GUI.Scrubber = function(controller, timer) { var _this = this; this.points = []; this.timer = timer; this.timer.scrubbers.push(this); this.controller = controller; this.controller.scrubber = this; this.playing = false; var previouslyHandled; this.position = null; this.getJSON = function() { var pointArray = []; for (var i in this.points) { pointArray.push(this.points[i].getJSON()); } var obj = {'points': pointArray}; return obj; }; this.sort = function() { this.points.sort(function(a,b) { return a.time - b.time; }); }; this.add = function(p) { this.points.push(p); this.sort(); }; var lastDown = 0; this.controller.addChangeListener(function(newVal) { if (!_this.playing) { var v = newVal; if (_this.controller.type == 'boolean') { v = !v; // Couldn't tell you why I have to do this. } if (_this.timer.activePoint == null) { _this.timer.activePoint = new GUI.ScrubberPoint(_this, _this.timer.playhead, v); _this.add(_this.timer.activePoint); _this.render(); } else { _this.timer.activePoint.value = v; } } }); this.domElement = document.createElement('div'); this.domElement.setAttribute('class', 'guidat-scrubber'); this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.domElement.appendChild(this.canvas); this.g = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); var width; var height; var mx, pmx; this.__defineGetter__('width', function() { return width; }); this.__defineGetter__('height', function() { return height; }); controller.domElement.insertBefore(this.domElement, controller.propertyNameElement.nextSibling); this.render = function() { // TODO: if visible ... _this.g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); // Draw 0 if (_this.timer.windowMin < 0) { var x =, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth, 0, width); _this.g.fillStyle = '#000'; _this.g.fillRect(0, 0, x, height-1); } // Draw ticks if (_this.timer.useSnap) { _this.g.lineWidth = 1; // TODO: That's just a damned nasty for loop. for (var i = _this.timer.snap(_this.timer.windowMin); i < _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth; i+= _this.timer.snapIncrement) { if (i == 0) continue; var x = Math.round(, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth, 0, width))+0.5; if (i < 0) { _this.g.strokeStyle = '#111'; } else { _this.g.strokeStyle = '#363636'; } _this.g.beginPath(); _this.g.moveTo(x, 0); _this.g.lineTo(x, height-1); _this.g.stroke(); } } // Draw points for (var i in _this.points) { _this.points[i].update(); } for (var i in _this.points) { _this.points[i].render(); } // Draw playhead _this.g.strokeStyle = '#ff0024'; _this.g.lineWidth = 1; var t = Math.round(, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth, 0, width))+0.5; _this.g.beginPath(); _this.g.moveTo(t, 0); _this.g.lineTo(t, height); _this.g.stroke(); } this.render(); var onResize = function() { _this.canvas.width = width = _this.domElement.offsetWidth; _this.canvas.height = height = _this.domElement.offsetHeight; _this.position = GUI.getOffset(_this.canvas); _this.render(); }; window.addEventListener('resize', function(e) { onResize(); }, false); var scrubPan = function() { var t = _this.timer.playhead; var tmin = _this.timer.windowMin + _this.timer.windowWidth/5; var tmax = _this.timer.windowMin + _this.timer.windowWidth - _this.timer.windowWidth/5; if (t < tmin) { _this.timer.windowMin +=, _this.timer.windowMin, tmin, -_this.timer.windowWidth/50, 0); } if (t > tmax) { _this.timer.windowMin += 0; _this.timer.windowMin +=, tmax, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth, 0,_this.timer.windowWidth/50); } } var scrub = function(e) { var t =, _this.position.left, _this.position.left+width, _this.timer.windowMin, _this.timer.windowMin+_this.timer.windowWidth); _this.timer.playhead = _this.timer.snap(t); scrubPan(); } var pan = function(e) { mx = e.pageX; var t = - pmx, 0, width, 0, _this.timer.windowWidth); _this.timer.windowMin -= t; pmx = mx; } this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { // TODO: Detect right click and prevent that menu? if (false) { e.preventDefault(); document.addEventListener('mousemove', pan, false); return false; } var thisDown = GUI.millis(); // Double click creates a keyframe // TODO: You can double click to create a keyframe right on top of an existing keyframe. // TODO: Make 300 a constant of some sort. if (thisDown - lastDown < 300) { var val = _this.controller.getValue(); if (_this.controller.type == 'boolean') { val = !val; } _this.timer.activePoint = new GUI.ScrubberPoint(_this, _this.timer.playhead, val); _this.timer.activePoint.update(); // Grab x and y _this.timer.activePoint.onSelect(); _this.add(_this.timer.activePoint); _this.render(); // A regular click COULD select a point ... } else if (_this.timer.hoverPoint != null) { if (_this.timer.activePoint != _this.timer.hoverPoint) { if (_this.timer.activePoint != null) _this.timer.activePoint.onBlur(); _this.timer.activePoint = _this.timer.hoverPoint; _this.timer.activePoint.onSelect(); } _this.timer.playhead = _this.timer.snap(_this.timer.activePoint.time); pmx = mx = e.pageX; document.addEventListener('mousemove', _this.timer.activePoint.onDrag, false); // Or we could just be trying to place the playhead/scrub. } else { if (_this.timer.activePoint != null) { _this.timer.activePoint.onBlur(); } _this.timer.activePoint = null; _this.timer.hoverPoint = null; scrub(e); = 'text'; _this.timer.pause(); pmx = mx = e.pageX; document.addEventListener('mousemove', scrub, false); _this.render(); } lastDown = thisDown; }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousewheel', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var dx = e.wheelDeltaX*4; var dy = e.wheelDeltaY*4; _this.timer.windowWidth -= dy; _this.timer.windowMin += dy/2 - dx; return false; }, false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { _this.timer.hoverPoint = null; for (var i in _this.points) { var cur = _this.points[i]; if (cur.isHovering(e.pageX-_this.position.left)) { _this.timer.hoverPoint = cur; } } if (_this.timer.hoverPoint == null) { = 'auto'; } else { = 'pointer'; } _this.render(); }); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { = 'auto'; if (_this.timer.activePoint != null) { document.removeEventListener('mousemove', _this.timer.activePoint.onDrag, false); } document.removeEventListener('mousemove', scrub, false); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', pan, false); }, false); onResize(); this.timer.addPlayListener(this.render); var handlePoint = function(point) { if (point != previouslyHandled) { previouslyHandled = point; _this.controller.setValue(point.value); } }; var onPlayChange = function(curTime, prevTime) { if (_this.points.length == 0) return; _this.playing = true; if (_this.controller.type == 'function') { for (var i = 0; i < _this.points.length; i++) { var t = _this.points[i].time; if ((curTime > prevTime && prevTime < t && t < curTime) || (curTime < prevTime && prevTime > t && t > curTime)) { _this.controller.getValue().call(this); } } } else { var prev = undefined, next = undefined; // Find 'surrounding' points. for (var i = 0; i < _this.points.length; i++) { var t = _this.points[i].time; if (t > curTime) { if (i == 0) { prev = null; next = _this.points[i]; break; } else { prev = _this.points[i-1]; next = _this.points[i]; break; } } } if (next == undefined) { prev = _this.points[_this.points.length-1]; next = null; } if (next != null & prev != null) { if (_this.controller.type == 'number') { var t = prev.tween(, prev.time, next.time, 0, 1)); _this.controller.setValue(, 0, 1, prev.value, next.value)); } else { handlePoint(prev); } } else if (next != null) { handlePoint(next); } else if (prev != null) { handlePoint(prev); } } _this.playing = false; }; this.timer.addPlayListener(onPlayChange); this.timer.addWindowListener(this.render); // Load saved points!!!! if (timer.gui.json) { var json = timer.gui.json.timer.scrubbers.splice(0, 1)[0]; for (var i in json.points) { var p = json.points[i]; var pp = new GUI.ScrubberPoint(this, p.time, p.value); if (p.tween) { pp.tween = GUI.Easing[p.tween]; } this.add(pp); } } }; GUI.ScrubberPoint = function(scrubber, time, value) { var _this = this; var g = scrubber.g; var timer = scrubber.timer; var type = scrubber.controller.type; var x, y; this.hold = false; var val; this.__defineSetter__('value', function(v) { val = v; scrubber.render(); }); this.value = value; this.__defineGetter__('value', function() { return val; }); this.__defineGetter__('x', function() { return x; }); this.