacy - // ------------------------------- - - listen: function() { - - Gui.warn( 'controller.listen() is deprecated. All controllers are listened for free.' ); - return this; - - }, - - getValue: function() { - - return this.value; - - }, - - setValue: function( v ) { - - this.value = v; - return this; - - }, - - onChange: function( v ) { - - this.addEventListener( 'change', function( e ) { - v( e.detail ); - } ); - return this; - - }, - - -}); \ No newline at end of file +}); diff --git a/elements/controller-boolean/controller-boolean.js b/elements/controller-boolean/controller-boolean.js index efa820e..ae1c1f9 100644 --- a/elements/controller-boolean/controller-boolean.js +++ b/elements/controller-boolean/controller-boolean.js @@ -1,20 +1,22 @@ -Gui.register( 'controller-boolean', function( value ) { - - return typeof value == 'boolean'; +/* globals Gui, Polymer */ +'use strict'; -} ); +Gui.register('controller-boolean', function(value) { -Polymer( 'controller-boolean', { + return typeof value == 'boolean'; + +}); + +Polymer('controller-boolean', { + + ready: function() { + + }, + + toggle: function() { + + this.value = !this.value; + + } - ready: function() { - - - }, - - toggle: function() { - - this.value = !this.value; - - } - }); diff --git a/elements/controller-function/controller-function.js b/elements/controller-function/controller-function.js index 511a1c9..c7fa1f6 100644 --- a/elements/controller-function/controller-function.js +++ b/elements/controller-function/controller-function.js @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ -Gui.register( 'controller-function', function( value ) { - - return typeof value == 'function'; +/* globals Gui, Polymer */ +'use strict'; -} ); +Gui.register('controller-function', function(value) { -Polymer( 'controller-function', { + return typeof value == 'function'; -} ); +}); + +Polymer('controller-function', { + +}); diff --git a/elements/controller-number/controller-number.js b/elements/controller-number/controller-number.js index 72865a1..76bbfad 100644 --- a/elements/controller-number/controller-number.js +++ b/elements/controller-number/controller-number.js @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ +/* globals Gui, Polymer */ +'use strict'; + /* [ ] arrow keys -[ ] min( ) max( ) step( ) commands of yore +[ ] min() max() step() commands of yore [x] only validate input box on blur, not on keydown [x] enter key blurs @@ -13,255 +16,255 @@ */ -Gui.register( 'controller-number', function( value ) { - - return typeof value == 'number'; +Gui.register('controller-number', function(value) { -} ); + return typeof value == 'number'; -Polymer( 'controller-number', { +}); - value: 0, - decimals: 3, - computed: { +Polymer('controller-number', { - slider: 'min !== undefined && max !== undefined' + value: 0, + decimals: 3, + computed: { - }, + slider: 'min !== undefined && max !== undefined' - ready: function() { - - var _this = this; + }, - window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( e ) { - if ( e.keyCode == 18 ) _this._alt = true; - }, false ); + ready: function() { - window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( e ) { - if ( e.keyCode == 18 ) _this._alt = false; - }, false ); + var _this = this; - this.super(); + window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { + if (e.keyCode == 18) { + _this._alt = true; + } + }, false); - }, + window.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { + if (e.keyCode == 18) { + _this._alt = false; + } + }, false); - init: function( min, max, step ) { + // this.super(); - this.min = min; - this.max = max; - this.step = step; + }, - }, + init: function(min, max, step) { - // Observers - // ------------------------------- + this.min = min; + this.max = max; + this.step = step; - valueChanged: function( newValue ) { + }, - if ( this.step !