@import '../shared/shared' // redefine touch because we are the host ... touch( val = true ) { '.touch-' + val } & { block } dur = 0.4s #panel transition transform dur cubic-bezier( 0, 0.8, 0, 1 ) background color-panel .autoplace-true & width panel-width position fixed top 0 .autoplace-true.touch-true & width panel-width-touch .docked-false & right 20px .docked-true & right 0 bottom 0 overflow auto -webkit-overflow-scrolling touch .docked-true.open-false & transform translate3d( panel-width, 0, 0 ) overflow visible .docked-true.open-false.touch-true & transform translate3d( panel-width-touch, 0, 0 ) #controllers panel-font() .docked-true & position absolute width 100% #closeButton panel-font() user-select none cursor pointer text-align center padding padding * 0.75 padding #dockedContent:not(:empty) position fixed top 0 left 0 bottom 0 // needs to be dynamic if we do panel resizing again right: panel-width .open-false & right: 0 gui-button panel-font() background color-panel height row-height position absolute transition all dur cubic-bezier( 0, 0.8, 0, 1 ) // .open-false & // transition-delay stagger * 0.5 .docked-true & top 0 right 0 width row-height*1.5 height row-height*1.5 box-sizing border-box background color-panel .docked-true.open-false & transform translate3d( - panel-width, 0, 0 ) .docked-true.open-false.touch-true & transform translate3d( - panel-width-touch, 0, 0 ) .docked-false & right 0 left 0