describe( 'Gui', function() { it( 'exists', function() { expect( Gui ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'has a ready callback', function() { var ready = { ready: function() {} }; spyOn( ready, 'ready' ); expect( Gui.ready ).toBeDefined(); runs( function() { Gui.ready( ready.ready ); } ); waits( 100 ); runs( function() { expect( ready.ready ).toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); } ); it( 'picks the right controller for the job', function() { expectController( 'dat-gui-number', 1234 ); expectController( 'dat-gui-string', 'string value' ); expectController( 'dat-gui-function', function() {} ); expectController( 'dat-gui-boolean', true ); expectController( 'dat-gui-option', 'hey', [ 'hey', 'hi', 'ho' ] ); expectController( 'dat-gui-option', 'a', { a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' } ); // expectController( 'controller-color', '#00ff00' ); // expectController( 'controller-color', '#aba' ); // expectController( 'controller-color', 'rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.2)' ); // expectController( 'controller-color', 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' ); // expectController( 'controller-color', 'hsl(240, 100%, 50%)' ); // expectController( 'controller-color', 'hsla(255, 100%, 40%, 0.5)' ); } ); function expectController( controllerType, value ) { var gui = new Gui(); // test using gui.add var params = { 'name': value }; var args = arguments, 2 ); args.unshift( 'name' ); args.unshift( params ); var controller = gui.add.apply( gui, args ); expect( controller.nodeName.toLowerCase() ).toBe( controllerType ); // test using gui.anon var gui = new Gui(); args = arguments, 2 ); args.unshift( value ); args.unshift( 'name' ); controller = gui.var.apply( gui, args ); expect( controller.nodeName.toLowerCase() ).toBe( controllerType ); } } );