== undefined ) { - this.value = Math.round( this.value / this.step ) * this.step; - } + // Observers + // ------------------------------- - if ( this.min !== undefined ) { - this.value = Math.max( this.value, this.min ); - } + valueChanged: function(newValue) { - if ( this.max !== undefined ) { - this.value = Math.min( this.value, this.max ); - } - - this.super(); - }, + if (this.step !== undefined) { + this.value = Math.round(this.value / this.step) * this.step; + } - minChanged: function() { + if (this.min !== undefined) { + this.value = Math.max(this.value, this.min); + } - this.value = Math.max( this.value, this.min ); - this.update(); + if (this.max !== undefined) { + this.value = Math.min(this.value, this.max); + } - }, + this.super(); + }, - maxChanged: function() { + minChanged: function() { - this.value = Math.min( this.value, this.max ); - this.update(); + this.value = Math.max(this.value, this.min); + this.update(); - }, + }, - update: function() { - - var ratio = this.map( this.value, this.min, this.max, 0, 1 ); + maxChanged: function() { - if ( this.min < 0 && this.max > 0 ) { + this.value = Math.min(this.value, this.max); + this.update(); - this.$.container.classList.add( 'straddle-zero' ); + }, - var zero = this.map( 0, this.min, this.max, 0, 1 ); + update: function() { - if ( this.value >= 0 ) { + var ratio = this.map(this.value, this.min, this.max, 0, 1); - this.$.fill.style.left = zero * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.width = (ratio - zero) * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.right = ''; + if (this.min < 0 && this.max > 0) { - } else { + this.$.container.classList.add('straddle-zero'); - this.$.fill.style.left = ''; - this.$.fill.style.width = (zero - ratio) * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.right = ( 1 - zero ) * 100 + '%'; + var zero = this.map(0, this.min, this.max, 0, 1); - } + if (this.value >= 0) { - } else { + this.$.fill.style.left = zero * 100 + '%'; + this.$.fill.style.width = (ratio - zero) * 100 + '%'; + this.$.fill.style.right = ''; - this.$.container.classList.remove( 'straddle-zero' ); + } else { - if ( this.max > 0 ) { + this.$.fill.style.left = ''; + this.$.fill.style.width = (zero - ratio) * 100 + '%'; + this.$.fill.style.right = (1 - zero) * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.left = 0; - this.$.fill.style.width = ratio * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.right = ''; + } - } else { + } else { - this.$.fill.style.left = ''; - this.$.fill.style.width = ( 1 - ratio ) * 100 + '%'; - this.$.fill.style.right = 0; + this.$.container.classList.remove('straddle-zero'); - } + if (this.max > 0) { - } + this.$.fill.style.left = 0; + this.$.fill.style.width = ratio * 100 + '%'; + this.$.fill.style.right = ''; - this.$.knob.style.left = ratio * 100 + '%'; + } else { - this.$.container.classList.toggle( 'positive', this.value >= 0 ); - this.$.container.classList.toggle( 'negative', this.value < 0 ); + this.$.fill.style.left = ''; + this.$.fill.style.width = (1 - ratio) * 100 + '%'; + this.$.fill.style.right = 0; - this.super(); - - }, - - - // Events - // ------------------------------- - - click: function( e ) { - - this.$.input.select(); - - }, - - keydown: function( e ) { - - if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) { - this.$.input.blur(); - } - - }, - - down: function( e ) { - - e.preventDefault(); - this._rect = this.$.track.getBoundingClientRect(); - if ( !this._alt ) this.value = this.valueFromX( e.x ); - - this.fire( 'sliderDown' ); - - }, - - up: function( e ) { - - // this.$.container.classList.add( 'transition' ); - - this.fire( 'sliderUp' ); - - }, - - trackstart: function( e ) { - - // this.