__defineGetter__('y', function() { return y; }); var barSize = 4; var rectSize = 5; var c1 = '#ffd800'; var c2 = '#ff9000'; var positionTweenSelector = function() { var tweenSelectorLeft = (scrubber.position.left + timer.activePoint.x) - timer.tweenSelector.offsetWidth/2; var tweenSelectorTop = GUI.getOffset(scrubber.canvas, timer.gui.domElement).top + timer.activePoint.y - 25; = tweenSelectorLeft+'px'; = tweenSelectorTop+'px'; } this.onSelect = function() { if (type == 'number') { timer.showTweenSelector(); positionTweenSelector(); var tweenName; for (var i in GUI.Easing) { if (this.tween == GUI.Easing[i]) { tweenName = i; } } timer.tweenSelector.value = tweenName; } } this.onBlur = function() { if (type == 'number') { timer.hideTweenSelector(); } } this.onDrag = function(e) { var t =, scrubber.position.left, scrubber.position.left+scrubber.canvas.width, timer.windowMin, timer.windowMin+timer.windowWidth); _this.time = timer.snap(t); timer.playhead = timer.snap(t); scrubber.sort(); _this.update(); if (type == 'number') { positionTweenSelector(); } } this.getJSON = function() { var obj = { 'value': _this.value, 'time': GUI.roundToDecimal(time,4) }; // TODO: save tweens if (this.tween != GUI.Easing.Linear) { for (var i in GUI.Easing) { if (this.tween == GUI.Easing[i]) { obj.tween = i; } } } return obj; }; this.tween = GUI.Easing.Linear; this.remove = function() { scrubber.points.splice(scrubber.points.indexOf(this), 1); scrubber.render(); }; this.isHovering = function(xx) { return xx >= x-rectSize/2 && xx <= x+rectSize/2; }; this.__defineGetter__('next', function() { if (scrubber.points.length <= 1) { return null; } var i = scrubber.points.indexOf(this); if (i + 1 >= scrubber.points.length) { return null; } return scrubber.points[i+1]; }); this.__defineGetter__('prev', function() { if (scrubber.points.length <= 1) { return null; } var i = scrubber.points.indexOf(this); if (i - 1 < 0) { return null; } return scrubber.points[i-1]; }); this.__defineGetter__('time', function() { return time; }); this.__defineSetter__('time', function(s) { time = s; }); this.update = function() { x =, timer.windowMin, timer.windowMin+timer.windowWidth, 0, 1); x = Math.round(, 0, 1, 0, scrubber.width)); y = scrubber.height/2; if (scrubber.controller.type == 'number') { y =, scrubber.controller.min, scrubber.controller.max, scrubber.height, 0); } } this.render = function() { if (x < 0 || x > scrubber.width) { return; } if (GUI.hidden) { return; } // TODO: if hidden because of scroll top. if (scrubber.timer.activePoint == this) { g.fillStyle = '#ffd800'; // } else if (scrubber.timer.hoverPoint == this) { g.fillStyle = '#999'; } else { g.fillStyle = '#ccc'; } switch (type) { case 'boolean':; g.translate(x, y-0.5); if (this.value) { g.strokeStyle = g.fillStyle; g.lineWidth = barSize; g.beginPath(); g.arc(0, 0, barSize, 0, Math.PI*2, false); g.stroke(); } else { g.rotate(Math.PI/4); g.fillRect(-barSize/2, -barSize*3.5/2, barSize, barSize*3.5); g.rotate(Math.PI/2); g.fillRect(-barSize/2, -barSize*3.5/2, barSize, barSize*3.5); } g.restore(); break; case 'number':; var p = this.prev; g.lineWidth = 3; g.strokeStyle='#222'; if (p != null && p.time < timer.windowMin) { var t =, p.time, this.time, 0, 1); var yy =, 0, 1, p.y, y); g.beginPath(); g.moveTo(0, yy); if (p.tween == GUI.Easing.Linear) { g.lineTo(x, y); } else { for (var i = t; i < 1; i+=0.01) { var tx =, 0, 1, p.x, x); var ty = p.tween(i); ty =, 0, 1, p.y, y); g.lineTo(tx, ty); } } g.stroke(); } var n =; if (n != null) { g.beginPath(); g.moveTo(x, y); if (_this.tween == GUI.Easing.Linear) { g.lineTo(n.x, n.y); } else { for (var i = 0; i < 1; i+=0.01) { var tx =, 0, 1, x, n.x); var ty = _this.tween(i); ty =, 0, 1, y, n.y); g.lineTo(tx, ty); } } g.stroke(); } g.translate(x, y); g.rotate(Math.PI/4); // g.fillStyle = c1; g.fillRect(-rectSize/2, -rectSize/2, rectSize, rectSize); g.restore(); break; default:; g.translate(x-barSize/2, 0); //g.fillStyle = c1; g.fillRect(0, 0, barSize/2, scrubber.height-1); //g.fillStyle = c2; g.fillRect(barSize/2, 0, barSize/2, scrubber.height-1); g.restore(); } } } GUI.Easing = {} GUI.Easing.Linear = function ( k ) { return k; }; GUI.Easing.Hold = function(k) { return 0; } GUI.Easing.QuadraticEaseIn = function ( k ) { return k * k; }; GUI.Easing.QuadraticEaseOut = function ( k ) { return - k * ( k - 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.QuadraticEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * k * k; return - 0.5 * ( --k * ( k - 2 ) - 1 ); }; GUI.Easing.CubicEaseIn = function ( k ) { return k * k * k; }; GUI.Easing.CubicEaseOut = function ( k ) { return --k * k * k + 1; }; GUI.Easing.CubicEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * k * k * k; return 0.5 * ( ( k -= 2 ) * k * k + 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.QuarticEaseIn = function ( k ) { return k * k * k * k; }; GUI.Easing.QuarticEaseOut = function ( k ) { return - ( --k * k * k * k - 1 ); } GUI.Easing.QuarticEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1) return 0.5 * k * k * k * k; return - 0.5 * ( ( k -= 2 ) * k * k * k - 2 ); }; // GUI.Easing.QuinticEaseIn = function ( k ) { return k * k * k * k * k; }; GUI.Easing.QuinticEaseOut = function ( k ) { return ( k = k - 1 ) * k * k * k * k + 1; }; GUI.Easing.QuinticEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * k * k * k * k * k; return 0.5 * ( ( k -= 2 ) * k * k * k * k + 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.SinusoidalEaseIn = function ( k ) { return - Math.cos( k * Math.PI / 2 ) + 1; }; GUI.Easing.SinusoidalEaseOut = function ( k ) { return Math.sin( k * Math.PI / 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.SinusoidalEaseInOut = function ( k ) { return - 0.5 * ( Math.cos( Math.PI * k ) - 1 ); }; GUI.Easing.ExponentialEaseIn = function ( k ) { return k == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow( 2, 10 * ( k - 1 ) ); }; GUI.Easing.ExponentialEaseOut = function ( k ) { return k == 1 ? 1 : - Math.pow( 2, - 10 * k ) + 1; }; GUI.Easing.ExponentialEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( k == 0 ) return 0; if ( k == 1 ) return 1; if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * Math.pow( 2, 10 * ( k - 1 ) ); return 0.5 * ( - Math.pow( 2, - 10 * ( k - 1 ) ) + 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.CircularEaseIn = function ( k ) { return - ( Math.sqrt( 1 - k * k ) - 1); }; GUI.Easing.CircularEaseOut = function ( k ) { return Math.sqrt( 1 - --k * k ); }; GUI.Easing.CircularEaseInOut = function ( k ) { if ( ( k /= 0.5 ) < 1) return - 0.5 * ( Math.sqrt( 1 - k * k) - 1); return 0.5 * ( Math.sqrt( 1 - ( k -= 2) * k) + 1); }; GUI.Easing.ElasticEaseIn = function( k ) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if ( k == 0 ) return 0; if ( k == 1 ) return 1; if ( !p ) p = 0.3; if ( !a || a < 1 ) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p / ( 2 * Math.PI ) * Math.asin( 1 / a ); return - ( a * Math.pow( 2, 10 * ( k -= 1 ) ) * Math.sin( ( k - s ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / p ) ); }; GUI.Easing.ElasticEaseOut = function( k ) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if ( k == 0 ) return 0; if ( k == 1 ) return 1; if ( !p ) p = 0.3; if ( !a || a < 1 ) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p / ( 2 * Math.PI ) * Math.asin( 1 / a ); return ( a * Math.pow( 2, - 10 * k) * Math.sin( ( k - s ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / p ) + 1 ); }; GUI.Easing.ElasticEaseInOut = function( k ) { var s, a = 0.1, p = 0.4; if ( k == 0 ) return 0; if ( k == 1 ) return 1; if ( !p ) p = 0.3; if ( !a || a < 1 ) { a = 1; s = p / 4; } else s = p / ( 2 * Math.PI ) * Math.asin( 1 / a ); if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return - 0.5 * ( a * Math.pow( 2, 10 * ( k -= 1 ) ) * Math.sin( ( k - s ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / p ) ); return a * Math.pow( 2, -10 * ( k -= 1 ) ) * Math.sin( ( k - s ) * ( 2 * Math.PI ) / p ) * 0.5 + 1; }; GUI.Easing.BackEaseIn = function( k ) { var s = 1.70158; return k * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k - s ); }; GUI.Easing.BackEaseOut = function( k ) { var s = 1.70158; return ( k = k - 1 ) * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k + s ) + 1; }; GUI.Easing.BackEaseInOut = function( k ) { var s = 1.70158 * 1.525; if ( ( k *= 2 ) < 1 ) return 0.5 * ( k * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k - s ) ); return 0.5 * ( ( k -= 2 ) * k * ( ( s + 1 ) * k + s ) + 2 ); }; GUI.Easing.BounceEaseIn = function( k ) { return 1 - GUI.Easing.BounceEaseOut( 1 - k ); }; GUI.Easing.BounceEaseOut = function( k ) { if ( ( k /= 1 ) < ( 1 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * k * k; } else if ( k < ( 2 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 1.5 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.75; } else if ( k < ( 2.5 / 2.75 ) ) { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.25 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.9375; } else { return 7.5625 * ( k -= ( 2.625 / 2.75 ) ) * k + 0.984375; } }; GUI.Easing.BounceEaseInOut = function( k ) { if ( k < 0.5 ) return GUI.Easing.BounceEaseIn( k * 2 ) * 0.5; return GUI.Easing.BounceEaseOut( k * 2 - 1 ) * 0.5 + 0.5; };