$.container.classList.remove( 'transition' ); - this._dragFriction = 1; - - }, - - trackx: function( e ) { - - if ( this.step === undefined ) { - - var dv = this.valueFromDX( e.ddx ); - - if ( this._alt ) dv /= 10; - - this.value += dv * this._dragFriction; - - } else { - - this.value = this.valueFromX( e.pageX ); - - } - }, - - tracky: function( e ) { - - this._dragFriction = Math.max( 0.01, Math.min( 1, this.map( e.dy, 50, 300, 1, 0.1 ) ) ); - - }, - - blur: function( e ) { - - var v = parseFloat( this.$.input.value ); - - if ( v === v ) { - this.value = v; - } - - }, - - - - // Filters - // ------------------------------- - - truncate: function( v ) { - - if ( v % 1 !== 0 && this.decimals !== undefined ) { - return this.limitDecimals( v, this.decimals ); - } else { - return v; - } - - }, - - - // Helpers - // ------------------------------- - - limitDecimals: function( v, maxDecimals ) { - - var str = v.toString(); - var numDecimals = str.substring( str.indexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).length; - - str = v.toFixed( Math.min( numDecimals, this.decimals ) ); - - for ( var z, i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++ ) { - if ( str.charAt( i ) !== '0' ) { - z = i; - } - } - - return str.substring( 0, z+1 ); - - }, - - valueFromX: function( x ) { - - return this.map( x, this._rect.left, this._rect.right, this.min, this.max ); - - }, - - valueFromDX: function( dx ) { - - return this.map( dx, 0, this._rect.width, 0, this.max - this.min ); + } } + this.$.knob.style.left = ratio * 100 + '%'; + + this.$.container.classList.toggle('positive', this.value >= 0); + this.$.container.classList.toggle('negative', this.value < 0); + + this.super(); + + }, + + // Events + // ------------------------------- + + click: function(e) { + + this.$.input.select(); + + }, + + keydown: function(e) { + + if (e.keyCode == 13) { + this.$.input.blur(); + } + + }, + + down: function(e) { + + e.preventDefault(); + this._rect = this.$.track.getBoundingClientRect(); + if (!this._alt) { this.value = this.valueFromX(e.x); } + + this.fire( 'sliderDown' ); + + }, + + up: function(e) { + + // this.$.container.classList.add( 'transition'); + this.fire( 'sliderUp' ); + + }, + + trackstart: function(e) { + + // this.$.container.classList.remove( 'transition'); + this._dragFriction = 1; + + }, + + trackx: function(e) { + + if (this.step === undefined) { + + var dv = this.valueFromDX(e.ddx); + + if (this._alt) { dv /= 10; } + + this.value += dv * this._dragFriction; + + } else { + + this.value = this.valueFromX(e.pageX); + + } + }, + + tracky: function(e) { + + this._dragFriction = Math.max(0.01, + Math.min(1, this.map(e.dy, 50, 300, 1, 0.1))); + + }, + + blur: function(e) { + + var v = parseFloat(this.$.input.value); + + if (v === v) { + this.value = v; + } + + }, + + // Filters + // ------------------------------- + + truncate: function(v) { + + if (v % 1 !== 0 && this.decimals !== undefined) { + return this.limitDecimals(v, this.decimals); + } else { + return v; + } + + }, + + // Helpers + // ------------------------------- + + limitDecimals: function(v, maxDecimals) { + + var str = v.toString(); + var numDecimals = str.substring(str.indexOf('.') + 1).length; + + str = v.toFixed(Math.min(numDecimals, this.decimals)); + + for (var z, i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) { + if (str.charAt(i) !== '0') { + z = i; + } + } + + return str.substring(0, z + 1); + + }, + + valueFromX: function(x) { + + return this.map(x, this._rect.left, this._rect.right, this.min, this.max); + + }, + + valueFromDX: function(dx) { + + return this.map(dx, 0, this._rect.width, 0, this.max - this.min); + + } + }); diff --git a/elements/controller-string/controller-string.js b/elements/controller-string/controller-string.js index b60b1eb..b85fdd0 100644 --- a/elements/controller-string/controller-string.js +++ b/elements/controller-string/controller-string.js @@ -1,23 +1,26 @@ -Gui.register( 'controller-string', function( value ) { - - return typeof value == 'string'; +/* globals Gui, Polymer */ +'use strict'; -} ); +Gui.register('controller-string', function(value) { -Polymer( 'controller-string', { + return typeof value == 'string'; - click: function( e ) { +}); - this.$.input.select(); +Polymer('controller-string', { - }, + click: function(e) { - keydown: function( e ) { + this.$.input.select(); - if ( e.keyCode == 13 ) { - this.$.input.blur(); - } + }, + keydown: function(e) { + + if (e.keyCode == 13) { + this.$.input.blur(); } - -}); \ No newline at end of file + + } + +}); diff --git a/elements/gui-panel/gui-panel.js b/elements/gui-panel/gui-panel.js index 900f240..fad01d7 100644 --- a/elements/gui-panel/gui-panel.js +++ b/elements/gui-panel/gui-panel.js @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ +/* globals Polymer, Path, Gui */ +'use strict'; + // [ ] scrolling when docked // [ ] scrolling when window short and not docked Polymer('gui-panel', { - docked: false, - open: true, - touch: 'ontouchstart' in window || !!window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch, + docked: false, + open: true, + touch: ('ontouchstart' in window) || + (!!window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch), - ready: function() { + ready: function() { - this.defined = {}; - // window.addEventListener( 'resize', this.checkHeight.bind( this ) ); + this.defined = {}; - }, + }, define: function() { @@ -29,93 +32,96 @@ Polymer('gui-panel', { this.defined[ name ] = initialValue; - return this.add.apply( this, args ); + return this.add.apply(this, args); - }, + }, - add: function( object, path ) { + add: function(object, path) { - // Make controller + // Make controller - var value = Path.get( path ).getValueFrom( object ); + var value = Path.get(path).getValueFrom(object); - if ( value == null || value == undefined ) { - return Gui.error( object + ' doesn\'t have a value for path "' + path + '".' ); - } + if (value === null || value === undefined) { + return Gui.error(object + + ' doesn\'t have a value for path "' + path + '".'); + } - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); - var controllers; + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); + var controller; - if ( args[ 0 ] instanceof Array || typeof args[ 0 ] == 'object' ) { - controller = document.createElement( 'controller-option' ); - } else { - controller = Gui.getController( value ); - } - - if ( !controller ) { - return Gui.error( 'Unrecognized type:', value ); - } - - controller.watch( object, path ) - controller.init.apply( controller, args ); - - // Make row - - var row = document.createElement( 'gui-row' ); - row.name = path; - - controller.row = row; - - controller.name = function( name ) { - row.name = name; - }; - - controller.comment = function( comment ) { - row.comment = comment; - }; - - row.appendChild( controller ); - this.appendChild( row ); - - return controller; - - }, - - - // Observers - // ------------------------------- - - openChanged: function() { - - if ( this.open || this.docked ) { - - // let the style sheet take care of things - - this.$.panel.style.transform = ''; - - } else { - - // todo: need the rest of the vendor prefixes ... - // wish i could pipe javascript variables into styl. - - var y = -this.$.controllers.offsetHeight + 'px'; - this.$.panel.style.transform = 'translate3d(0, ' + y + ', 0)'; - - } - - - }, - - dockedChanged: function() { - - this.openChanged(); - - }, + if ( args[ 0 ] instanceof Array || typeof args[ 0 ] == 'object' ) { + controller = document.createElement( 'controller-option' ); + } else { + controller = Gui.getController( value ); + } + if ( !controller ) { + return Gui.error( 'Unrecognized type:', value ); + } + + controller.watch(object, path); + controller.init.apply(controller, args); + + // Make row + + var row = document.createElement('gui-row'); + row.name = path; + + controller.row = row; + + controller.name = function(name) { + row.name = name; + }; + + controller.comment = function(comment) { + row.comment = comment; + }; + + row.appendChild(controller); + this.appendChild(row); + + return controller; + + }, + + // Observers + // ------------------------------- + + openChanged: function() { + + if (this.open || this.docked) { + + // let the style sheet take care of things + + this.$.container.style.transform = ''; + this.$.panel.style.transform = ''; + + } else { + + // todo: need the rest of the vendor prefixes ... + // wish i could pipe javascript variables into styl. + + var y = -this.$.controllers.offsetHeight + 'px'; + this.$.container.style.transform = 'translate3d(0, ' + y + ', 0)'; + + } + + }, + + dockedChanged: function() { + + this.openChanged(); + + }, + + // Events + // ------------------------------- + + tapClose: function() { + this.open = !this.open; + }, - // Events - // ------------------------------- - toggleOpen: function() { this.open = !this.open; }, @@ -127,19 +133,24 @@ Polymer('gui-panel', { // } else { // this.docked = false; // } + // if ( window.innerHeight < this.$.controllers.offsetHeight) { + // this.docked = true; + // } else { + // this.docked = false; + // } - // }, + // }, + // Legacy + // ------------------------------- - // Legacy - // ------------------------------- + listenAll: function() { - listenAll: function() { + Gui.warn('controller.listenAll() is deprecated. ' + + 'All controllers are listened for free.'); - Gui.warn( 'controller.listenAll() is deprecated. All controllers are listened for free.' ); + } - }, + // todo: domElement - // todo: domElement - -}); \ No newline at end of file +}); diff --git a/elements/gui-row/gui-row.js b/elements/gui-row/gui-row.js index 70e1ef2..5a1a8e3 100644 --- a/elements/gui-row/gui-row.js +++ b/elements/gui-row/gui-row.js @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ +/* globals Polymer */ +'use strict'; + Polymer('gui-row', { - comment: null, - commentOpen: false, + comment: null, + commentOpen: false, - ready: function() { + ready: function() { - }, + }, - openComment: function() { - this.commentOpen = true; - }, + openComment: function() { + this.commentOpen = true; + }, - closeComment: function() { - this.commentOpen = false; - } + closeComment: function() { + this.commentOpen = false; + } -}); \ No newline at end of file +}); diff --git a/gulpfile.js b/gulpfile.js index 5b332c1..05b87ac 100644 --- a/gulpfile.js +++ b/gulpfile.js @@ -1,88 +1,101 @@ -var gulp = require( 'gulp' ), - stylus = require( 'gulp-stylus' ), - plates = require( 'gulp-plates' ), - rename = require( 'gulp-rename' ), - vulcan = require( 'gulp-vulcanize' ), - insert = require( 'gulp-insert' ), - replace = require( 'gulp-replace' ), - clean = require( 'gulp-clean' ), - nib = require( 'nib' ), - fs = require( 'fs' ), - marked = require( 'marked' ), - karma = require( 'karma' ); +var gulp = require('gulp'), + $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(), + nib = require('nib'), + fs = require('fs'), + marked = require('marked'), + karma = require('karma'), + browserSync = require('browser-sync'), + reload = browserSync.reload; -gulp.task( 'default', [ 'docs', 'build' ] ); +gulp.task('default', ['docs', 'build']) -gulp.task( 'watch', [ 'default' ], function() { - - karma.server.start( { - frameworks: [ 'jasmine' ], - files: [ - 'build/gui.js', - 'tests/*.js' - ] - } ); +gulp.task('watch', ['default'], function() { - gulp.watch( [ 'elements/**/*.styl', 'elements/**/*.html', 'elements/**/*.js', 'gui.html' ], [ 'build' ] ); - gulp.watch( [ 'README.md', 'docs/*' ], [ 'docs' ] ); + karma.server.start({ + frameworks: ['jasmine'], + files: [ + 'build/gui.js', + 'tests/*.js' + ] + }); -} ); + gulp.watch(['elements/**/*.styl', 'elements/**/*.html', + 'elements/**/*.js', 'gui.html'], ['build']); -gulp.task( 'build', [ 'vulcanize' ], function() { + gulp.watch(['README.md', 'docs/*'], ['docs']); - return gulp.src( 'build/gui.html' ) - .pipe( replace( /\\/g, "\\\\" ) ) - .pipe( replace( /'/g, "\\'" ) ) - .pipe( replace( /^(.*)$/gm, "'$1'," ) ) - .pipe( insert.wrap( 'document.write([', '].join("\\n"))' ) ) - .pipe( rename( 'gui.js' ) ) - .pipe( gulp.dest( 'build' ) ); +}); -} ); +gulp.task('build', ['vulcanize'], function() { -gulp.task( 'vulcanize', [ 'css' ], function() { + return gulp.src('build/gui.html') + .pipe($.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')) + .pipe($.replace(/'/g, '\\\'')) + .pipe($.replace(/^(.*)$/gm, '\'$1\',')) + .pipe($.insert.wrap('document.write([', '].join("\\n"))')) + .pipe($.rename('gui.js')) + .pipe(gulp.dest('build')); - return gulp.src( 'gui.html' ) - .pipe( vulcan( { - dest: 'build', - inline: true, - strip: true - } ) ); +}); -} ); +gulp.task('vulcanize', ['css'], function() { -gulp.task( 'css', function() { + return gulp.src('gui.html') + .pipe($.vulcanize({ + dest: 'build', + inline: true, + strip: true + })); - return css( 'elements/**/*.styl', 'elements' ); +}); -} ); +gulp.task('jscs', function() { + return gulp.src('elements/**/*.js') + .pipe($.jscs()); +}); -gulp.task( 'docs', function() { - - css( 'docs/*.styl', 'docs' ); +gulp.task('jshint', function() { + return gulp.src('elements/**/*.js') + .pipe(reload({stream: true, once: true})) + .pipe($.jshint('.jshintrc')) + .pipe($.jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish')) + .pipe($.if(!browserSync.active, $.jshint.reporter('fail'))); +}); - var content = { - readme: marked( fs.readFileSync( 'README.md', 'utf8' ) ) - }; +gulp.task('lint', ['jscs', 'jshint']); - return gulp.src( 'docs/template.html' ) - .pipe( plates( content ) ) - .pipe( rename( 'index.html' ) ) - .pipe( gulp.dest( './' ) ); +gulp.task('css', function() { -} ); + return css('elements/**/*.styl', 'elements'); -gulp.task( 'clean', function() { +}); - return gulp.src( [ 'build/*', '**/*.css' ] ) - .pipe( clean() ); +gulp.task('docs', function() { -} ); + css('docs/*.styl', 'docs'); -function css( src, dest ) { + var content = { + readme: marked(fs.readFileSync('README.md', 'utf8')) + }; - return gulp.src( src ) - .pipe( stylus( { use: [ nib() ] } ) ) - .pipe( gulp.dest( dest ) ); + return gulp.src('docs/template.html') + .pipe($.plates(content)) + .pipe($.rename('index.html')) + .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); -} \ No newline at end of file +}); + +gulp.task('clean', function() { + + return gulp.src(['build/*', '**/*.css']) + .pipe($.clean()); + +}); + +function css(src, dest) { + + return gulp.src(src) + .pipe($.stylus({ use: [nib()] })) + .pipe(gulp.dest(dest)); + +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 75931dc..ec722de 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -2,15 +2,22 @@ "name": "dat.gui", "version": "0.0.0", "devDependencies": { + "browser-sync": "^1.3.6", "gulp": "^3.8.7", "gulp-clean": "^0.3.1", + "gulp-if": "^1.2.4", "gulp-insert": "^0.4.0", + "gulp-jscs": "^1.1.2", + "gulp-jshint": "^1.8.4", + "gulp-load-plugins": "^0.6.0", "gulp-plates": "0.0.5", + "gulp-reload": "0.0.4", "gulp-rename": "^1.2.0", "gulp-replace": "^0.4.0", "gulp-stylus": "^1.3.0", "gulp-vulcanize": "^1.0.0", "gulp-watch": "^0.6.9", + "jshint-stylish": "^0.4.0", "karma": "^0.12.23", "karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.1.4", "karma-jasmine": "^0.1.5",